Chapter 236 - 236 The Seven Medical Angels' of HADES

It has been said, "Time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. ---- Rose Kennedy

"Duke Lawrence, everything has been settled now, no more worries, and I just gave some medicines to the evil witches" Dr. Jermaine Sigh reported to the Duke after 1 ½ hour of battling the awful smell inside the testing room but still there is a foul odor inside the room were Suzy and Sofia's lies. "The Hawks are quite a sadist this time your Grace, I think they added something potent ingredient to whatever food these two women ingested. My group has found it very difficult to explain to others what kind of disease do these two women have, Fortunately, I told my people that the Hawks punished these two. I'll send it to you and Dr. Amber and Dr. Alexei the test results and pictures of the aftermath tomorrow "Dr. Jermaine added.​​

Duke Lawrence: "Thank you Jermaine and give my thanks to the group. I've already wired your bonuses and compensations, you all can take a three weeks' vacation. I've already taken care of it and Amethyst, Topaz and Opal will be joining your group"

Dr. Jermaine Sigh: "Your Welcome My Grace and Thank you also for everything. I'll get you posted for other updates about the two women and also to the woman with an amputated left leg that Hermes brought here this morning."


City A Hospital

"Dr. Jermaine, do you think we still need to do some test here? This is one of the first time and the worst case if skin allergies that I have encountered in my entire life as a doctor." Dr. Sarah Chua said while she cleans some black dots and rashes from Sofia's body.

Dr. Jermaine Sigh shook his head and looks at Sofia's body full of rashes and even though they've already disinfected and sanitized it, her body still emits an awful smell, her body looks like a decomposing corpse, luckily not too bad because it does not penetrate the bone but still her body has the most severe wounds and it may lead into an ugly scar.

Suzy Su, on the other hand, was also given a sedative to calm her down, she became hysterical earlier especially when she found out that the black dots had severely damaged Sofia's body. Her former white and flawless skin is now gone, she has now been replaced by seemingly scaly skin, deep black dots and wounds and most of all her body odor are a bit smelly.

Dr. Yuri Lim: "I think we must send some human skin samples to the laboratory, we need to do the medical procedures so that people here at City A Hospital will not be surprised. But the punishment given by the Hawks to these two is severe."

"They would not have done that if they had not planned to hurt Lady Luna, and fortunately they only reached this way because if the Knights had taken the punishment they might have been skinned," Dr. Jermaine said as they scrutinize the wounds to check if it is infected. They are currently attending to Sofia's body, as they cleanse, disinfect, and sanitize it to avoid infection. "It's okay for the meantime, just be ready guys because when she wakes up, she will be hysterical. Put handcuffs on both hands so that the worst scenario can be avoided and the name of the hospital will not be ruined and we might lose some VIP patients, this room is not soundproof and yet we still need to be alert." Dr. Jermaine Sigh reminded them.

"I'll just take the skin samples to the laboratory for testing, and boss she's still a bit smelly. I think we need to have an air purifier here in this room so that the stinky smell will not be absorbed by the bed, because the stench gives pain in the c.h.e.s.t and head when you inhale the air around here, the smell is awful" Dr. Kevin Garcia told them then he went out to go to the laboratory. 


After the phone that Dr. Jermaine Sigh has done with Duke Lawrence, he went to the private room where Mia Chen was accommodated. He checks on her situation and her amputated left leg, he knew that the great bosses have done quite a barbaric type of marking to her but due to her wrongdoings towards Luna it is not enough punishment for her to received. 

"Dr. Yuri Lim, have you called the Chen Elders? Did you informed them about their daughter-in-law's situation?" Dr. Jermaine Sigh asks his subordinate as he changes the dressing of Mia's wound. "Yes, they also ask if she is now accommodated here at our VIP rooms and they've asked our help to contact her husband Edward Chen and her son Louie Chen" Dr. Yuri replied. "They said that they can't contact both men, and they don't know their current location. Dr. Yuri Lim added. Then suddenly Dr. Jermaine Sigh's phone vibrated and a message was received, 

Dr. Jermaine Sigh:

Edward and Louie Chen are with us, James Su was sent back to the Su Enterprise as of the moment. If the Chen Elders will ask you about the two men just tell them that you and the hospital can't reach them. We are flying back to the City of Wise at around two in the morning, we have already talked to some of your superiors so don't worry anymore. ---- Prince Stephen Voronov

Dr. Jermaine Sigh lets out a soft chuckled, he knew that he was in a very tight position right now. But he needs to follow orders from their great bosses. They are the known Medical Angels' of HADES and they are assigned to City A hospital for almost three years to make some connections especially that the planned revenge towards the Su and Chen families is in process. "Don't worry anymore, I've got some message from the great bosses if Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Chen will arrive just call me at my quarters. Dr. Yuri Lim, after these errands please inform the others to take a rest and order some foods and we will have a food party at my quarters" said Dr. Jermaine Sigh to Yuri who is now yawning out of exhaustion. 


Paging Dr. Jermaine Sigh...Paging Dr. Jermaine Sigh...You are needed in the emergency room. Dr, Jermaine Sigh and Dr. Yuri Lim both chuckled as they heard the PI system calling his name, "Do you want me to tag along?!" Dr. Yuri Lim asks him. "Nah! You order Buffalo wings with lots of sauce, pepperoni pizza, cheese sticks, mango juice, sodas, and food that you like to eat, and don't forget the other five medical angels to ask what they like, my treat. I'll take care of this matter and I'll see you all inside my quarters but start without me" Dr. Jermaine Sigh ordered his co doctor as handed a dozen of cash and he walks away and went to the emergency room. 

When Dr. Jermaine Sigh went to the information center at the emergency room he asks the nurse on duty why is he have been called, the nurse points her finger to the two Elders seated at the farthest corner of the room with bodyguards with them. Dr. Jermaine already has a hunch who they are but still he pretends that they are a common relative of a patient, he gave his thank and smiled to the nurse on duty and went to the Elders. 

Dr. Jermaine Sigh: "Good Evening Sir and Ma'am, I am Dr. Jermaine Sigh, doctor of allergies, what can I do to help you?"

Rafael Chen who emits a very dangerous aura lifts his headband look straight to the doctors' eyes, "Good Evening Doctor, I am Rafael Chen and this is my wife Clara Chen, we got a call from your hospital that my daughter-in-law was taken here and she is currently in your care" Rafael told him.

"Yes Sir, Please follow me to her room. I would like to advise you both to be calm after you will see her condition right now and if you want you could talk to her, but as of the moment she was heavily sedated for she has undergone a very traumatic experience." Dr. Jermaine Sigh explained to the Chen Elders as they walk and went to the VIP rooms were Mia was laying in one of the beds. 

As they entered the room 8585 of the VIP suite, Clara gasps as she saw the amputated left leg of Mia. Rafael clenched his fist to see how awful the situation of her daughter - in - law. "We also found these doc.u.ments on her possession when we are treating a while ago. Don't worry Sir and Madam, I was the only one who saw and read the doc.u.ments, and to tell you frankly it is quite confidential" Dr. Jermaine informed them. Dr. Jermaine Sigh handed the enveloped with the wordings DNA TEST RESULTS written in bold letters. 

Rafael and Clara's brow furrows as they both take their seat on the couch and opened the contents of the enveloped and read it. It contains two test results, the first four papers indicate that Mia and Louie are 99.99% match but the other one it indicates that Edward and Louie is 0% match, it only means that Louie is not Edwards son and he doesn't have the blood of the Chen's, then the other result was the DNA result of the twins' and Louie, they also got pictures of the twins and Luna. Clara shook her head as she can't imagine that the boy she pampered was not a Chen, her face turned pale upon seeing it and for Rafael Chen, he wants to kill Mia right that moment but he can't do it for they are in the hospital. 

"Rafael! I can't take this result! Louie is my grandson! Whatever happens, Louie is still my grandson! We can get rid of Mia but still, Louie will stay a Chen and he is my only grandson!" Clara shouted before she fainted. 

Thank you for your support dear readers. lots of love from me and a bear hug.