I didn't feel alone in the relationship because you weren't here... I felt lonely because you stopped trying to connect. ----Ravenwolf

As soon as Louie, Ethan and, Kim step their foot into their room, Louie's phone suddenly vibrates. It was a message from Atty. Rebecca Alberts. Louie immediately picks it up and answered it. Louie put it on speaker mode so that his friends could also hear it, he didn't want to hide something from them especially if it concerns Luna and the twins.  ​​

"Boss, I am here at my apartment, don't worry, we can speak freely now," Rebecca immediately speaks up from the moment Louie answered it. "Spill it Atty. Alberts." Louie demanded.

"Your grandparents are preparing for some plans regarding how you and Ms. Luna will become a husband and wife. They are planning to talk to the Cheung Elders about that and they want it to be done as soon as you and MS. Luna comes back here at City A. They are also wanted that your father Master Edward to marry Ms. Luna's mother for they once become lovers if your mother Ms. Mia didn't intervene way back then. They are planning to talk to Harry and ask for his help regarding this matter. Atty. Shane David and I are preparing the joint custody for the twins' if Ms. Luna will not marry you, they will also demand to the court about the change of surname from what the twins' have now to Chen. I already told them that we will have zero chances of winning for you already given up all the rights that you have five years ago, but still, they will fight from the very end" Rebecca informed Louie. 

"Why are they so adamant about having our surname to be carried by my children? Why can't they accept the fact that I and Luna will never become husband and wife anymore? MY Luna is now happy with her husband and the twins' are already a Vallini or Vendari? Did you already tell them about the doc.u.ments that I have signed way back then? That I have waived my rights of becoming the twins' father?" Louie asks Rebecca.

"Boss, I have already shown the doc.u.ments to them. But you folks are very close-minded. You see, you are the only heir that Master Edward had and you as their grandson….your sole heirs are the twins who are also your spitting image especially the little boy. Of course, they will demand for the children bear the surname Chen because of the lineage. The lineage of the Chen family is at stake if you will not have an heir, especially that Ms. Sofia has been already an outcast from the moment you had an affair with her" Atty. Rebecca explained. 

Louie massages his temple upon hearing it. He knew how his folks are telling him before that they need a grandchild. They are so happy that he and Luna was already married and very much delighted when they found out that they became intimate. If only they knew that he always force himself to Luna, not for as much as Luna doesn't like it, but he wants to make Luna's life a living hell. Ethan and Kim were silently listening to the conversation of Louie and the lawyer, they also knew that Louie and even the Chen Elders will lose the battle about the custody case. 

Louie on the other hand knew how lonely Luna was when they are still together as husband and wife, their relationship was very rough because he wasn't there… Luna was lonely because he stopped trying to link up and he didn't try to open his heart to heart because he chooses to believe the words of Suzy, Sofia, and his very own mother Mia. Louie turns a deaf ear to Luna when she tried to explain to him Sofia's schemes. "Rebecca the sum and substance to this…you have to delay everything. I will be the one who will explain everything to the folks, I also need you to check on Sofia and Suzy. I have this hunch that they are planning something to hurt both Luna and my children" Louie ordered his loyal lawyer.

"You owe me big time on this Boss. It is very hard to deal with your folks and it is much harder to deal with your crazy ex-wife Sofia Su. My sources tell me that she is having a rough time with the allergies that she acc.u.mulated with the foods that have been delivered to their rented house. It seemed that someone is having an act of revenge on her" Rebecca informs Louie. She wants to see even through a phone call if her boss will still be a fool to be a concern to Sofia who brought all the pain to Luna. 

"I don't care about her, just hire someone to trail both mother and daughter, even Sofia's friends. I don't trust them, especially what happened at the celebration party that Luna and her family organized. I don't trust even the family of Sofia's friends. Just put all the tab on my name" Louie added. After that, he ends the call and he sat down on the couch and laid his back on it. 

"Your Elders will not stop unless they've got what they wanted" Ethan utters, Louie nods his head and sigh deeply. "Have you ever told Luna about this issue? I think she needs to know, if not her then try talking again with her husband Viscount Francois and her brother Duke Dimitri. They are the only ones who could help you in protecting Luna and the children. Kim interjects. 

"I know that, I need to be man enough this time for Luna and my kids. I need to atone my sins to them, especially to Luna. I love her and I want to protect her from my folks, and even though she is already married, I will still love her from afar" Louie said as he closes his eyes for he is having a headache because of Atty. Rebecca Alberts reports. 

"Louie, you have to prepare yourself once we go back to City A. Don't worry, we will help you, and I know that both Harry and Yuan will also help us in protecting Luna especially the kids. You and the twins' are just warming up and I as one of your best buddy am very much delighted to see that your relationship with them is flowing smoothly. I hope that your old folks will not ruin it," Kim said as he saw the worried face of Louie. 

"Yeah, I will not let my old folks intervene. Even Luna is quite warming up, she is now calling my first name again, it is a piece of music to my ears. I don't want that Luna, my kids, and even Luna's newfound family will get mad at me because of how closes minded my old folks is. Yes, I do wish that the place of Viscount Francois is me….that should be me instead of him but I was a jerk and I messed up. I messed everything up" Louie replied. 

"I know, I should be blamed by the outcome of how pathetic I am right now. I should open my heart to Luna.... my Luna. But all I can do right now is to love her from afar, to care and protect her from anyone who will try to hurt her, and even offer my life for her. I know it is too late, but still, I won't give up." Louie added. 


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Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. 

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