Love doesn't end, may have ups and downs, but nothing or no one will destroy it if it's love. - Vítor Hugo Mota

As time went on, the moment of the Celebration finally began, the sounds of music from the orc.h.e.s.tra were finally heard. Louie wears a three-piece black suit, Ethan wears a three-piece gray suit and Kim wears an exemplary three-piece suit, but his coat was colored black with the white emblem of the HADES.​​

Louie furrows his brows upon seeing the coat with an emblem, for them, it only signifies the welcoming of the HADES or Luna's family to a new member; by marriage or utilizing any relationship just like Harry, Yuan, and the Saunders twins.

"I think you will also be a part of the HADES family before the night ends Kim, maybe Pearl will give you a chance," says Ethan in a very sad and envious tone, both Louie and Kim knew his feelings towards Princess Rosela from the moment he laid his eyes on her at City A. 

But before Kim can say his piece of words they've heard a knock. Kim was the one who opened the door and it was Eros, who was at the door.  "Is Mr. Louie Chen inside? He asks."

Louie heard it and he immediately went to see Eros, he got bad feelings about a sudden visit from one of the right-hand guys of Luna. "Yes, I am here" Louie replied. 

"Lady Luna Vendari wants to give this letter to you, she wants you to read it before the event starts, she also wants to tell you that, whatever your response to that letter, you can tell it to her later. The letter is sealed with her lock stamp" says Eros in a stern voice. Eros handed Luna's letter to Louie, he immediately identified Luna's handwriting. "Someone will come here and escort you to the venue later" Eros informed them and he walks away from them. 

Kim immediately, close the door and they all sat on the couch, Louie's hand is trembling as he opened the letter of Luna, He was shocked to see that the contents of the letter seemed to look like her response to his wishes will happen a little while later. 


"I know you've been hurt so very badly, especially when you found out Autumn and Luna are the same people. That I had given birth to two most adorable kids, but you know what, I have a simple wish for you, Louie.  I wish I could take that pain away from you, but I can't. I wish I could wash away all the memories of the bad places, people, events, and times, but it's not possible. We can't become husband and wife anymore, just as you wish and hope for, you will not win me back to your life.

But what I want and wish is that I wish more than anything that I could carry the burden of that pain and regrets for you nor with you, but I can't. I know you have hard days and nights where you can't stop thinking about what was done and said especially to me. Breathe in for me Louie, please learn to accept the outcome of what you had done in the past. Remember, you are the sweet soul who had the biggest part of my past life. I realize that the pain comes and goes and there's no way to keep it out, just learn to accept and move on. I know you regret everything that you had done and we come to an end brutally because you are blinded by someone to whom you've given your trust and love. But you get stronger every day, and I know you are fighting for your feelings as days go by, as I observe these past few months and weeks, I can see it, can see that you are changing for good and I hope it will last for the better you.

You're not alone and there are people all around you that love you dearly. You have your father who is Uncle Edward which is my Mom's best friend, your mom, and your grandparents, Ethan, Kim, Harry, and Yuan. And most especially you had Sofia, who is truly, madly, and deeply in love with you. Our time has already ended and I found a new love in the name of Viscount Francois Andrie Vendari, he accepted everything about me. He accepted my flaws, my past, and most especially he embraces me every time I have nightmares and made it a dream with a good one.

Yuan told me that you and Sofia already had a divorce. Why Louie? Why? Can't you see that Sofia loves you so much and she just fights for that love and did some horrible things that we end up like this, but still I wish you could find love that will last in a lifetime? 

I hope you can love again, but please love also yourself first. If you can't find it within yourself to love you the way you deserve, then take some of the love that the others have for you. Take some of the love you feel for me and tuck it away into that beautiful heart of yours.

Maybe it won't solve anything or make anything go away, but perhaps on those days when you can't believe in yourself, you'll feel that love and lift your head just a little higher, and will give you a brighter and clearer mind.

I know healing doesn't happen fast or even how we want it to, but you'll get there. Like me, the only difference was that; there are people around me that help me a lot. 

I don't have the answers for you on why things happen like this, why this has to end this way, or how you can heal, but just bear in mind that you'll survive in the end. 

So now it's your time to start growing and changing. Begin to find something to believe in, some magic inside you, some happiness just waiting for you to find it. And if the twins…. I mean our children will be the person that could change you, I will not oppose it. But please bear in mind that they are no longer a part of the Chen family, they are already a Vendari. 

I know that sometimes you feel like the waves of life are going to pull you under, But they won't…they never do. You're stronger than you believe. I've seen it since I've been there and done that as they say. My aspiration for you is that start to find yourself again, begin to hope again and most of all, start to love yourself again and be in love nor fall in love with a very special woman. I won't oppose you to be my friend, but there will be restrictions on that friendship for I don't want to have any misapprehension between me and my King. 

Louie, you're worth it... You're worth everything, you are worth having a partner that will last long. What's done is long gone even as you're trying to deal with the pain and regrets. You must keep going. Life must go on and be optimistic. Soon, you'll find the waves of healing crash into you in an inconsequential time, that you're able to swim in a deep ocean someday, the tides of hurt will be nothing more than an ebbing memory of a time long past, and in the end, you will just laugh out loud nor smile when you once remember those memories that once happened to your life. That's when we will both have a family of our own, but literally, I already had my own family, and as I've always been, waiting to embrace you nor because I am your ex-wife, but as a friend. 

You will find a woman who is ready to love you forever and, I will always be the friend who will love you, but with some boundaries on it and I hope you won't mind. And as my friend and for the beautiful person in our life our children as you will bring your own family to meet us someday Me, My King with the twins and the future twins' with your newfound family. 

So, Louie, I will expect your response later to this letter at the dance. I hope you will be true to yourself, and I am sorry if I didn't say these things to you in person. I know you very well Louie. You will not let me talk nor finish my words for you will not accept my words for you. That's why I've always conveyed my unspoken words to you through a song…through music. Do you know why? Because every time you will, that particular musical piece you will remember my words."


As Louie finishes reading it, his body seems to tremble and his face paled and his eyes have tears on them, it looks like a river, it flows non-stop. This is the first time that Ethan and Kim saw Louie cried like there is no tomorrow.  Ethan snatched the letter in Louie's hand and read also the letter, Kim walks over to the kitchen to get a jug and a glass of water so that Louie can drink it. Kim can see the devastated look on his friend's face. Ethan on the other hand also got a pale face, for him the letter is very heartbreaking. 

"Luna accepted you to become her friend, but still it seems that she doesn't trust you at all. She is very cautious for she didn't want the Viscount to misunderstand her relationship with you in the future" Ethan suddenly uttered. 

Louie tried to compose himself, but still, there are tears in his eyes. "It is better to be like these rather than she will still not accept me as her friend. Luna's conditions and words for me will suffice and I know I was to be blamed for all of these things in my life. Being her friend will be the greatest achievement for me, and I knew that she already informed her King about what is written on the letter" says Louie in between his hiccups due to his crying. 

"The man on her side should be me Ethan, but I had given up on her. I didn't see my future with her, but rather with that bitch Sofia. I know how much Sofia loves me, and because of that love, she became obsessed and crazy just to have me. Sofia did things that the saying "too much love can kill you" really does happen. But, the truth was. I am not in love with Sofia. As I've always said, I thought Sofia was the girl in the masked and she made me believe" Louie once again retold his own thoughts.


Dear Readers, 

This novel is only for web novel…. Thank you for your support. All of your Chapter Comments, Paragraph Comments, Suggestions, Power Stones, Gifts, and Star votes are greatly appreciated and it boosts my feelings to write more.

Love lots from me and a bear hug from me to you. 

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