Chapter 261 - 261 The Great Men of HADES

There's always that ONE stupid Mistake that changes EVERYTHING ----Unknown Author

"Louie, A psychological pain is more traumatic and hardest to repair than the physical one. For the body heals easier than the heart. Let time serve as a guide for you and Luna to become friends in the future. Maybe you two will become of friends. Remember, Luna and Viscount Francois's relationship started as a friend before they become lovers and become husband and wife. And maybe you will meet someone again that will shine on your horizon." this is Harry's words that still lingers to Louie's mind. ​​

"Louie, Luna is gone...gone to your life. She can't be with you anymore now and forever. All you have to do right now is to be a man...a father to the twins' that all; no more, no less and don't ask for more. The more you insist on her about your idea of being one family, the more she will avoid you." Yuan added. As the five friends were talking the song "She's gone by Steel Heart (" was heard inside their room. Harry and Yuan chuckled as they all heard the song. The song that totally and the unspoken words of Louie about his true feelings towards Luna, just like what the lyrics of the song have said...

"She's gone  (means that Luna is already gone to his life, five years gone) 

Out of my life

I was wrong  (Louie was wrong for what he have done to Luna) 

I'm to blame (Louie was the only one to blame, and no one else more) 

I was so untrue

I can't live without her love" 

Yuan explained some words to Louie when they all heard it. "The people of HADES are very scary, they knew what song they will let you hear as if they are torturing the person through emotionally and mentally" Kim suddenly uttered. "Maybe the people of HADES just know my unspoken words that I am hiding in my thoughts and my heart for Luna, as I don't know how to speak out when she was in front of me. The people of HADES seemed to know how to read minds Kim and I am so thanks to them for through those songs I can sing it out loud if Luna permits me" says Louie as he looks at his friend Kim and Ethan. 

Harry: "Louie, I didn't know what happened between you and Luna for I did not witness the whole scenario nor the story behind the scenes of your love story, I also do not know what I can do to you and Sofia in case I witness what you and your ex-wife Sofia did to Luna. But I can only tell you one thing, the mistakes along with remorse at the end of the combined things you did with Luna are equivalent to the lessons learned that I know now you want to make amends. But you can never go back, you can never change what happened in the past, but pain changes changes the whole person for they want to mask down their past and they want to continue to live their life to the fullest. You can't blame Luna for walking away from you and to your life, for you didn't do anything to make her stay and you didn't even let her feel that she is secured if she stays on you."

Yuan: "Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows Louie. You have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be."

Louie let out a faint laugh, Yuan was staring at him for he controls his anger at him. Ethan and Kim, on the other hand, took pity on him but suddenly "There are always going to be things you look back on and wish you did differently but those choices made you exactly who you are today" the voice of Dimitri Belikov was heard. Louie and his friends were surprised to see Dimitri, Ryder, Sheik Jamil, the Knights, and most especially Francois walks inside their room. They did not realize that the HADES bosses had entered their room. They did not even feel it and did not know the extent of what they had heard about Luna.

Louie, Ethan, and Kim's faces turned paled while Yuan and Harry were surprised but at the same time, they both felt the killing aura of seven HADES men especially Ryder and Sheik Jamil. "Good Day Mr. Louie Chen and two other friends" Dimitri greeted them. 

Duke Marco: "Don't befuddle, we don't bite, but we can be your worst nightmare."

General Xavier: "Don't scare them Cheffy, Harry and Yuan are so used to us that even for a short time they are with us at the Villa 8 they know if we are serious and when we are joking."

Prince Alexei: "Don't worry we just want to have some time alone with you three (Alexei looks at Louie, Ethan, and Kim with an aura that anytime he will kill them), Yuan and Harry will become part of our family so we can have so much time with them once they become the official partners of the Ladies of the Court."

Sheik Jamil chuckled as he saw how paled the faces of Ethan and Kim are, "Hey, we will not touch any of you, for we are afraid of Luna's wrath to us."

Ryder: "That's the reason why we can't do the things that we planned five years ago to the three of you. Luna still cherished your lives, even though you have hurt and tormented her five years ago. The result of Last Man Standing is not quite enough for me, especially the result of Louie Chen."

Francois and Dimitri are just silent as they listen on the threats of the other HADES men to the three friends of Yuan and Harry, while Yuan and Harry are controlling not to laugh as they saw how pale the faces of both Ethan and Kim while Louie is seemed quite numb to the threats of the HADES men. 

Dimitri: "Enough! Don't threaten them anymore. We are just here to talk to the three of you about something. It is about Suzy and Sofia's plans about hurting Luna and the twins again. We don't want Luna and the Ladies of the Court to be involved in this matter for we men of HADES can't assure to you Louie Chen if Sofia could still see another living daylights of her life once my wife Scarlet and the other Ladies of the Court find this out. The twins already knew about this that's why they make an official statement to their father...Viscount Francois that they are both into this mission."

Louie: "What plans?"

Viscount Francois: "Suzy and Sofia are planning something bad to Luna and the twins. They might not make their moves just now but we can make some preparations before the worst thing will come to happen to both Luna and the twins. We are informing you about this Louie, for Sofia is still your wife."

Louie: "Ex-Wife. She is my ex-wife, for I divorce her last December 21st. I can't....No, I don't want to be with a woman who had s.e.x with different men just to get what she wants. I hated and I am disgusted anything about her, so after the Chen Annual Party I immediately prepared for our divorce settlement."

Then, Ryder, Marco, and Xavier gave an IPad to the five of them and they let them watched the recorded audio-video of Suzy and Sofia, from the moment the gifts are sent to them up to the moment that Sofia went ballistic because Louie is nowhere to be found, they just ask January the head of the IT Department of the twins' to eliminate the recorded video of Mia. Mia's case will be brought out to Louie after they will have a plan about their counter-attack to what Suzy and Sofia want to do with Luna and the twins.

Ethan: "How did you guys have these footages?"

Prince Alexei: "We have our means Mr. Ethan Li and Harry knew about what I am talking about."

Harry: "Ethan, HADES, and Phantoms are both underworld organization. The only difference is HADES is well-known in this country ant the government acknowledge them while the Phantom is not because the government of City A is not clean and true to us as their citizen. The underground people have their means just to make it sure that the people under their surveillance will not do anything bad to the people whom they think are the target of those people who wants to offend someone."

"We may need the help of the three of you, after we come back to City A there will be an uproar in the entertainment industry for the twins' are planning to ruin Sofia's career and as a person. I am informing you about this Louie, for the past will haunt both you and Luna once again. We...I am as Luna's husband would like to know if you can protect her also once the past haunts you two once again?" Francois informs Louie who is staring directly at his eyes.

Louie: "What about the twins? I don't want the twins' to be hurt? I don't want them to feel the pressure that the media might give to them."

Dimitri: "Don't worry about the twins' they are trained in this kind of scenario. It is you that we want to know what's on your mind. We might encounter the Chen Elders to this battle, will that be okay for you to have a battle against your grandparents?"

Louie was dumbfounded as he heard about the battle against his grandparents, but why does he have to fight with them?

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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah