Chapter 240 - 240 Now that you’re gone….Edward and Mia Chen’s divorce (3)

Rafael and Clara's faces turned red out of anger, they can't accept the fact that the twins' will have another father and their surnames will not be a Chen. They immediately rush to where the two lawyers are, "Atty. Alberts, could you please enlighten me about this matter. I want to know everything, from the moment Louie divorce Luna, up to what happened about the twins having a father." a serious, cold tone voice of Rafael Chen was heard. 

Atty. Shane David and Atty. Rebecca Alberts: "Boss!!!"​​

Shane and Rebecca yelled in unison and suddenly they both swallowed a mouthful of saliva because of extreme nervousness. The two lawyers do not know if they will hide or run, because they feel the fuming anger of their two bosses. "Atty. Rebecca Alberts, I know you are one of the trusted people of Louie. I want to know everything....from the moment Louie and Luna decided to end their marriage up to what happened these past few weeks. I just got some bits of information regarding the collaboration of some prominent people from Italy specifically at the City of Wise. How come there are people that suddenly have the interest to have business collaboration with the Chen Corporation." Rafael said to the frightened Atty. Rebecca Alberts. 

Clara Chen: "But don't forget to tell us about the agreement that my grandson Louie signed about waiving his rights to whatever does Luna owns. We don't care if Luna is already rich and famous, but the rights of their children. We want to know why is it that even if we fight for custody rights, we will still be lost to it."

Atty. Rebecca Alberts let out a deep sighed, "Old Master, Ma'am I think we need to sit down first so that your blood pressure will not rise. And I think we need the Old Lee couple here so that they will also tell the other sides of the story. 

Rafael and Clara Chen nodded their heads, they've called the Old Lee couple and all the servants inside the Villa 7, all people who used to work there when Luna was still living inside the Villa. They are all currently living at Villa 8 right now and since their flight going to City of Wise is in the afternoon they all volunteered to be at service when the Old Chen couple arrives at Villa 7 and it is also as requested by Edward Chen and Luna. They didn't hesitate for they also like to see their old masters and the blessings from their new masters were given to them, as the two Old couple took their seats the servants, Old Lee Couple and Old Driver Lu stood in front of them. 

Rafael Chen: "Tell us everything, I want to know everything that happened."

Old Butler Lee and his wife Housekeeper Lee took a deep breath, he recalled all Luna's request to him. 


At the living room, Luna called the Old Butler Lee, Housekeeper Lee and almost all the servants who used to work at the Villa 7 when she was still married to Louie, the family feast is already over that time and all the men and women of both HADES and Phantoms are now cleaning the garden. The Elders and Wu parents are now given time to rest for their early flight, whereas the twins' requested the Duke and the great bosses that they want to join their parents to their afternoon flight. They said that they still have some unfinished business to do, Edward joined his son Louie to his room to take ample time to rest. Ethan and Kim were joined by Harry and Yuan as they all talked about what will happen in the future of Louie. 

As the Lee couple and servants took their seats, they are all smiles for Luna and their other bosses gave them another gift and they all thank them for treating them as a member of their family. Then Luna made some announcements that gave them a bit surprised. 

Dimitri: "Grandpa Lee, Grandma Lee and to all, we have one great request to all of you. I know this will give you a surprised but my sister will further explain everything.

Luna: "Grandpa Lee, Grandma Lee, and to all, as you can see, Mia Chen….Louie's mother has brought to City A hospital because she meets an accident a while ago, and at this moment some of our contacts at City A hospital gave sad news to her in-laws which are the Elder Chen couple. We will be expecting that they will arrive at the Villa 7 any moment now or just right before our flight going to the City of Wise. I am requesting, if you could give your service at Villa 7, then at around lunchtime I will send our right-hand guys to fetch you all as we will all celebrate New Year's Day at Italy as one whole big family. 

Ryder: "My sister just wants to make it sure that the Elder Chen couple will have something to eat, for some of the servants at that Villa, took their vacation this week."

Luna: "Grandpa Lee, I know that from the moment that the grandparents of Louie will see you at his house they will be shocked, I have this gut feeling that they will interrogate you all about what happened to us and your reasons why did you all resigned from his Villa."

Housekeeper Lee: "But Young Miss, we have to protect you, we will not tell them that we are still working at your side, but if they want to know what happened in the past I won't hesitate to tell them everything."

Old Butler Lee; "What did you want us to do Young Miss?"

Viscount Francois: "Just be honest with them Grandpa...Grandma. But if you want to protect my wife and the kids by not telling them that you are working with us, it is okay. But you can add some hints that you were called to work here at Villa 8, three years ago which is a part of the truth of our story."

Prince Alexei: "Don't worry Grandma, Grandpa, we will be watching you all from the CCTV's that we have installed inside the Villa 7 and the twins' are also on watch from their technologies. We just want to know what will be their plans after they've found out Mia Chen's dark secrets.'

General Xavier: "Amethyst will be with you, just introduce her as your adoptive daughter. If there will be some untoward incidents she will be the one to send signals to us and in just a millisecond we will be there."

Duke Marco: "If they've asked some questions and if you don't want to answer it just bow your heads, they can't force you to speak."

Old Butler Lee: "Okay we will do it, and don't worry Masters, Ms. Luna we will protect all of you and it is a vowed we all made from the moment you recalled us all to work and be at service with you again."



Old Butler Lee: "What do you want to know Old Master Chen? Do you want to know how Young Master Louie tormented Ms. Luna right after they got married and when they are still married? He hurts her so much, she always cries at night after Young Master forces himself to her, he tortures her physically, mentally, and most of all emotionally."

Servant Agatha: 'We can't do anything to help Young Ms. Luna that time Old Master Chen, we are afraid that Young Master Louie will vent out his anger to us. We knew that Ms. Sofia told another lie to Young Master Louie because that's only the way that he visits our Young Ms. Luna.

Housekeeper Lee: "If the whole Villa is filled with a sad tone of music played with the use of violin, we already knew that Young Master Louie has done another terrible thing to her. He traumatizes her in each way, Old Master. Ms. Luna sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night that time for she always has nightmares"

Atty. Rebecca Alberts also recalled and retold to the Old Chen Couple everything that happened from the start that Louie gave Luna the divorce agreement up to the point that Luna has already fed up to all the schemes that Louie and Sofia have done to her. She also told them about the awful things that Mia Chen and Suzy have plotted against her, the humiliation, and those things that Louie didn't even care for her and stand up to protect her. She added that it is only Yuan Xi, protected Ms. Luna from behind but still, he didn't offend Louie because they are childhood friends. 

Atty. Rebecca Alberts: "After I wrote the divorce agreement, Ms. Luna didn't take the alimony from Sir Louie, but instead she wrote an agreement and it was notarized by Atty. Samantha Wu. The agreement that Sir Louie signed in the presence of Ms. Sofia Su states that: Louie Chen can't take anything and everything from Ms. Luna Su whether it is a living or non-living thing. He will also waive any rights to whatever that Ms. Luna Su will have in the future and as of the moment Sir Louie claims that he had a child/children with her. He even signed the doc.u.ments without reading it for he was very happy that, he and MS. Luna are now finally free and he will and can marry Ms. Sofia Su. As I remember the exact words of Yuan at that time, he said that to Sir Louie that he hopes that Sir Louie will not regret the things that he has done to Ms. Luna. That was the last time I've seen her alive."

"Sir Louie Chen believes that Lady Autumn Jade Vallini and Ms. Luna is only one person. And I can say that they are very similar in all aspects, only in one thing, Lady Autumn is much more elegant than Ms. Luna. Atty. Rebecca Alberts added. 

Rafael and Clara were dumbfounded to all the pieces of information that they just heard, they can't believe that Louie will sign such doc.u.ments like that, he even signed it without reading. It gives headache to both Elders as their faces turned pale and it seems that their blood was drained from their body. 

Rafael Chen inhaled deeply and he let it out, he remembered what his son has requested unto him. "Atty. Shane David, I would like you to write a formal agreement about my son, Edward, and his wife Mia. My son wants to divorce her for not telling the truth, here is the pieces of evidence for us to have a legal basis for our actions. I need it before lunch as we will go to see her personally and let her sign it. Please state that she will be forever banned and blacklisted to all establishment that the Chen Clan owns."

Then suddenly they heard a ring, the cellphone of Old Butler Lee was ringing and he answered it. After Old Butler Lee talks to the person, "Old Master Chen, we will all go now. We already prepared some foods here at Villa 7. Our current Master will bring us to their destination to celebrate New Year's Day. I hope to see you all again in the future." said Old Butler Lee and they all bid farewell to them. 

But before they've left the Villa 7, Housekeeper Lee said something to them that gave them a quite surprise…. "Old Master… Madam…. Always listen to the wind especially if you are here at Villa 7. The wind sometimes brings all the unspoken words of one's heart, just like what Ms. Luna always did in the past. She always tells every word, every unspoken word to Young Master Louie but the Young Master didn't to the wind." After that, the Old Lee couple and all the servants' walkout at Villa 7 and they all went to Villa 8, what they didn't know is that Amethyst has already installed some surveillance gadgets inside the house and to the bags of both lawyers and Clara Chen's bag when they are very immersed with their conversation.