Chapter 260 - 260 Louie and his friends....Yuan's Burst of Emotion

Louie's room, City of Wise, Main Palace

Don't force someone and/or anyone to stay in your life...If they want you, they will stay. ---- Unknown Author.​​

Inside Louie's room at the Main Palace, Louie and his friends Ethan and Kim were sitting at the couch as they rest for a while after they got freshen up. Then heard a soft knocked at the door, Louie, Ethan, and Kim were surprised as they look at each other, and in unison, they eyed at the door. Kim stood up and went to open the door, and when he opened it the faces of Yuan and Harry popped in. 

Kim: "Yuan! Harry! Why are you here? No! I mean Come in."

Harry and Yuan look at each other and they both let out a soft chuckle, "Harry, Yuan, What a pleasant surprise to see you both here. Yuan, it's good that you escaped from your wife's grasp." Ethan teasingly said to the two newcomers. 

Louie let out a faint smile to his two friends who become part of the HADES family in just a short time. "How's your wife Yuan?" Louie asks Yuan as he and Harry took their seats. "Isabele is fine, she is just having some morning sickness when smelled some scented candles and strong perfumes. She also has some weird cravings like spicy ice cream, spicy chicken feet biryani, and a cream puff without the choux paste on it. She" Yuan said but Harry cuts him off by saying "She also likes Yuan's smell, I mean scent. As we all can see, Yuan always has hickeys on his neck for Isabele wants to sniff his scent to his neck and s.u.c.k.e.d him up. And since Yuan became a wife slave he let Isabele do it." Harry teasingly ends Yuan's' statement. 

Yuan's face turned red as a plum tomato, "Hey, don't tease Yuan more, those are the things that I've never experience with Luna while she was pregnant with the twins. I missed it that's why I envied you, Yuan, just give everything that Isabele wants for I know that you will be a great father to your child" Louie sadly informs his friends. 

Louie and his friends became silent after they have heard his words, and it seems that the people from this Palace teases Louie more when the five of them heard the song of Labrinth's' Jealous. Louie chuckled when he heard the song, for the lyrics of the song was what he feels right now for Luna and Viscount Francois. Then suddenly Harry, Yuan, Ethan, and Kim heard Louie sung a particular stanza of the song, and the atmosphere inside the room seemed turned into a quite gloomy feeling: 

Louie: "Cause I wish you the best of

All this world could give

And I told you when you left me

There's nothing to forgive

But I always thought you'd come back, tell me all you found was

Heartbreak and misery

It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way

You're happy without me

I'm jealous of the nights

That I don't spend with you

I'm wondering who you lay next to

Oh, I'm jealous of the nights

I'm jealous of the love

Gone for someone else to share"

Oh, I'm jealous of the love

After the song was played, it seemed that the atmosphere at the room back to a much normal phase. "Louie, I know you regret everything that happened to your life...I mean, to what happened between you and Luna. But, you have to accept that Luna is not yours anymore, she has already moved on and she has already someone in her life. You must accept that, you don't have the rights anymore to her life and even two the lives of the twins' even though you are their father." Harry suddenly blurted out. Louie who is listening to him seemed bowed his head while Ethan and Kim look at him in unison for they are astounded to hear his words. 

"Louie, we know that you want to fight your rights for Luna and especially your rights with the twins. But you have given up those rights five years ago, Harry, and I want to tell you that, you must let go. Let go of whatever you have in your mind regarding Luna and the twins' for they already have a complete family that you deprived Luna five years ago." Yuan speaks out his thoughts. Then suddenly the song 'Only Reminds Me of You by MYMP ( was played, Louie was just listening to his two friends' statements; he was crying and this is the first time they saw him cried. Yuan and Harry just stared at Louie, they both knew that Louie is broken...a broken soul to be exact. But for Yuan, he knew that this is also the same scene that he once saw, the scene of Luna crying at the garden of Villa 7 when Louie beat her up to pulp when Sofia told a lie to Louie. He can't protect Luna at that time for he didn't gather enough pieces of evidence to report to Louie that Sofia framed Luna.

"So I have to give up Luna, is that what you want to happen? I love Luna, I love her very much and she is mine. I also love children why can't you see that?" Louie retorted. 

"Louie! Luna is not yours! She is not yours anymore! Five years ago... Maybe five years ago, she is yours for she is your wife! But now, she's not, so please wake up Dude! If you want to spend some time with your children, maybe you can do it but to wish the most impossible thing like having Luna back to your life, stop it. Even if it is wishful thinking, Louie Stop it... Enough and moved on. You are still hurting Luna for what you are doing right now. She is already married and pregnant with Viscount Francois's child." Yuan shouted angrily at Louie, his anger with Louie burst out and it seemed that he concealed it for five years.

Ethan, Harry, and Kim were surprised when they saw how Yuan still controls his emotions. Ethan and Kim both knew that Yuan treats Luna like a little sister, that's why when they got the news about his demise five years ago, he didn't talk to them especially to Louie for a year. 

"Luna is a strong person, but you know what makes her vulnerable for five years, which makes her cry and she became fragile...It is when she gave up her best but still made her useless. She is strong but there are days that she has been broken...broken beyond repair and she can feel the hurt to her core. You made her feel that she is not appreciated by you and even your mother can't even accept her as a daughter-in-law. And yet you still kept her for nine months, for the reason I don't want to anymore for the past is past. But now, please Louie, don't fight for the so-called feelings you have for her. If you want to be with the twins' then ask Viscount Francois for some time to be with them but don't ask too much." Yuan added. 

"Yuan, I know that you are protecting Luna from me and I know that she is like a little sister for you. But please let me prove to her that I was wrong that I gave up our relationship as husband and wife five years ago. I want her to feel my love and care even as a friend. All I am asking for now is to be her friend no more no less, as I want to spend some time with our children. I know that the HADES will not trust me, but Yuan, trust me on this...I will protect Luna the way you protect her behind my back five years ago." Louie informed Yuan as he looks at him and Harry with a tear-stained face. 

Harry was just observing Louie and Yuan, as he doesn't know what happened in the past. But during the entire flight, Luna and Yuan told him the whole story of what happened five years ago. Even Wu triplets' told him some detailed information about what happened during their University days and some specific dates and events to Luna's life. 

"Louie, A psychological pain is more traumatic and hardest to repair than the physical one. For the body heals easier than the heart. Yuan is right Louie, you have to give up on whatever plans that you have for Luna, if you want friendship, let time build it, and maybe you two could be friends because of the collaboration of your company to their company. Do not force what is in your mind or because it is what you want to do, do not force yourself to her and the twins' right now. Let time serve as a guide for you and Luna to be friends. Maybe you two will become of friends after you made or shall I say if you and her company will have the collaboration you two will become friends and even a storm or a hurricane can't ruin that relationship. Remember, Luna and Viscount Francois's relationship started as a friend before they become lovers and husband and wife. And maybe you will meet someone again that will shine on your horizon." Harry voice out what is in his mind and on how he studied the situation between Louie and Luna. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah