Chapter 262 - 262 The Great Men of HADES (2)

People can't change the truth, but the truth can change people ---- Unknown Author. 

"Don't worry about the twins' they are trained in this kind of scenario. It is you that we want to know what's on your mind. We might encounter the Chen Elders on this battle, will that be okay for you to have a battle against your grandparents?" Dimitri told Louie who is staring at him while the other men of HADES are glaring at Ethan and Kim.​​

Louie was dumbfounded as he heard about the battle against his grandparents, but why does he have to fight with them?

General Xavier: "We have reports from our people that your grandparents are making some moves of investigating Autumn Jade Vendari, the twins' and all the people at Villa 8. If you want to protect Luna and the twins' you will have to be prepared to face your grandparents for us at HADES will not give up Luna and the twins."

Prince Alexei: "We have some people at City A that could deal with Suzy and Sofia and any time we could annihilate both of them from this world, but we are afraid to hurt your grandparents for they are still important to you and your father. The great bosses are already informing your father about this piece of information."

Duke Marco: "Your grandparents are planning to fight for the custody to the twins' and as we all knew that the twins' are already a Vendari for Luna and Francois are already married. And you have signed an agreement five years ago that you are waiving your rights to all that Luna has whether it is a living or non-living thing so technically the twins' falls on the living thing part."

"Whether there is an agreement about waiving the rights, you and our Moon have already been divorced for five years. So technically you already have given up that right from the moment you let her signed that divorce agreement. Actually, from the moment you cheat on her during your marriage you already don't have the rights on her life Louie Chen" Ryder who is still fuming in anger said it to Louie. He still remembers Luna's frighten pale face every time he looks at Louie. The memory of the incident seemed still fresh on his mind, he was the first one who saw the awful situation of Luna that time, and when he carried her bridal style and brought to Duke Lawrence at a safe place at the train station Luna clasp the collar of his shirt with a trembling body. From that day he made a vow that he will protect Luna until his last breath. 

Louie, Ethan, and Kim can feel the killing intent of Ryder, while Yuan and Harry understand what he wants to inform Louie. Yuan and Harry both knew that the Elder Chen pays so much attention to the reputation of the family and most especially the heirs or heiress that could continue the bloodline of the Chen clan. 

Louie was just silently listening to the uttered words that the men of HADES, but deep inside his heart what they have just spoken are the truth about his family. It is one of the reasons why Luna and he got married in the first place and why his grandparents disowned him and his father after they've learned about the divorce. 

Louie let out a deep sigh, "Tell me what you want me to do? I can and will protect both Luna and my kids, I am not asking for a change of their surnames for I knew that I already lost it five years ago. All I want to ask is that if I could spend some time with the kids, like going to an amus.e.m.e.nt park or anything that they will like and love to do. I just want to pamper them, I want to be a father to them although they already got Viscount Francois to their lives I wish I could be a father to them."

Viscount Francois: "We can arrange about you and twins' to have some bonding with each other but still they are the ones who will decide if they will spend some time with you. Louie our kids are very intelligent, actually, they are geniuses' and at their young age they already have their businesses that we grown-ups can't compete."

Louie smiled when he heard the word "OUR KIDS" for him it is a sign that the Viscount already considered him as part of the twins' life. Louie smiled and nods his head to Francois, "I don't know what runs to the minds of my grandparents but I assure you all especially you Viscount Francois that I will not let them interfere with the relationship that you have with Luna. And even to your relationship with the kids, I will not let them interfere for you are already their father even though I am their biological one. You were there for them from the moment they are born up to now and I won't let them do anything to take it away from you" Louie informs the HADES men especially Francois. 

"Okay, as you have said your piece, we will believe you and we will hold on to your words Mr. Louie Chen. If you suddenly back out from your words, your worst nightmare will haunt you down" says Dimitri in a very cold voice. Louie looks at him and nods his head. "We have our ways to bring the hell in front of you Mr. Louie Chen, and twins' will also play the biggest part on bringing you to the deepest hell once you back out from your words. We don't like promises for it can be broken, so you have to prove to all of us especially to the twins' that you will protect their mother even if it is your grandparents nor to your ex-wife Sofia" Prince Alexei butts in. 

"Luna is a girl worth fighting for, that's why I am so surprised that you didn't even have the guts to fight for her even though you already knew that Sofia, her friends, her mother, and your mother bully her. You didn't see how talented she is, a beautiful gem and most of all a girl worth to die for" Viscount Francois proudly says to all of them. 

"I will do it, for I love Luna! I love her very much and I am ready to prove it to all of you! Why it is that no one believes me? I love Luna so much and I regretted it Okay! I regret that I let her out on my grasp! Louie yelled for he could feel that the HADES men don't believe him at all.

"Louie you know why they don't believe your words? And even I don't believe you. You always say that you love Luna, you can say sorry at her a million times, say I love you as much as you want, say whatever you want, whenever you want. But if you're not going to prove that the things you say are true nor prove to her and all the people close to her, then don't say anything at all. Don't prove anything, and even through actions, don't do it anymore. Because if you can't show it, your words and actions don't mean a thing," says Yuan who is staring at him but his statement gives a sudden pang to Louie's heart. 

"Louie, if you love Luna, as you always say that, you don't want to divorce her back then. And even though your relationship with her is always on the rocks, if you love her, you wouldn't let her slip away no matter what and how hard the situation is. You will not provoke her to give up on your relationship even though you are blinded by the words of Sofia back then" Harry suddenly uttered his thoughts that seemed like a bomb exploded right in front of Louie's face, Louie's face turned sour and it was very red in extreme humiliation and shame.

Ethan and Kim look at Harry in unison and said "Harry!"

Harry: "What!? Louie must accept his mistakes from the start he married Luna and hurt her up to the moment he divorced her. And up to now the same mistakes that he was doing to her. And he must learn from them and move on."

Ryder and Jamil almost laugh if it isn't for Alexei and Marco that nudge their elbow they will let out a laugh for they knew that Harry's words strike Louie directly on his heart but it is the truth after all. Dimitri on the other hand controls himself not to laugh for the face of Louie seemed turning red, pale and green because of uneasiness. 


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