Chapter 293 - 293 Too Much Love will kill you or make you crazy

Attachment is dangerous when you are the only one who feels attached. You will always fight for their time, attention, care, and priority. And you hurt yourself daily in each argument. ---- Unknown Author

"Aaahhh! Mom! Why does my body still stink! What are the medicines that the doctors gave to me?! And why is it that Louie and Dad aren't calling us?" Sofia shouted crazily to her mother. Suzy who is listening to her daughters' shouting gives her a migraine. ​​

"Sofia, Louie is on a business trip and I don't know when he will be coming back. Have you forgotten that his assistant Yuan Xi is still angry with you for plotting something against him? He is not answering our calls. And as for your father... he... I don't where he was ever since he once again met his ex-wife Lily Cheung. Darling, please stop shouting and throwing things and control your temper, you are giving mommy a migraine" Suzy pleaded to Sofia as she looks at her full of disgust because of her body smell. 

"But Mom?!?" Sofia retorted. "Enough! Sofia! wake up! Louie and you are already divorced and it only means that he will not call you anymore nor he will doesn't like to get involved with you anymore. He already left you! It is your fault that you didn't take care of the pieces of evidence you have from the things that you have done in your life. And now Luna is back, he will do everything and anything just for them to get back to each other especially now that he has a a twin that she gave birth five years ago. It is your fault for keeping Director Bernard in your life even after you and Louie got married. And I know I also have a fault for letting you do this like that and I know we can't bring back the time. And now my marriage to your father is also at risk for Lily came back from the dead!" Suzy shouted at her daughter. Suzy's mind snaps because of Sofia's wailing and she had had enough for she always hears her daughter's voice every day. 

"Mom," says Sofia in a very soft and low tone of voice as she didn't expect her mother to talk to her like that, it was the first time that her mother shouted at her and reprimand her, Sofia's tears flow like a river on her face as she looks like a child who was lost in the woods and left by her parents to live alone in the darkest forest. Suzy let out a loud sigh as she saw the face of her daughter, for her...her daughter was very pitiful. The outcome the karma they just got was way too deep and worst. Sofia's reputation as an actress and model has now ruined...thanks to the video that has just presented at the Chen Annual Party and the Charity Gala of the Vallini's and Vendari's, her face is also ruined because of the ugly scar and the worst part was her body that smells like a decomposing body. And not only that, Rica who is her best friend has already cut her ties with her because of what Sofia has done to her daughter, and as for Andrew Lenrue's daughter Rita, she also can't blame him if he wants his daughter to dump Sofia just like what Aira' parents ordered her. "Too Much Love will definitely kill you or can make someone go insane just to have it," Suzy said to herself, but she chuckled for she was also like that, she killed and tried to kill her rival for love. Then she remembered the song of Queen, (, every lyric of the song gave a stabbing pain to her heart for it really fits her and Sofia. They've never read the signs nor rather ignored it for they are blinded with their love towards the man beside them. 

"Too much love will kill you

If you can't make up your mind

Torn between the lover

And the love you leave behind

You're headed for disaster

'Cause you never read the signs

Too much love will kill you - every time" 

This is one specific stanza of the song, wherein rings to her mind and she knew that she will never win against Lily Cheung, Edward loves her deeply and so as her James whom she is will to fight for till the end. She walks towards Sofia who is still crying, she embraces her and pats her back, she consoles her daughter who is not on the verge of insanity and she knew that anytime her daughters' mind will be snapped out and might cause her into more trouble or worst in a mental institution. She faces her daughter and cups her tear-stained face, "Sofia, please be strong, you have to be strong to win this fight. If you really love Louie as you say, don't let the things that you have done in the past gone to waste. You already won the fight against Luna back then, don't let her win this time. Yes, they have children but it doesn't mean that you can't have their kids on your grasp. You must win the kids' love and affection so that you can win also Louie's heart and affection once more. You can do this if you want to grow old with Louie, and I know that there is still a little love in Louie's heart for you" says Suzy as she encourages her daughter Sofia to be strong for she is really down and depressed as of the moment. 

"Mom, we will get even with those bitches right," Sofia told her mother as if she was a complaining child to his mother. Suzy nods her head and gave a faint smile. "We will kidnap those kids and make Louie marry me again and we will adopt those kids so that they will become my children and I will be their mother for life and Louie will be their father....and we will become one big happy family and Luna will be dead together with her mother." Sofia wails to her mother. Even it is impossible for these plans to come true Suzy still gave an assured smile to her daughter just to make her at ease for the time being. 

"After that, we will all go to another country and start our lives there. You, Louie, and the kids will live as if that Luna doesn't exist anymore. I'll make some arrangements to get a forgetting drug for the kids so that the kids will forget Luna as their real mother and they will only see recognize you as their real mother" Suzy added to her daughter's mind. "I know you will be hurt by the outcome of your obsession my dear daughter, but I need this kind of action to keep your sanity intact for the time being. If I need to beg to Louie, for him to come back to your life I'll do it for I don't know if I could continue to live without you by my side. The forgetting drug is not for the kids but rather it is for you Sofia, for you to forget every nightmare that you are experiencing right now. The nightmares that you are the ones who made in the past are just seeking retribution right now." Suzy said to herself as she consoles Sofia by giving her a tight hug. 

"Mom, please call Dad, I need to talk to him. Please Mom, Please do inform him that his little precious daughter who is me and only me wants to see and talk to him" Sofia said then she let out a laugh. A burst of laughter that gave shivers to Suzy's spine and goosebumps to her skin, "Oh My! My daughter is already insane!" Suzy whispered to herself. Sofia's actions are not normal anymore and it seems that she has already snapped out from the reality where they are right now. 

"Ahm Sofia, Let's cook or bake something, then after that, I'll call your father and invite him to have dinner with us," says Suzy who wants to divert Sofia's attention to whatever she is thinking right now. She will make Sofia drink some tranquilizers so that her daughter will sleep again and ask for help from the doctors at City A for help. In slow-motion, Sofia looks at her mother and smiled, "Sure Mom, let's cook some Chicken Casserole and bake some cheesecakes for that's Dad's favorites. Maybe this time he'll spend some quality time with us. Even if it is already late we can have a Christmas Family Dinner the way it used to be back then" Sofia replied. 

Suzy nodded and took out her cellphone and texted James, she is asking for help regarding Sofia's condition. She is hoping that James' heart will be softened for his daughter, Sofia is also his daughter in the first place and she knew that James also loves Sofia for he always pampers her when Luna was taken by the Cheung Elders way back then. She is praying for a miracle to happen in their case as of the moment for she really needs her husband to support her regarding Sofia's condition, she doesn't like to admit it but she knew that her daughter has already lost her sanity. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah