Accept what's happening in your life right now, but what has happened behind you, let it all go, and have faith that good things are coming your way. Just wait and be patient. ---- Unknown Author

"If that's what you wish for, I think I couldn't change your mind anymore. So are you okay with tomorrows' picnic day? Just wear comfortable clothes, and please do inform Ethan and Kim that they are also joining you with the twins." Luna tells Louie with a smile. Louie nods his head as he stares at her face, the face that he wants to imprint unto his mind for he was scared that anytime he might not see her once again. ​​

Louie chuckled as he stands up and offers his hand to Luna that she gladly accepts but still she keeps her guards in an alert mode. "Lady Luna Vendari, I will gladly accept the invitation to have a picnic with the twins tomorrow. I would like to be with them as long as they like and I do hope your husband will not kill me for holding your hands right now" Louie said jokingly on the last part. Luna giggled but she knew that her husband is watching from behind those CCTV around them. 

"Louie, my husband, will not kill you, but instead he will chop off your both hands if you didn't put down my hand right now" Luna replied in a very solemn tone, but she is smiling. that scares Louie when he heard her. Louie immediately puts down Luna's hand and asks her, "Can you walk? Do your feet still numb?" Luna shook her head, "But could we walk slower than usual? I'm quite dizzy." she told him. 

"What?! Wait! you can't walk, please seat for a while and I will let your husband know about your situation. Luna, you are pregnant, things like this can't be just left unnoticed." Louie said as he begins to panic. 

From the IT room, Francois saw everything and he immediately went out to where his wife is, Dimitri and Scarlet didn't stop him for they knew that he was also worried. "If Louie didn't leave Luna back then, she would much be appreciated the things that he is acting right now. He might pamper and dotted Luna so much. But now even he does it to Luna, my brother will surely kill him or skin him alive" Scarlet blurted out as they watch the scenes at the monitor. 

It took only fifteen minutes for Francois to arrive at the Ocean of Flowers, right there, and when he saw the paled face of Luna while Louie is also very worried looking back and forth on his surroundings as he doesn't know where and to whom he will ask for help. The shadow guard that are assigned to Luna's welfare didn't do anything for they are much more afraid of the wrath of their Lady Luna if they will not let her husband save her as the damsel in distress.

"Luna?!" Francois called, "Viscount Francois! We are here!" Louie shouted as he waves to him. Francois could see the worries on Louie's eyes and the tone of his voice is just like the way it used to be his tone of voice when Luna was having labor pains He knew what kind of feeling it is, as he approaches them, Louie looks at Luna who is having some beads of sweat, Louie took his handkerchief and wipes it off. "Please be okay Luna. I am sorry if I stress you out a while ago." Louie told her. 

Francois is already there and Louie steps aside, Francois carried Luna bridal style, "Thank you for taking care of my wife Louie, I'll bring her to our Palace first so that the doctor will see her. You can come back to the venue, a HADES men will escort you back there, don't worry I'll inform you about her condition later" Francois informed Louie who is still looking at Luna who's face is buried at Francois's neck.

Then Francois walks out from the Ocean of Flowers garden and a shadow guard approaches Louie as he told him that he will escort him back to the venue which Louie gladly accepted, but still, he is worried at Luna's condition. 


Inside the venue, Kim and Ethan were very engrossed in the scene of how happy Yuan and Harry with their brides that they didn't even notice that Louie was not with them anymore. Pearl suddenly showed up beside Kim that made him startled, as she pats his left shoulder Kim winced in pain. "Is there something wrong Kim?" Ethan asks him. "It's nothing Bro, I was just startled by Pearl" he answered.

Pearl looks at the two and she begun to stare at Kim whom she knows is still in pain for what her friends did to him a while ago. "Come with me, Mr. Kim Tang, I need to tend to your bruises, and please don't act too strong as of the moment," Pearl told Kim who gives her a sheepish smile. "Bruises? What Bruises?!" Ethan asks the two of them is a shock." Pearl smiled at him as she hooks Kim's arms on her waist. "Don't worry Mr. Ethan, my friends and Mr. Kim just have some horse playing a while ago. My friends didn't beat him up but he receives some bruises on his shoulders and his body, they just gave him some unforgettable memories if someone wants to be a lover for the women in our HADES family. I will just tend to him so that he can still stand up tomorrow" Pearl explained to Ethan who is dumbstruck by what he was witnessing. Kim is blushing as red as a cherry from the moment his arms was the hook on Pearls' size twenty-two waistline. All that Ethan could do was just nods his head for this was his friend's greatest be with Pearl. 

"By all means Ms. Pearl, you can have Kim al by yourself. Whatever you want to do with him, you can do it as long as you will not kill him, you have my blessing" Ethan informs Pearl and gave a meaningful smile and wink to them. Pearl chuckle and Kim wants to smack Ethan's face to tell those words to Pearl, he wants to protect Pearl from Ethan's playboy teasings like this one. "Please don't listen to him Pearl, he is just quite broken-hearted as of the moment" Kim whispered to her as he winced in pain again. As the pair walks aways, Ethan didn't know that he was left alone himself already, as he scans the area that's the only time he realizes that Louie is nowhere to be found and Kim has just left a while ago with Pearl. Ethan chuckled at what's happening to his life, "Louie is much worst than I am in love and relationship, and yet here I am all alone by myself" he said to himself as he took a seat from a nearby chair. 

"You are all alone here Ethan Li, where is Louie Chen?" he heard a very familiar voice from his left side, and when he looks at it he saw Rosela who is approaching him with her fiancee Nikolai. Rosela smiled at him as she is asking for an answer to her question. 

"Good Evening Princess Rosela, Mr. Nikolai, " he greeted them with a sad tone as he could feel his heart hurting. Rosela and Nikolai took a seat beside him, "The buffet will come as follows after the talk between Harry and the great bosses. And maybe tomorrow Harry and Yuan will be having a welcome party and drinks with the rest of the HADES men and women as they will give them their vow to them. How come you are all alone here? As I can see that Kim just left you with Pearl." Rosela inquired to him. 

"Pearl said that she needs to tend Kim's bruises for her friends gave something to Kim that is very unforgettable to him. She said that she needs to take care of those bruises or Kim will not stand up tomorrow," replied Ethan. "Hhmm, I see" Rosela uttered. 

"My Princess, I will take a leave for a while, I need to get Irwin and Ivan, I need to inform them about the things they need to prepare for tomorrows' event between the member of Phantoms' and the rest of the boys and girls in our family. I'll be back to you later before the buffet starts" Nikolai told Rosela and kissed her on her forehead. 

When Nikolai was not there anymore, Rosela looks at Ethan straight into his eyes very seriously. "I am sorry for breaking your heart, Ethan. It's just that Nikolai was the man I really like and for us royalties, we don't have this so-called arrange marriage in our generations. You see....have you fell in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time? Because that is what happened to me with Nikolai. I fell in love with him when I am still young and yet he is one who protects us nor shall I say train us in all aspects." Rosela informs Ethan who is dumbstruck, he is staring at her. 

"Princess Rosela" Ethan cuts her off when Ethan saw her that she will explain furthermore. "I accept your sorry and I forgive you. I understand your situation and Mr. Nikolai's doubts about not pursuing you before. And yes, I fell in love with a beautiful woman at an unexpected time to the most unexpected person. I fell in love with her because she is very strong and with principles, she didn't fall for my charms nor because her friend knew me." Ethan told her. Rosela blushed for she knew the identity of the person he is talking to, and she knew that that person can't give back the love he is asking for. 

"Thank you for understanding Ethan, Someday you will meet someone better than me, someone, who will treasure you, someone who will accept you as you are and even the demons that are hiding in your personality...she is willing to accept it and fight for you and your love." says Rosela

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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah