Lou Muyan was not surprised to hear Xia Xuanye's words. She heard that the mercenary Union's investigation made the people who investigated follow up for a long time.

"No, I'm not going to send it to Zhongzhou with danta."

She paused and continued, "I'm going to take the Mufeng mercenary regiment to Zhongzhou mainland in this half a year."

On the road between Beiyuan Empire and Zhongzhou, there are transfer stations in many big cities. As long as you pay a certain cost of spirit stone, you can transfer it to the next big city.

She has calculated the time. It is enough to upgrade Mufeng mercenary regiment to level 7 mercenary regiment in half a year.

"Miss Lou, do you mind if we join the mission?" an Yuqian can't give up Lou Muyan before she joins other organizations. "But if you refuse, we will follow you secretly. This is our duty."

The three of them can follow Lou Muyan secretly, but it's right not to be smart when dealing with smart people.

Lou Muyan raised his eyebrows: "since you have said so, can I refuse?"

"Then we will cooperate happily." an Yuqian chuckled.

He just likes to deal with smart people who know how to advance and retreat.

Xia Xuanye and Chu Xi naturally would not oppose this proposal. As the supervision envoy, they also need to contact Lou Muyan more to prevent other big forces from digging corners.

After all, Lou Muyan has not joined the forces of integration yet, but he has registered mercenaries. Nominally, he is also a member of their mercenary Union.

Fei Yanchen sent Lou Muyan and his party back to another hospital. Instead of leaving in a hurry, he stayed.

"Yan Chen, what's the matter with you?" Lou Muyan and Fei Yan Chen are good friends after getting along with each other for half a year.

Fei Yanchen nodded with a smile and said, "Mu Yan, I also want to join your Mu Feng mercenary regiment."

He didn't like a restrained life, otherwise he wouldn't go out often before. After doing mercenary tasks with Lou Muyan and others for half a year, he also liked this life of stimulating unity and cooperation.

He likes such a simple friendship without many conflicts of interest and the joy of getting things to share with everyone.

Lou Muyan was surprised and asked, "does Beiyuan emperor know?"

Will Beiyuan emperor allow his own brother to join the mercenary regiment as a mercenary?

"Know, I have convinced the third brother, and he has agreed." Fei Yanchen hooked his lips and smiled.

His third brother loved him from the bottom of his heart, so he took the responsibility to let him freely choose the direct way. He would not refuse such kindness.

Moreover, being a mercenary is not a disgrace. If one day Mufeng mercenary regiment can achieve level 9 mercenary regiment or even level 10 mercenary regiment, it will definitely be a larger force and position than Beiyuan state.

One day, maybe he can help the third brother.

"Half a year later, I went to participate in the finals of danta. I should resign from the position of Mufeng mercenary regiment, just hang a name at most, and then give the Mufeng mercenary regiment to my brother." Lou Muyan smiled at him and said, "do you still insist on your decision?"

If Fei Yanchen came for them, he must refuse. If he really liked the profession of mercenary, he would agree.

"I insist." Fei Yanchen replied without hesitation.

He has a self-consciousness that the Mufeng mercenary regiment will one day be a blockbuster across the mainland, even if the head is Lou Muyan's brother Lou muting.

My sister is so powerful that my brother must not be too far away. Moreover, from his contact with Lou muting, that person is very suitable for the post of head of the mercenary regiment.

"OK!" Lou Muyan smiled and stretched out a hand and said with a smile: "Mufeng mercenary regiment welcomes you to join us."

"I'm honored too!" Fei Yanchen reached out and shook her hand.

The next day, Lou Muyan took Ming Meng Ling and danta Ling to the trading place opened by Ming Meng chamber of Commerce and danta to buy a large number of level 7 spirit grass, and level 8 spirit grass also bought several seeds.

Muyan and his party didn't stay long in Beiyuan imperial building. They took a level 7 task and set out three days later.

The once-in-50-year danta competition can be regarded as the prosperity of the whole human domain, and all forces, large and small, are paying attention to it.

The big forces want to attract the best in the alchemy competition, and the small and medium forces also want to tap some alchemists who are not high in alchemy grade but have talent and no background.

Therefore, even if the final of the alchemy competition has not officially started, the sub competition in the five states is also very concerned.

The other three domains are also concerned about the competition, but they are more concerned about the finals and only know the news about the match.

Lou Muyan also began to appear in the message transmission list of various forces. After all, the talent of six grade senior alchemists under the age of 20 is very excellent. It is absolutely possible to cultivate into seven grade or even eight grade alchemists.

However, many forces are still waiting. They want to see how much potential Lou Muyan has, so they are waiting to see her performance in the finals.

Many small and medium-sized forces handed Lou Muyan olive branches through various channels, but they were directly declined by her.

Many people in Renyu pay attention to Muyan, especially the news that she led the level 6 Mufeng mercenary regiment to smash the level 8 crazy lion mercenary regiment headquarters.

Although many people don't believe it, it doesn't affect her reputation.

Many people in the human domain pay attention to Lou Muyan. Although others in the other four domains do not pay much attention to the competition in the sub field, the news of Lou Muyan also spread back.

Under a main hall and underground palace in the devil Kingdom, a beautiful and gentle woman walked in.

The woman in red who was sitting in the middle of a pile of dead people suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the gentle woman, frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Let me see elder sister!" the gentle woman's voice was gentle and beautiful.

The great saint raised her eyebrows and said with a slight sarcasm, "everything goes to the three treasures hall. I don't have anything you can draw here."

Although the three saints are gentle and beautiful in appearance, they are famous among the saints and daughters. Their mind is deep and poisonous, which is more insidious than the most poisonous snake in the world.

She has never liked to associate with this sinister and vicious woman.

"I just heard that the eldest sister is asking for information about a person, so I came to tell her today." the three saints didn't care about the attitude of the eldest sister.

This woman is too arrogant, and her mind is not very deep. She is not worried at all. If she makes good use of it, she is still a sharp sword.

"You have the news of the dead girl in Lou Muyan?" the great saint narrowed her eyes and said.

She didn't know the festival between the three saints and Lou Muyan, but she was curious about how the sinister woman cared about it.

"Yes! Elder sister has been checking the whereabouts of this man. I inadvertently learned that I also paid attention to one or two."

The three saints smiled and said, "I happened to see some news from Renyu recently. When I saw this man's name, I came to elder sister for personal favor."

She invaded the land of the gods and tried to capture the war ruins of the demon family. The great saint didn't know the secret, so she was not afraid of the other party's suspicion of her purpose.