Chapter 291 - 291 Double Wedding.... A Love to Last a Lifetime (2)

As they get near the venue, the Knights, with their respective fiancee's already sawed and smelled the stargazers and lavenders around the area, they also heard soothing orc.h.e.s.tra music. A melody that seems will be a theme song for today's event, the orc.h.e.s.tra was playing the Love Affair Theme by Ennio Morricone ( Luna smiled upon hearing it, she used to play it with the piano when Isabele was once asked her to play one specific melody or song that she will dedicate to her when she will get married to the man of her dreams. 

Rosela who is walking side by side with Nikolai and their hands were intertwined to each other got teary-eyed as she heard the melody, "Isabele likes that song so much. Actually we the Ladies of the Court fell in love with that music when Moon played it with the piano. She just gave birth to the twins' that time, and it was very memorable for Francois for he almost confessed to her, but he got a rat on his c.h.e.s.t that time" Rosela said to Nikolai as she reminisces the past. Nikolai also smiled as he knew that Rosela also almost confessed to him that time, and it was also the day that Luna got to know his darkest secret about his feelings towards the Princess. ​​

"What about you my Wife? What song do you like to be played on our wedding day?" Nikolai asks her out of the blue. "Nikolai, Hubby... I love you 3000 (A/N isn't that a song). The song I love to hear on our wedding day is the song The First Time I Love Forever by Lisa Angelle and Ron Perlman ( For it was my unspoken words to you Hubby" Rosela replied to Nikolai's question. "What about you Hubby what are your unspoken words to me?" Rosela asks him. Nikolai stop walking and he holds Rosela's face, "Every time We Touch, ( that's my song and unspoken words for you My Wife. And you will always be my little koala bear" Nikolai answered her question and gave her a peck on her cherry red lips. 

The lovely scene of Rosela and Nikolai was seen by everyone and unknown from the two that they are already trending to the live broadcast at the City of Wise. The HADES men and women were thrilled to see that their most cold-hearted leader who is Nikolai has finally tamed by Princess Rosela. They were just brought back from their senses when they heard their cellphone's non-stop notification rings, and when they get to hold their phones, they both blush to see the sweet act that was caught up in the camera, and in unison, their eyes went to see the people around them who are catching the live lovey-dovey act that they are doing. 

Right that moment, both of them want to hide for they really didn't expect to be broadcasted all over the City of Wise on their national television. Luna giggles to see how red Nikolai's face and even Scarlet were shocked to see the once known cold-hearted assistant of the Voronov's were now like a plump red tomato and looks like a lost puppy. 

"Hey you two, let's finish this union and wedding first, then my wedding with Sapphire. Then you two could hold a wedding next year after Audrey and Jamil's wedding!" Ryder shouted. "Hey! who said that you will have a wedding after this!?! I am going to marry my Cara Mia first before you!" Alexei yelled as he banters with Ryder. 

"Let's finish this first and wrap them up. We might not know that Pearl will be next or Eros and Soteira" Luna suddenly blurted out as she gave them all an evil grin. And when their eyes laid on the twins...the scariest smiles were already plastered on their faces and all grown-ups have the hunch that what Luna has just said might come true. 

Nikolai felt shivers when he saw the evil grin of Lady Luna and most especially the scariest smile of the twins, he knew that among the two smiles he was much more afraid of the twins, for their Lady Luna is much more lenient rather than the twins' pranks and plans. 

"What about making a triple wedding after this?!" Scarlet excitedly said as she looks at her husband Dimitri. Dimitri looks at Nikolai and nods his head. "I'll talk to father regarding this, Eros, Soteira, and Nikolai's wedding will be the topic later. Ryder can wait until next year, while for Pearl.....we still don't know what will happen to Mr. Kim Tang after the mental torture they have just done a while ago" Dimitri informs them all. 

"Sapphire and Audrey could have a double wedding at the Balania next year, their parents will kill Ryder if the wedding will be held here," says Marco and they all look at Ryder and Audrey. "Don't worry honey, we could have a wedding night tonight then followed by the wedding next year," Sapphire teasingly said to Ryder as she his c.h.e.s.t and gave him a wink. "Jamil and I could still manage, we can wait until next year" Audrey butts in and Jamil looks at her with a big O shape on his mouth. As everyone saw it they all laugh, but still, the smiles on the twins' faces didn't disappear. 

"Come on, the entourage might start any moment now. And I am very aware this time that Isabele is having so many butterflies on her stomach for she will get married to her Peaches" says Alexei as he walks while carrying Dawn and Cassie was holding Winter. 

Francois and Dimitri were at the back with their wives as they took a slow phase of walking for Luna are having some leg cramps, "You need to drink some vitamins and tell that to Alexei after the wedding sister. If Mom will find it out, your nine months of pregnancy will be inside your chamber and Francois will be doing all the work" Scarlet told them with a worried face. 

Francois: "I am willing to be a wife slave my dear sister."

Dimitri: "Father and Mother will be also Luna's slave if they got to know that kind of condition of yours my Moon. And remember that our father and mother will also be here to reprimand you on everything that you will do."

Luna sigh and nods her head, "The Wu triplets are also here with their parents, and our grandparents are also here. I will do my best to take care of myself and the babies. I will stop wearing heels from now on, and I'll just stick on dresses once again." Luna uttered. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah