Chapter 339 - 339 Painful Heart and Acceptance

People can't change the truth, but the truth can change people. ---- Anonymous

"Louie, you have to drink green tea, you had eaten too many crayfish. You need something to help it metabolize or else you will stomachache later. The teas and hot water are already inside your room" Luna told him as she gave her sweetest smile, but still she was with Francois's arms.  Louie smiled and nods his head and uttered his thanks, but stared at how Francois holds her waist as if Luna will going to be snatch away from any time. "She still cares for me," Louie told himself and it made him smile, and because of that small gesture of Luna towards him…it makes his day complete and he has already contended for that way.  ​​

Ethan and Kim just shook their heads upon seeing their best friend doing that kind of act. Truth be told, for both Ethan and Kim as they stared at each other towards their friend Louie…they already know his hidden secret. Louie was more scared of telling Luna that he loved her way back then. Even when they got married that time, Louie has already fallen in love with Luna's innocent smile, sweet smile, and most especially because she was very pure in heart. Louie was afraid to admit that he got mesmerized by the goddess of the moon named Luna and because of that their friend needs to put a barrier on his own heart for he can't admit and accept that his world starts to end because of the love he felt for Luna. And truth be told, that Louie was more scared of losing Luna because of his unfaithfulness to her nor he is scared that he can't be man enough for her. But now he regrets everything because even as a friend he was getting rejected by the woman he loves.

As the three of them arrives at their room, they were greeted by an enticing smell of green tea that has been brewed to perfection, "my Luna still knows by preference when it comes to tea, she still remembers the exact amount of tea leaves that will be brewed and the right temperature" Louie informs the two men beside him as they went inside the room and took the teapot as Louie poured three teacups for them to drink. 

Louie smiled bitterly for he missed the taste of this tea, he doesn't like coffee at all, and he only drinks coffee because Sofia likes it. But Luna…his Luna…Luna always made it sure that there will always be a tea that is served every time he will come home at Villa 7 or even after he took a shower after he humiliated and force himself to his ex-wife. 

"Louie, if may we remind you. Luna is just hospitable to us that's why she is serving your favorite tea. I hope you will not make any issues with it. Luna is now happily married to Viscount Francois Vendari" Ethan told him. 

"I know that Ethan, I am not making any assumptions, it's just that I am happy because she still remembers some small details about my likes and dislikes. It is just painful that I didn't appreciate it way back then. If only I could turn back the time, I will do it…I will turn it from the time we got married. Truth to be told that I love her…I really love her Bro" Louie suddenly burst out his feelings and cried in front of Ethan and Kim.

Ethan and Kim took pity on Louie, they knew that he is just showing everyone here at the Palace that he is still strong and he is not affected by how lovey-dovey Luna and Viscount Francois in front of him, and everybody. 

"I know that Ethan. It's just that it's so hard to accept the reality or shall I say, I am now having my own dose of my bitter medicine. Actually, I don't know that I was in love with Luna before we got married, but when the night I took her innocence that's the time I fell in love with her. She is not like Sofia, I knew that I am not Sofia's first but because of those words her…. I mean Sofia. The words and information she always tells me about Luna, I believe her. But the truth was, I was deeply in love with Luna and I regretted everything from the moment she said goodbye. It sucks to know how we all keep chasing Halley's Comet and be unaware of the fallen stars in our own backyard….or in front of our own very eyes. It sucks how we all look forward to going to mars but do nothing to make earth better. It sucks how we all want something 'better, but we give up on the people who love us whenever there's trouble and always want the best in us" says Louie who is staring at the tea that has gotten cold. 

"I wish I'd made an effort, to save our marriage that time. I wished I had the courage to tell her how I really feel about her. How badly I wanted to tell her that I loved her and I really care for her and I really want to hug and cuddle her every time she cries at night and that evening at the annual party, when she'd come said the words ENOUGH and I WANT A DIVORCE I know it is already goodbye." Louie added. 

It's just, I suck at telling people how I feel especially to Luna. I always have s.u.c.k.e.d at it. I know I'm nothing like Mr. Right or Mr. Perfect, not even close, but I've learned one thing, and that's to try. I can't let our story end this way… even before it begins." Louie once again informs his friends.

"But Louie, Mr. Right can't and will not be Mr. Perfect and Mr. Perfect can't be Mr. Right," Kim told Louie who is just staring at him and Ethan could feel there is a slight of tension in Kim's voice. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. Mwah

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