Everyone is now settled inside the tent, they were greeted by the great bosses with their respective better half on the stage. At the center was their Bishop who will be officiating the wedding and the union of HADES and Phantoms. As they took their seat, the song A Love To Last by Juris (youtube.com/watch?v=0vDxzybwoLY) was heard and they saw Harry and Yuan walking down the aisle together with their three friends. Harry and Yuan are very handsome in their four-piece color-coded suit, they are followed by Louie, Ethan, and Kim who are also wearing a white three-piece suit. 

Harry and Yuan were very nervous as they took their steps towards the altar as they saw their future in-laws and the head of the HADES. Then it was time for the brides to walk down the aisle, the twins' run towards the two lovely brides as they took their part by assisting their two beautiful aunts to walk down the aisle and it was what the two ladies promise to the little buns. Then the song This I Promise You by NSYNC was followed to be heard inside the venue (youtube.com/watch?v=OS7YmTtJnE4), it was Pearl and Ares who is now singing the song. Kim was surprised to see that the woman he fell in love with has an angelic voice and he also didn't expect to see that Pearl and the man beside her who is very cruel when he punched him on his stomach moments ago could sing. (A/N: I'll give a bonus chapter for this).​​

As the two grooms waited for their brides in from of the altar, the song You Are The Reason by Calum Scott, Leona Lewis (youtube.com/watch?v=ByfFurjQDb0) was heard as soon as the brides stop right beside the groom. The twins' gave the hands of the brides to their respective grooms and stated in unison "Today you will become a part of our big family, the family who has one motto that it was no one must be left behind. You two have to accept all our rules and flaws for we as the little buns will become your worst nightmare once a single teardrop on the eyes of our beautiful Amber and Pretty Isabele will be seen to their eyes and face. We will ask for retribution and the men and women of HADES can't refuse us if we will reprimand our NEW UNCLES." Dawn and Winter gave their speech that brought giggles to both Amber and Isabele. Harry and Yuan chuckled as they heard the twins' words but they both nodded their heads. "Your Uncle Peaches and I do promise both of you and the entire HADES that we won't let a single tear will flow to your Pretty Isa and Beautiful Amber's face. We won't hurt them and we will not break them apart" Harry replied to the twins. 

Ethan, Kim, and Louie also heard the twins' words and they were very amused especially Louie, "They are very young and yet the way they think and the way they protect the people they love is like they are already grown-ups. Your kids are amazing Louie, they are really Luna's offspring." says Kim. "Yeah, and it seems that the men and women of HADES are scared to your kids Louie, or they just pamper and dots them to the core. But I like the way they protect their loved ones at such a young age." Ethan butts in. Louie smiled upon hearing his two other friends comments, "Yes, Now I know that they will be protecting their mother very much. Even there are lots of people who protect Luna, they will still do their best even though they are still small, they will do everything to protect their mother. I am so proud of them" Louie retorted. 

As the two gentlemen took hold to the hands of their future wife. The wedding and the union finally begun, Louie was in trance once more as he imagines that it was him and Luna who is getting married. He was imaging some things between him and Luna especially when he heard the song Baby, Now That I've Found You (youtube.com/watch?v=jeRQxZtDWXI) for it was his dream wedding song for his Luna. Louie didn't imagine that he will be crying at his two best friends' wedding day, he was crying for they've already found the one for them. Ethan has the hunch that Louie was imagining something while Kim gave a soft chuckle for what he has known in his mind is that Louie got so emotional, what he didn't know is that Louie is now feeling low and depressed. He was low and depressed because what he wants to happen between him and Luna will not come true anymore. 

Unknown to Louie, his tears were seen and watch by Luna, Francois, Dimitri, Scarlet, and most especially the twins. "My King, what do you think? Should I allow Louie to spend some time alone with the twins' tomorrow? I mean to have bonded as a Father and with his children. All we have to do is set a picnic-like party for them, and if Louie wants to bring Ethan and Kim with him, then I will allow it." says Luna. 

Francois and Dimitri look at her very intently, "My Queen, what are your hidden agendas?" Francois asks his wife for he has this feeling that Luna will do something to Louie and his two other friends. Dimitri feels the same and Scarlet has already read Luna's mind for they both look at each other and giggled. For Dimitri, he didn't like the idea but he wants to hear out Luna's plans again this time for he knew that this will be Louie's headache.

"My King, I just want to see if Louie could stay cool after he will witness the playful act of the twins to everyone around here. I mean I want to see if Louie and his friends will tolerate the twins' pranks and evil plans towards the people they will encounter as they will have this picnic gathering. I want to see if he will pamper and dot those little bunnies as he wants to show to them how much he loves them." Luna explained to the three and most especially to Francois. 

"So you want to see his true colors and true intentions towards the twins?" Dimitri asks. Luna nods her head, "Yes we will make some arrangements about that. But My Queen, I will assign Troy, Paris, Hector, and Odysseus to be the twins' shadow guards for Eros and Soteira are now busy making little bunnies." Francois declared. 

Luna and Scarlet widened their eyes upon hearing the news about Eros and Soteira making new bunnies. "We just got some reports that the two Phantom twins took advantage of our two great right-hand guys weakness and because of that, the union of the Phantoms and HADES has been sealed off totally. It is the Phantom twins doing this time and not the twins, it is just now scarier than the twins' work style, and when the Phantom twins will join forces with your kids, the whole City of Wise must be cautious especially our people here at the Palace." Dimitri informs them. 

But Scarlet and Luna were more excited to know the news that their two cold-hearted, ruthless, merciless, and stoic right - hand guys have been tamed by two gorgeous women of Phantoms. "This is good news for us especially to the twins' for they will have other playmates to come," Scarlet told the two men who are dumbfounded as their wives clap their hand and the excitement was very visible to their faces. And those cute faces were seen by the other Knights, and Luna's best friends, "Something is brewing back there Xavi, What do you think?" Marco whispered to them. Xavier and Alexei look straightly to were Luna, Scarlet, Dimitri, and Francois was sitting, they both send message to Ryder and Jamil about the situation. Then the response that they gave totally took them by surprise. 


"Holy Sh*t!" Xavier and Alexei blurted out in unison but they just keep a low tone voice for they don't want to interrupt the blessing of the union. They've shown the message to Marco and to their respective better half and they were also astounded. Cassie couldn't help but chuckle, "I think there will be a wedding again for the following days' boys," she said and her twins giggled upon hearing it. 

Alexei: "Don't worry Cara Mia, I won't give you a wedding this year, but we will have a wedding next year. I want you to be the most gorgeous bride ever."

Marco: "Jessy My better half, I will give you a wedding that the whole City of Wise will remember."

Xavier: 'Whatever my wife wants, she gets it."

The Wu triplets laugh, "Our dear future husband, we just want to have a simple wedding. A wedding that only our families will witness and we don't mind if we will have a triple wedding, as long as we will be blessed by our parents." Jessica Wu told them.

"Yeah, we may be rich but we still like simplicity, we don't like to have the grandest wedding ever. All we want to have is a man that could tame us and a man who could be there by our side" Samantha Wu added. 

"But I want to be like Isabele. I want to be pregnant first before marriage. Look at her, she is a very stunning pregnant bride" Cassie suddenly blurted out and it gave Alexei an idea of what he will do when the night comes. And she was now too late to take it back for she already felt the grip of Alexei's hand and the giggles of her twin sisters.