The great saintess listened to the meaning of the three saints. She mainly wanted to remember a favor. She was alert and put down a lot.

"Did you get the news of that dead girl?"

The three saints smiled and no longer played tricks, saying: "the 50 year alchemy competition of Renyu danta has been held, and the competition of the five branch venues has ended. There is news that the champion name of the beizhou branch venue is Lou Muyan."

"But maybe it's just the same name, and I'm not sure she's the one the elder sister is looking for." then the three saints turned and said.

The great saint woman's face showed a cruel and fierce look and said, "no, if she is the champion of the branch field of alchemy competition, it must be her."

That dead girl's alchemy is very good.

"Elder sister, why do you have trouble with a human little guy?" the three saints asked with some curiosity.

Her curious look put down the last doubt of the great saint female general, and lightly replied: "you don't have to worry about the third sister. Give me the information you get."

"Elder sister, if it's useful to get your sister, you should remember to say." the three saints handed a jade slip to the eldest saint.

The great saint nodded: "don't worry, I wrote down this favor."

"Then elder sister, continue to practice. I'll go back first."


As soon as the three saints came out of the hall door, the gentle smile on her face immediately converged, and there was a mocking color in her eyes.

This woman was really stupid when she was hurt by a man. Now she has no brain, but it suits her.

After the three saints left, a man in black appeared in a stone pillar not far away. He smiled playfully and soon left the hall.

The great saint woman read all the news about Lou Muyan in the jade slip and soon disappeared into the underground palace.

The headquarters of the dark city of the demon domain also has an assassination mission specially for Lou Muyan, the head of the human domain human Mufeng mercenary regiment. The level is intermediate.

The dark markets in Guangling world and Tianling continent are different. The dark markets in the four regions are managed by the mysterious dark emperor, and the penetration of the demon clan is not deep.

The task of dark market in Guangling world has two levels, one is the task level under Danyuan realm, and the other is the task level above Danyuan realm.

The task levels above Dan yuan realm are divided into primary, intermediate, advanced, top level, difficult level, super difficult level and life and death pole.

The task level is not determined by the person entrusted has the final say, but based on the information of the person to kill.

Originally, swordsmen with no background in the cultivation of Dan Yuanjing are generally primary. However, in view of the fact that Mufeng mercenary regiment defeated the level 8 crazy lion mercenary regiment, the dark market tentatively set the assassination task as intermediate.

Of course, if an intermediate task fails, the level of the task will rise, and the price that the client needs to pay will change dramatically.

Three months later.

The night was slightly cool, a full moon was in the sky, and the stars twinkled.

A woman sat on the top of the highest mountain in a deep mountain. She kept changing her hands, and the power of the stars fell into her body.

Lou Muyan's body is like a layer of silver light everywhere, misty and distant.

After a while, the aura around him was constantly surging and churning, and the spiritual clouds were built one after another.

The spirit thunder fell one after another, and her body was like a bottomless pit, crazy absorbing the spirit between heaven and earth.

This strange situation lasted all night until a ray of sunshine broke through the sky.

She slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were as deep as the sea. With a sense of peace and tranquility, her lips raised an arc.

She stretched out a hand and looked. Her mind moved, and her white wrist as white as jade was covered with a layer of silver.

This is not the spirit fire protection, but the benefit brought by the lower cultivation of the Witch and God formula to the second level. Her body is now invulnerable. As long as she is not an artifact above the middle grade, she can't break it.

Cultivation has also impacted the earth and Yuan environment and the period of refining emptiness. Many secret methods of cultivating immortals can also be used.

"Let's go." Lou Muyan stood up and said to the little white beast lying nearby.

Mo Yan jumped onto her shoulder, "well, they must be in a hurry."

This time, the smoke of loumu was broken through the bottleneck, so they found this place alone. It was expected to take only five days, but it took ten days.

Lou Muyan and his party set out from Beiyuan imperial capital and were receiving tasks with task crystal all the way.

Every time I go to a city, I will go to the branch of the mercenary union to hand over the task, and then continue.

Because Zhongzhou is far from Beiyuan state, they will go to the transfer station according to the task and use the array to transmit between cities.

As time went by, Lou Muyan and his party also encountered several life and death dangers during the task, but they all worked together to resolve them one by one, and Mufeng mercenary regiment was successfully promoted to level 7.

Along the way, they also recruited many mercenaries with good character to join, and once again saved the storm mercenary group in crisis. Buzhan and others also joined the Mufeng mercenary group.

Six months later.

The array of transfer station in Zhongzhou city was constantly lit up, and Lou Muyan and his party came out of it.

Out of the transfer station, Bing halberd smiled and sighed: "this transfer station is very useful. It can be transmitted over such a long distance, which is much more convenient than using the power of space."

Long Yao glanced at him and said, "easy to use is easy to use, but our movements can be mastered by the transfer station. It doesn't apply to people who don't want to be exposed."

He could have used the teleport array to go directly to the Beiyuan state before, but he was afraid that the news would leak, so he hurried on his own.

"The master has the means to hide and change the breath. This time, you will continue to transmit it together." Bing Ji said with a curl of his mouth.

Long Yao smiled on his cold face, "that's the hostess."

"The transfer station is controlled by that force?" Lou Muyan asked curiously when he heard what they said in the sea space.

Long Yao replied, "the transfer station belongs to the power organization of the dark market, so they can clearly grasp the trend of many people."

The transfer array at the transfer station is very easy to use. It can not only greatly reduce the long distance and time on the short circuit, but also avoid many dangers encountered on the way. Therefore, many swordsmen prefer to expose their whereabouts to the dark market and spend a lot of money to use the transfer array.

Lou Muyan was surprised. "Can the forces of the dark market speak openly?"

The dark market belongs to the underground dark organization. Therefore, in the Tianling continent, it is active below, and there are not many forces on the table.

"Of course, the dark market is a big organization involving four domains in the Guangling world. Top forces such as the mercenary trade union in the human domain can't compare with it. Their industry is open except the killer organization."

Long Yao continued: "in Zhongzhou City, the black market is a huge organization, and many transactions are no longer underground transactions, but there are still good and bad people, which can not guarantee security."

"The power of the dark market is so huge that the mysterious dark emperor doesn't know what race it is."

Lou Muyan touched his chin and asked, "according to this, the power of the Ming Palace Royal family is not as strong as the dark market?"