Chapter 239 - 239 Now that you’re gone….Edward and Mia Chen’s divorce

Sometimes some things are just never meant to be, no matter how much we wish they were and no matter how much we fight for it. ---- Unknown Author

City A Hospital, VIP Room​​

At exactly seven o'clock in the morning, Mia wakes up and she finds her in-laws staring.... no, they are glaring at her. She gave them a faint smile for she still feels groggy because of whatever medicine that the doctors have injected on her. But before that, the nurses who look after her when the Chen Elders took their rest was nowhere to be found for they left immediately after an hour before seven because Rafael Chen wakes up at around five-thirty in the morning and he told them to take their rest as he can manage the situation if Mia will wake up. But before the nurses could leave, Rafael could not bear to ask about the songs they heard when they were talking to Mia and even when they entered the room they can still hear the song. The nurses' only response to him was, "Sir, maybe someone turned the PA system last night because of boredom and they might play their favorite songs" Nurse Gloria Pitt explained to him. But to the minds of the nurses, they do wish that he will buy their explanation, for they knew that the Hawks might be giving them some mental torture through music.

After some time, Rafael saw his wife waking up and he gave a cup of coffee that the nurses gave to him a while ago. Before he finishes his coffee he could see from the corner of his eyes that Mia has finally waked up and he spoke to her, but he was not looking at her at all for he could feel disgusted to the woman he treated as a daughter in law for how many years.

Rafael: "We will leave you here for a while, we will see if Edward is back to your residence. The doctors and nurses here will be on guard for your safety, they will report to me everything and anything that will happen here so be good and don't cause any trouble."

Mia nods her head but she can feel the coldness of her father in law. She knew that they already have an idea about her darkest secret, she wants to ask questions about Edwards' whereabouts but she kept her mouth shut. They will never tell anything about Edward anymore, but still, she hopes that they don't get the pieces of information' about Lily being alive and most especially Luna. Clara was giving her a deadly glare, and it seems that her mother in law is just controlling herself not to skin her alive, then suddenly... the voice of her mother in law was heard inside the room. 

Clara: "Remember this Mia Chui, you are not my sons' first love not his forever love. Remember this, your first love is always alive and lives all the time in your heart. No matter how much you try to forget, it never goes away from your heart. And Edward's first love was and always be Lily Cheung, they say that first love is always your favorite, so I guessed it's always something special or they always have a special place on their heart. And you are not that special to my son."

Mia's tear fell all of a sudden, this was the first time that she treated like this by her in-laws, she was like trash and she could feel that they despise her. Rafael and Clara Chen leave immediately, they didn't even ask her if she was okay or if she was hungry or what happened to her and why did she end up like this; there are so many questions flooded her mind. She knew that this will be her end, she will no longer be the Madam of the Chen clan, and she still lost to Lily. "Edward, our parting was still like a stalemate....neither of us won, yet both of us lost. But still, you have Louie by your side if he will find out about the truth, and I know that Lily will still forgive you for the two of you have something from the past. You may not have her as a wife and yet the friendship you built since childhood was preserve and even that I can't ruin. And worse still....that unshakable feeling that nothing was ever really finished" says Mia to herself. 

Mia laughed, her laughter was like she was crazy, and in that situation, Dr. Jermaine Sigh and Dr. Yuri Lim saw her, the two just shook their heads but still, they kept their guards on high alert. They do not know if they will feel sorry or angry with her for the hurt she did to Luna. She is the reason why Luna's family was ruined and she is also the reason why Luna had a trauma while she was pregnant with the twins when she was just in the City of Wise with Dimitri and Ryder.

Dr. Jermaine Sigh: "Ms. Mia Chui, your wound on your left leg was okay now and it was not infected at all. We will just run some tests of your blood for we found some traces of Amphetamine drugs on your clothes when someone brought you here, and on your purse, we also found some Dexedrine Spansule and it is quite questionable on your side. We can't contact your husband and son as of the moment and only your in-laws. But before they leave the hospital they informed us that you are no longer connected with the Chen's that's why I am...No....We are addressing you as Ms. Mia Chui."



Pearl Plaza; Villa 7

Rafael and Clara Chen went to where Louie resides and to their surprise, the Old Lee couple was there and even their old servants who used to work there when Luna was still the Young Madam of the Chen Clan. 

Rafael and Clara: "Ben?! Betty?!"

Old Butler Lee: "Good Morning Old Master Rafael, Madam Clara. Master Edward and Young Master Louie were not around as of the moment and they ask us to accompany you for the meantime. Atty. Shane David and Atty. Rebecca Alberts are already here and they are waiting for at the garden and we already serve them breakfast".

Housekeeper Lee: "We will serve your breakfast at the garden also Old Master, Madam. Master Edward also told us to give you some doc.u.ments and it is very confidential and you can't show it to anyone." (Housekeeper Lee handed a brown envelope to Edward's parents. It contains the medical records of Edward, the test results that will prove that he is infertile during the times that something happened to them with Mia).

As the couple went to the garden they've heard the conversation of the two lawyers, and they eavesdrop first before they show themselves to the two who are busy reading some doc.u.ments and talking. They even ask the servants not to interrupt them, for they need to investigate more about the behavior of Edward and most especially Louie.

Atty. Shane David: "What do you mean by...? Luna Su is alive?! Didn't we receive some information that on December 25th she died and beyond recognizable at the train station? And it marks the conflict between us and the Wu triplets?"

Atty. Rebecca Alberts: "She is alive Shane, she is more stunning, drop jaw gorgeous, s.e.xy and beautiful. But she is known as Autumn Jade Vallini right now, and we all thought that she has amnesia. She has a powerful backing as what Dr. Harry Si told us, the people that protect her and her kids are not easy to offend. And Lady Autumn is Ms. Luna, that's why Sir Louie filed a divorce against Ms. Sofia right after the annual party of the Chen Corporation. Ms. Luna has twins, a boy, and a girl, and both are the spitting images of Sir Louie especially the little boy. We have some pictures and videos of them at Sir Louie's laptop"

Atty. Shane David: "Kids?! OMG Rebecca, it means that Young Master Louie has a child with Ms. Luna? But why is it that Ms. Luna didn't show herself? Why did she wait for five years before she came back? Didn't Young Master Louie look and search for Ms. Luna's whereabouts for almost five years also? Do you think Young Master Louie could win the custody when he weaves in court?"

Atty. Rebecca Alberts: "Yes, he do search and look for Ms. Luna's whereabouts but it seemed that her identity and whereabouts were disclosed and I don't think that Sir Louie could win the custody case, Sir Louie already waive his rights with the twins five years ago. He signed a doc.u.ment with Ms. Luna when they both agreed to be divorce. The doc.u.ment stated that "He...Louie Chen can't take anything away from Ms. Luna whether it is a living or non-living thing, it also included whether Ms. Luna will bear a child for him" that's what Samantha Wu made and I already discuss it with Sir Louie Chen and the other bosses."

Atty. Shane David "OMG! But my bosses, I mean Old Master Rafael and Madam Clara wants to file a custody case with their great-grandchildren

Atty. Rebecca Alberts: "I just don't know if our bosses are still going to win if we file a custody case for the twins, especially Sir Louie. All I know is that Ms. Luna is already married, she got married this month and the twins are adopted by Ms. Luna's husband, so legally the twins of Ms. Luna have had a father."

Rafael and Clara's faces turned red out of anger, they can't accept the fact that the twins' will have another father and their surnames will not be a Chen. The immediately rush to where the two lawyers are, "Atty. Alberts, could you please enlighten me about this matter. I want to know everything, from the moment Louie divorce Luna, up to what happened about the twins having a father." a serious, cold tone voice of Rafael Chen was heard. 

Atty. Shane David and Atty. Rebecca Alberts: "Boss!!!"