Chapter 299 - 299 Just Give Me A Reason (3)

You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting, and worthwhile. Your only hope and security are in knowing that they are a part of your life. ----Bob Marley

Luna's legs were now numb from standing and also because of the tight hug of Louie from her waist. "Louie, my legs! I can't feel anything" Luna suddenly blurted out and it alerted Louie. Louie stands up and carefully carried Luna's bridal style and went to a bench near the swing, this is what he really wants to do from the moment Luna's identity was known to him. The shadow guards are also alarmed from the moment they saw Louie carried their Lady Luna the way that only their Master Francois should be the one doing it. But they stay on their spot where they are hiding for they still didn't get any orders from their Masters' through their earpiece. ​​



"I think Louie likes this advantage of what is happening to Luna right now, Louie Chen is stepping on the borderline now dear Brother." Scarlet teasingly said to the two men beside her. She can feel the murderous aura of her husband Dimitri and the calmness of her brother which she doesn't like. Francois was just silently watching the scene from the monitor and he could feel a slight pang of jealousy, but still, he trusts his wife. "I trust Luna, don't do anything yet. Luna knows that she has shadow guards that will protect her. One hand gesture and the shadow guards knew what to do" says Francois.

"I do trust my sister too, but it is Louie Chen that I don't trust. Do you want me to order the shadow guards to kill him?" Dimitri asks Francios seriously as he stared at the monitor and everyone inside the IT room could feel the atmosphere has been a drop in the coldest temperature ever. "Not yet Dimitri, after tomorrow's picnic of Louie Chen and the twins' we will kidnap him and I want myself to torture him for a bit. I know you and the rest of the Knights like to have a piece of his meat" Francois seriously informs them and Dimitri gave an evil smile. Scarlet shook her head, "This is what I am afraid of him, the calmness before the storm. He might not show his true feelings on what he was witnessing, but the aftermath is worst to see" Scarlet said to herself. 


Ocean of Flowers

"Louie put me down!" Luna shouted at Louie who is walking towards the bench. Louie smiled at the way she is acting up, for Louie, he is very happy to carry Luna bridal style for this is one of his wishes. 

"Don't move too much, you might fall and I don't want that to happen. Remember you are pregnant and I don't want something bad happens to you and the babies inside your tummy." Louie reminds her. Luna suddenly remembered that she is pregnant and currently in her first trimester, she suddenly grabs Louie's neck and holds tightly so that she will not fall. Louie likes it very much as it gives butterflies in his stomach. Louie's heart thumps and this was the second time he felt this with Luna, the first time was when they met at the Wu Family Valentines Day Gala. "You are really the one for me Luna, My Luna," Louie said to himself. 

As they reach their destination, Louie gently laid Luna onto the bench, then he sat down on the grass and took Luna's feet and gently massage it, he even massages the ankle. "This will ease the numbness" Louie softly spoken. "You don't have to do that Louie, I can still manage," says Luna as she tries to pull out her legs on Louie's lap; not it didn't work for Louie tightens his grip as he continues to massage it. "Please let me do this, this is just a small gesture. I am sorry if I didn't pay so much attention to you when we are still married. I know I've caused you so much pain both mentally, physically, and emotionally. I am really sorry Luna, I hope you could forgive me" Louie uttered. 

Luna didn't answer him and stayed silent as she watches what he is doing on her feet. If this happened five years ago, she might like it, she might fall for him once again, but things are already different. She doesn't know when her feelings for Louie died, that her feelings started to grow when she was with Francois. All she can think of was Francois and not Louie any more.

"Louie stops it, I can manage now, don't have to worry anymore," Luna tells him as she stared at his eyes and she holds his hand. At that very moment, Louie stared back at her, and all he wants to do right there and then was to cup Luna's beautiful face and kiss her passionately, but he restrains himself for he knew that he will step on someone's bottom line when he does it. 

Louie stops what he is doing to Luna but he remained sitting in front of her on the grass. "Francois, Dimitri, Scarlet, and I will arrange a simple picnic for you, Ethan, Kim, and the twins. I thought that it would be nice that you will spend some time alone with them with your friends, you are still their father after all," says Luna that gave Louie a bit surprised. "Are you not going to join us? I mean, we could spend the picnic like a family and even there is Ethan and Kim, we could be as a simple family enjoying a picnic with their friends" Louie tells Luna. Luna smiled and shook her head, "Louie, I am a married woman. I married the man who took five years to confessed his feelings and intention for me and the kids. I married the man who taught me to be strong and to trust again. I married the man who accepts my pasts and the one I fell in love with the moment he held unto his hand the babies whom he is not the father. I married the man who sings a lullaby to the twins since they are still babies even if he is very tired. I don't want him to feel that you are a threat because you are not. I love Francois so much and I can't afford to hurt him because of you, I respect him so much and I don't want him to have any trust issues with me." Luna explained. 

Louie sigh and accept then fate that they can't be like what he be a family even though he is not married to her. "Can't you join us? I mean even for just an hour?" Louie her once again as he wants luck sides on him. Luna shook her head, "It can't be Louie, things right now are different from what we have before. We can't just simply be seen together alone for I am a married woman, and even though you are already a divorcee...we still have something in the past that everyone here at the Palace knew. They knew who you are and they know what you have done to me. I am just giving you time to spend quality time with the twins' for when we came back to City A, they won't be joining. It's for their security towards Sofia and her mother. And Louie, I can't take them back at City A especially that your Elders already knew about their existence." Luna explained to him. 

"I'll do my best to protect them and you against Sofia and her mother. Even to my Elders, I'll the three of you, you don't have to worry about them. I know what tactics they are going to do, especially right now that they've learned about the twins' existence. I know they will demand you and your grandparents for the two of us to get married once again and built a family once more. They want an heir or heirs for the Chen clan. They might scheme so that both of us could be together once again" says Louie while putting back Luna's shoes onto her feet. 

"Always remember this Luna, I love you and I'll always will. My heart belongs to you, and even if we can't be together once again, still my feelings for didn't change. I may be blinded five years then or shall I say even when we are in College because of Sofia's words against you. But my heart already knows and this time I'll listen to my heart. Please don't ask me to stop loving you. Don't ask me to stop to pamper you and the kids for this is the last thing I could do to pay all the debts I have in you. I am too late, but maybe I can rewrite the stars from the heavens above and we could be friends, in the end, maybe not now but still, I do believe that wishes do come true" Louie added. 

"If that's what you wish for, I think I couldn't change your mind anymore. So are you okay with tomorrows' picnic day? Just were comfortable clothes, and please do inform Ethan and Kim that they are also joining you with the twins." Luna tells Louie with a smile. Louie nods his head as he stares at her face, the face that he wants to imprint unto his mind for he was scared that anytime he might not see her once again. 


Dear Readers, 

Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah