Chapter 238 - 238 Now that you’re gone….Edward and Mia Chen’s divorce

Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows ---- Unknown Author 

Rafael called his lawyer, Atty. Shane David; Atty. Shane David was Atty. Samantha Wu's friend and they were classmates during their University in one of the tops Schools for lawyers. They only had a gap when Louie married Sofia Su and even Atty. Rebecca Alberts who is Louie's trusted lawyer has some issues with the very prominent lawyer Samantha Wu and both lawyers did not survive nor escape from the wrath of the family. The Wu triplets ensure that Atty. Shane David and Atty. Rebecca Alberts will be defeated nor lost the battle in their company cases especially when the defense lawyer is Atty. Samantha Wu. The Wu family was so angry with the Chen family especially when they found out that Louie was hurting Luna, physically, mentally, and most especially emotionally but their anger intensified when they found out that Luna had died because of Sofia and Louie.​​

After the second ring Atty. Shane David answers her phone but before she could speak she already heard the stern voice of her boss, "I want you to write a draft about Edward and Mia's divorce. Edward will just give a sum of 5 million dollars, the Penthouse at Fort Knox, and the latest Ferrari or Audi as alimony to her. She will not bear the surname Chen anymore, she will be blacklisted to all connections that the Chen family has and she will be out from the family registry as the Madam of the Chen clan and she will be back as Mia Chui. She will be sued by us for not telling us the truth about Louie's real identity and for all the schemes she has done to Lily Cheung if she will not agree and sign the divorce agreement with my son Edward." Atty. Shane David gasp as she heard her boss's orders. 

She also seems at daze as her boss gave instructions on what she will do if Mia Chen will not sign those papers but she wants to be sure she asks Old Master Rafael Chen again. "Old Master Cheung could you repeat that? I am sorry, for I was lost as I heard that Master Edward will and want to divorce his wife. And we must gather some proper doc.u.ments to make the divorce more credible because we don't know what your daughter in law might do as her counter-attack" Atty. Shane David said her piece but still her mind in processing the words that her boss have just said to her. 

Rafael Chen: "I'll send to you some pictures of the doc.u.ments that I have in my hand, and I know you applied for a week vacation but I need this one right now. Please come to the Chen Mansion tomorrow at Pearl Plaza, Villa 7. I'll discuss some details about the divorce and I also want to ask something about the custody case for my great-grandchildren. Mia is here at City A Hospital VIP room, but don't visit her anymore for I will be the one to give the doc.u.ments to her."

BOOM... it's like a bomb to Atty. Shane's ears, great-grandchildren? custody? She wants to ask furthermore but she controls herself. "Great-grandchildren, to whom? Does Young Master Louie had a child with other women? But to whom? Does he have children with his former wife Luna?" she asks herself. 

Atty. Shane David: "Do you need Atty. Rebecca Alberts' presence tomorrow Old Master? I can contact her if you want to and I think we will be needing her for this matter."

"Yes please, and do tell her to bring all the doc.u.ments that she has regarding Louie's divorce agreement between my grandson and Luna Su. I need to see all of it for I need to win Luna's heart again for her to marry Louie again" Rafael Chen told her and he ended his call. 

After his call to Atty. Shane David, Rafael's gaze fell upon the sleeping woman in the hospital bed; his wife Clara is not worried about the lady's condition but rather she is very worried about Louie, they can't afford to lose Louie and she can't accept it. Especially now that she and Rafael found out that they have grandchildren with Louie and Luna. Clara wants to see her grandchildren in person, she wants to hug and kiss them.

It's already three in the morning and yet the Old Chen couple can't sleep for they want to know the real story between Louie's identity, what they right now are a piece of doc.u.ments....a DNA results and it is very accurate. With so much on their minds, they were unaware of the three nurses has entered the room. "Good Morning Sir... Ma'am, Dr. Jermaine Sigh said that you have to eat something and he prepared chicken porridge for the two of you to give warmth to your stomach" Nurse Joan Hewitt told them. 

"We will check on the patients' vitals, we need to make sure that her wounds are not infected" Nurse Mike Banderas informed them, while Nurse Gloria Pitt arrange some air humidifier inside the room and she put a lavender essence for calming. Rafael and Clara smiled to the three nurses for their kindness, they also didn't forget to give their thanks to Dr. Jermaine Sigh for the porridge that he cooked for them. 

Then at around four in the morning, Mia wakes up, as she opens her eyes and looks at the place where she is; she felt suddenly nervous but when she smelled the faint scent of alcohol and looked around again, she realized that she was in the hospital. "Edward?" she said as she looks for Edward. Mia slowly stood up to sit down, but why she could feel that there are somethings wrong, it feels that there was a missing part of her body, and the last thing she remembered was being bitten by a big wild cat while having a conversation with people close to Lily and Luna and they were talking or rather interrogating her and worst torturing her, her husband and James. She was still looking for Edward, but to her surprise and it gives her a fright when her in-laws appeared right in front of her. 


"Mom...Dad...Where am I? Where is Edward? Mia asks both Rafael and Clara Chen, Clara was fuming in anger, and out of the blue Clara gives two slaps on Mia's face. Mia was a surprise for the sudden move of her mother in law, as Mia puts her hand on her face and she cried right that instance. 

Mia: 'What did I do Mom? Why did you slap me?"

Clara: "You are asking me why I did that?! That was not enough Mia! It is not enough for all the things that you have done to my son Edward and Lily!"

Mia furrow her brows, "Lily? Lily again! When will Lily's ghost stop bothering me nor when will you all stop comparing me to Lily? I am Edward's wife now and I gave him a son, a son and that was Louie! Why are you doing this to me?!"

Rafael and Clara laugh out loud, 'Are you out of your mind Mia Chui? Louie is not Edward's son and we have some doc.u.ments to prove them to you so don't give us that pitiful look to us because it will not work" Rafael Chen mockingly said to her. Mia was a shock to what her father in law has just said to her, and what makes more surprise her was when they heard the song If the feeling is gone by Ella Mae Saison ( was heard inside the room. Rafael and Clara didn't pay any attention to what is happening inside their surrounding for all they want are to tear or skin Mia alive. As the song played Mia's mind seems not working, she was having some recollection of what happened to her when she was at Villa 8, then she just came back to her senses when Rafael Chen snap his fingers in front of her. 

"You will sign the divorce papers later Mia, you will divorce my son and as for Louie, he will remain a Chen as Edward recognized him as his son. We just can't tolerate the things you have done to our family and most especially with the Cheungs' and if you will not sign those doc.u.ments we will sue you and we will make it sure that you will rot in jail. Edward requested this divorce Mia Chui" Rafael Chen informs her. 

"No! No! Edward will not divorce me....He loves me so much....I am the one he marries and not that bitch Lily Cheung!" Mia shouted as her tears flow non stop on her faces. Clara smirk at her, "You know that my son doesn't love you and he never loved you, Mia Chui. He was just man enough to marry you because you said that he i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed you and yet we receive this kind of doc.u.ments stating that Louie is not my sons' flesh and blood. There is no Chen blood on his veins and still, he recognized him as his own. Mia, it hurts when you realize you aren't important to someone as you thought you were, and it is much painful to know that my son Edward doesn't have even an ounce of love towards you. Yes, I know that he still loves Lily, and he didn't stop looking and searching for her from the moment that James Su kicks her out from the Su Residence" Clara informed her at it was like a time bomb for Mia. 

Mia closes her eyes and it seems her mind doesn't accept the information that she just has heard, 

it was as if the words that Edward's mother had left and informed her had not sunk into her mind. She can't accept the fact that all through the years they have spent together, Edward doesn't even fell in love with her. Mia shook her head and she cried and cried and it was very loud that even the ears of the Chen Elders hurt, Rafael, push the button to call the attention of a doctor nurse on duty. 

Just about three seconds Dr. Yuri Lim, Dr. Sarah Chua, and two nurses came in and gave Mia a tranquilizer. "She will be at peace until this noon, don't worry Sir....Ma'am....everything that happened here today will not be leaked out from the public" says Dr. Yuri Lim to the Elder Chen and Dr. Sarah Chua gave them an assurance about it. "Please do take a rest for a while, we will leave Nurse Joan and Nurse Gloria here so that both of you will be secured," Dr. Sarah Chua told them. After that, the doctors left and the Chen Elders went to a separate room to take a nap, as for the two elite medical angels sat down on the couch and they both made it sure that the Elders will going to be secured to the crazy lady in front of them sleeping.