Chapter 237 - 237 Rafael and Clara Chen….Investigates

Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you because one-sided expectations kill you ---- Unknown Author

"Rafael! I can't take this result! Louie is my grandson! Whatever happens, Louie is still my grandson! We can get rid of Mia but still, Louie will stay a Chen and he is my only grandson! And the twins are our great-grandchildren! Rafael promise me that!" Clara shouted before she fainted. And luckily Rafael was able to catch her, Dr. Jermaine Sigh got worried about what happened to the old lady and he immediately message his subordinates to come to the VIP room where Mia Chen was confined. As soon as his subordinates received his message they immediately rush towards the room and carried Mrs. Clara Chen.​​

"Sir, I think we should lay down your wife first in the separate bed intended for the patient guards, also for my people to check on her." Dr. Jermaine Sigh told Elder Rafael Chen, the Old Man nodded his head as he lets them check his wife's condition. After a series of check up on Clara Chen's condition Dr. Jermaine Sigh's subordinates gave him the test results.

Dr. Jermaine Sigh: "Your wife is out of danger Sir, she is probably exhausted and needs some rest. Maybe it would be better if you took a rest too, your daughter will wake up tomorrow because she is highly sedated right now due to surgery he on the left leg."

Rafael nods his head but before Dr. Jermaine Sigh can go out of the VIP room, "She is not my daughter, but how did my daughter in law end like this here? I mean how come she got an amputation like that on her left leg? Who brought her here? Rafael Chen asked as a doctor. Dr. Jermaine Sigh look at him and gave out a deep sighed. "Someone brought your daughter in law here, to what happened to her... We don't know. The person who brought her here said that he found her along the highway in that condition already, the beautiful operation and the stitching of her amputation wound is very good and it seemed like it is very proficient, as the work of a good doctor. We just cleaned and sanitized the wound so that it would not be infected. If anyone did that to her, he might be very angry with her or they have some grudges, did you have any idea to whom she might offend? says is Dr. Jermaine Sigh.

Rafael smiled at the doctor but shook his head, he gave his thanks and told him that if they need anything he will ask someone to call him for them, Dr. Jermaine Sigh nodded and went out the room. Rafael took a seat beside his wife who is now sleeping, he was holding the doc.u.ments and the pictures of Luna and the twins. The twins are very adorable on the picture and the young boy is the spitting image of Louie when he was of the same age, "Oh Lucas! Why didn't you inform me about this? Why didn't you tell me about Luna being alive and has given birth to a twin?" he suddenly blurted out. 

Then suddenly he took out his phone and dialed a certain number, "Hello, I know it Christmas Day but I need you and your men to investigate something for me. I want you to investigate the Cheung couple, I mean Lucas and Eva Cheung. I also want you to investigate everything about my daughter in law Mia, I want you to dig in everything from her past. I need it ASAP" Rafael said to one of his lackeys. He will intervene to his son and grandson's lives now, for he can't accept that fact that the woman who is laying on the hospital bed, has made them fool for almost twenty plus years and she even ruined the marriage ties between him and Lucas when she said the Edward i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e her. 

Rafael tried to call his son again but his call can't go through, even his grandson's phone has turned off. Then suddenly he got a message from an unknown number:

Hi, I want to let you know that your son Edward Chen and your Grandson Louie Chen is with us. They will celebrate New Year's Day with us, as they want to get close to us, especially your grandson for he is our so-called father for he donates his s.p.e.r.m to our mother's w.o.m.b five years ago. Please do not worry about their safety. Give out regards to Grandmama Clara.

Zagreus and Macaria

Rafael brows furrow upon receiving the message but he can feel certain ease on his heart, but he still can't figure out why Edward and Louie aren't with Mia especially on Christmas Day as they knew that today is the most celebrated occasion at the Chen Mansion. Edward knew that Christmas Day was important to Louie, "Wait if Luna's children are with Louie, where is Sofia?" said Rafael to himself. 

Then Rafael tried to call James at their Residence to see if Sofia is with them, but no one answered James' phone, even when he called Sofia's cellphone the same thing happened. Rafael was nervous, he knows that there is someone behind on these incidents, he knows and he feels that the person who committed the amputation of Mia's left leg is taking revenge on whatever she has done in the past. Then suddenly a piece of music was heard inside the room, Rafael furrow his brows upon hearing the song of Queen titled "Too Much Love Will Kill You" ( "What's with the song?" he asked himself but he ignored it. 

Then suddenly he got a call from his lackey's, "Old Master Chen, the Cheungs' are not in their Mansion, some of our informants said that they celebrated yesterday's Charity Gala by the Vallini's and Vendari's. They are now at Pearl Plaza, Villa 8 to Celebrate Christmas Day together with Ms. Lily Cheung and Luna Su together with Luna Su's children, the Wu family was also there. And for James Su, he was at the Su Enterprise, but for his wife and daughter, they are confined at City A hospital for an unknown disease. As of the moment, we are still gathering all information about your daughter in law" the lackey reported to him. Rafael was intently listening to the report, but his face turned pale when he heard that Lily is alive. "Could you repeat your report about the Cheungs?" he asked again his lackey, he wants to hear the report to make sure that what he heard was not wrong. 

After talking to one of his people, Rafael put down his cellphone. "Lily alive?! Lily is very much loved by her son Edward, but why did the Cheung's hide it from them nor him? Is that how they hate me? In my family? But why does the Wu family knows about Lily and Luna's existence and even the twins?" Edward whispered to himself. He was in deep thought when his phone suddenly vibrates again, this time he was shocked to see the message, it came from Edward and it seemed that he already planned this for a long time. 


"I want to divorce Mia, she has done too many schemes to my life. I know that Louie is not my son for I've already done the paternity test right after he was born, but I don't want to take your happiness when I see you and Mom held Louie on your arms. I can't take that happiness away from you, Lily is alive and I am planning to be with her even as a friend for she already found a man that can take care of her. Even though Louie is not my real child, I still consider him and still treat him as my child. We have already met Luna's children, my two adorable grandchildren, I want to spend time with them. I am with Louie and he wants to be with his children this New Year. Dad, I'll be back next year, just take care of Mia for now because I know she can't stand and bear that I will divorce her. I'll talk to Luna regarding you and Mom meeting the twins' and I will also ask Luna's husband. Luna is married to a very fine young man, Dad there is nothing you can do to force Luna to use the surname Chen to the twins. And Dad, Louie already divorce Sofia for he also found out about Sofia's schemes and infidelity."


As Rafael read his sons' message to him, he felt a sudden pang to his heart, "So it's confirmed! Louie is not my real grandson!" Rafael shouted to himself, then he looks at the sleeping form of Mia. "If my son wants to divorce you scheming with, I'll support him but still I want to punish you! I'll punish you till you wish you will be dead, as for Louie...Louie will stay as a CHEN! no one will know that he is not my sons' blood. But still, I'll put up a fight with the twins' custody, I don't care if I will spend thousand or billions worth of money for them" Rafael said to himself so loudly that his wife Clara heard him.

Clara just woke up when she heard her husband talking to someone on his phone, she also heard the Lily and Luna are alive and she also heard her husband's words a while ago but she just keeps her mouth shut as she observes Rafael who is now fuming in anger. As Clara closed her eyes again, she recalled Lily's face. Lily was crying on her shoulder as Lily told her what Edward has done to her, Edward crashes her heart that time but still, she can't find time not to care and hate his son, for her Edward still have a special place on her heart. She bid farewell to her, but she can't say it to Edward, then she remembered what she said to Lily at that time. "Lily, Darling... You have the right to leave someone especially my son, but at least tell him why to tell him everything that's inside your heart, cause what's even more painful being cheated and abandoned, is knowing you're not worth an explanation." That time Lily just smiled at her after she had said her piece, Lily smiled at her and she said that maybe not this time....maybe if the wounds are already healed that she can talk to her son. As Clara opened her eyes, she saw that her husband is staring at her very intently, "Rafael, do you remember the last time we saw Lily? It was also the last time she sang her unspoken words for Edward but she let us hear it." Clara said to her husband. Rafael nods his head and he took out his phone and he went to the audio recording, he played it as they both listened to Lily's version of "Wooden Heart" ( They both kept the recording as a remembrance of Lily's voice and sometimes they played it during dinner with Edwards' family for they want their son to have the courage to look for Lily and ask forgiveness.