If someone seriously wants to be a part of your life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it. No REASONS….No EXCUSES…----Anonymous

"But if he repeats what he had done to the Chen Annual Party, I won't hesitate to put his head on the silver platter and feed it to our newly acquired  Rottweiler and Mastiffs" Francois informs everyone particularly to Louie Chen as he stared at him meaningfully.  ​​

Louie stared back and smiled at him bitterly. He knew that the people around him and Luna are keeping a keen eye especially after what he had done at the Chen Annual Party. He also knew that even his friends…Yuan and Harry couldn't help him this time for they are now related to Luna's friends and who are members of the Ladies of the Court. Those ladies could even kill him without batting an eyelid. 

Louie already knew just right now that when you are in love, you make a lot of sacrifices. You need to compromise on your happiness for theirs because you know when the time comes, they'd do the same for you, it's just that when he and Luna are still married he didn't saw his ex-wife's sacrifices because he is blinded by the words of Sofia and he is a fool. He didn't even have time for dinner dates, a movie marathon, and even a walk in the park with Luna; but rather he gave his time and devotion to Sofia who is not his true love. Luna once told him that love is not about going out to movies every weekend and giving each other extravagant gifts, nor having dinner dates in an expensive restaurant or a walk in the park, but rather it is a lot more than just a few stolen kisses and watching the sunset together, or even watching your favorite movie inside your home or eating together that you both cooked and now he regretted to listen to his Luna's songs…. The unspoken words of his Luna's towards him. The words that she wanted to tell him through a song. 

"Love will not always be like sharing the same opinion as yours Louie, and not like the same songs as you want to hear to play" Ethan whispered to him and enough for Kim to hear. Louie smiled bitterly, "I know that Ethan, it's just that I am very reluctant to see the woman I love and my children being happy with another man. I am supposed to be in his foot (Louie looks at the family of Viscount Francois and Luna with the twins), I still can't accept that she is miles away from me, like she is just right in front of me but I can't reach her" Louie murmured back. 

"Louie, because when you are in love, you have to accept them the way they are, I mean what are they are in now. You have to respect their opinions and choices, you have to understand them and most especially you have to be there for them even though we…you can't be the husband and father towards Luna and the twins" Kim suddenly speaks of. 

"Louie and Ethan were both surprised for what Kim just had said, because for the five of them, (Louie, Kim, Ethan, Harry, and Yuan); Kim is the joker and it seems that he is just an easy go lucky guy.

"What! Can you picture this Louie… Luna gave you the space that you wanted to, even when all she wants is to talk to you before you decided to get a divorce, maybe because she wants to tell the real Sofia Su whom you blindly in love with at that time. And yes the three of us committed a great mistake for bullying her when she was still in college and even when the two of you are still married. And it is only Yuan who stands beside her but still can't do anything for he still wants to save his friendship with us. But when the news about Luna's accident reaches us five years ago…. Yuan doesn't talk to us if it is not about work and he even distances himself from us. Louie, Luna loves you very much back then, I know that because I can see it through her eyes, and because of that… I mean… when you are in love, you do things which you don't want to because it is the right thing to do, when you are in love, you give it all. And sometimes even when you are hurting... I mean even though Luna is already breaking apart from the inside, she still smiles and laughs with the people around her and in front of you...us, because at the end of the day she still had a great day and she doesn't want to spoil it. Love is about being there for each other through thick and thin which you didn't do when the two of you are still together. It is about sharing both the good and bad days, but you....you always gave her bad days and dark times. It is about keeping her supposed happiness above yours and loving that person unconditionally.  Luna knew that it is the little things that you do for Sofia and that makes you happy that's why she insisted on the divorce. And now all you have to do is to accept it nothing more nothing less" says Kim seriously.

Louie and Ethan can't believe that those words that gave a slap on Louie's face came from Kim who has not been in a serious relationship after their college. Louie knew that Kim didn't like Sofia at all but still because of their friendship he also hurt Luna. 

"It's getting late, let's all wrapped up and take a rest for tomorrow will be a tiring day" Dimitri's voice was heard. "Yuan, you take care of Isabele. Don't let her fall asleep in the meantime for she ate too many crayfish or she will get indigestion" Princess Amber reminded Yuan who is busy helping his wife to wipe off her lips. Yuan smiled and nods his head. 

As soon as they all wrapped up, everyone went to their respective rooms, but before Louie, Ethan, and Kim could reach the stairs going to their room Louie heard a very angelic voice. "Louie, you have to drink green tea, you had eaten too many crayfish. You need something to help it metabolize or else you will stomachache later. The teas and hot water are already inside your room" Luna told him as she gave her sweetest smile. Louie smiled and nods his head and uttered his thanks. "She still cares for me," Louie told to himself, and for that small gesture of Luna to him…it makes his day complete and he has already contended for that way. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah

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