Chapter 6 - Giving Good Impression


Elena was shocked to hear what he said. From the time she entered the cabin, he kept starring at her. His ocean blue eyes where constantly hooked on her and were memorizing her from head to toe. She didn't know why he kept starring her, until she heard him whisper the words which blew her mind.

Her eyes went down to where he was gazing at. Popping her eyes wide open, she immediately cover her chest putting her hand on it.

Realizing what he said, Lucas wanted to hide inside the table. Not knowing what to do he cleared his throat and went on putting a fake smile. He needed to repair his mistakes or else she would think of him as pervert, though he was at first place.

"No.. no.. Miss Carter that is not what I meant to say!" he said worriedly.

"You got me all wrong. I was looking at the cup" he said pointing at the cup, finally covering his mistake.

Elena's eyes looked at the cup and then went staring at his face. He had this smile which told her not to believe him.

His answer was not convincing for Elena to believe him. She has known him as flirt and a playboy ,not wanting to wait there anymore and listening him blurting something which will boil her anger, she immediately spoke "Sir this is the coffee you've asked for" placing the coffee on the tale she left in rush.

Lucas kept on blinking watching her walking away so fast out the cabin that the words he was going to speak halt in his throat.

"Was she not convinced by my answer!" he talked to himself guessing whether she agreed or not.

Taking the coffee cup from the table he took a sip, " she punishing me indirectly by making me drink this coffee...."he said spitting it out "Who makes such a tasteless coffee... she spoiled my taste bud" he said looking at the cup and then to her cabin.

"I made a grave mistake by asking Ron to let her make me coffee every morning" he said keeping the cup as far as possible.

"No.. I'm am not drinking it again" wiping his lips he stared working.




Inside Elena's cabin, she was watching Lucas making face while drinking his coffee through the glass wall. Her cabin was next to him and she had full view of his cabin "You deserve it idiot.." she said and laughed in her mind.

Elena was very bad in cooking and stuff, her mom never allowed her to enter the kitchen. She could only make noodles for herself as it could be done in two minutes without using her brain and messing the kitchen table.

"You better keep your eyes off me" saying this she started her work.

Ron had given her pile of work to complete in one day and she wanted to give her best.

Going through the previous account, file she found many mistakes and noted it down. Mr. Watson has been foul playing for a long time in the account section and the company had no idea until he was caught red handed by Lucas.

"He really mislead the company" she said scanning each and every file in detail.

" No doubt he got so much money out from the company account" she said correcting the mistakes.




Lucas who was looking every now and then toward Elena's cabin was wondering why she is not looking at him.

"You stupid man.. she has come to work here not to look at you" said his subconscious mind ,but he brushed of the unwanted thought and went on watching her work. 

Thinking how to get her attention.. he got an idea in his mind "Ron in my office now..."he said calling him.

"Yes sir did you call me?" Ron came rushing inside.

"Why did you gave Miss Carter soo much work?" he questioned him.

Ron gave him a confused look "Isn't she here to work?" he thought.

"Sir you asked me to guide her and allot her some work which she has to do!" he said. Lucas had asked him to pay attention on her and help her if she had any problem and he was just following his boss order.

"But still...why did you give her soo much work? look she is stressing so much "he said pointing at her. She was working so hard that she didn't move her eyes from the file.

"Ron.. this is how you treat women?" he frowned throwing daggers at him..

Ron was left dumbfounded. He was the one who needed to treat women with respect rather than playing around with them. He so wanted to shout out loud but her gulped his thought down and hide in his stomach. 

"Sir.." Ron fidget not knowing what to say. He didn't had words that would make this man understand anything.

"I am not as expert as you sir" he said inwardly.

Before Ron could say anything he was cut "Tell her that we have a meeting in A-star hotel, and she has to accompany me" Lucas said working on his laptop. Ron looked at the devil who only made him do things he never wanted too.

Understanding what his boss said, he left the cabin to inform her.




Inside the car ,Lucas wanted to start a conversation with her. On the other hand Elena was sitting quietly.

Ron had explode a bomb on her saying the she had to attend a meeting with the boss, and he had asked to write down every detail they discuss.

Elena was sitting with him on the back seat. She was in her thought when she heard him say, "Miss Carter ,what is your favorite fruit?". Startled by his voice she looked at him.

She didn't know why he was asking her this question was he starting a conversation she thought. Clearing her throat she replied" Anything sir.."

"Do you like strawberry flavor or chocolate flavor?" he asked looking at her lips, not knowing what he was doing.

He was already smitten by her from the time he saw her. And now her natural rose fragrance was driving him crazy to an extend ,where he didn't think straight and went on gawking her lips.

"What.....?"she looked at him. This pervert boss of hers started with his act again.

"Strawberry or Chocolate?" he said dreamily still looking at her lips. He was so busy looking at her lips that he didn't notice Elena had started boiling inside with anger. His shameless words were making her angry and his eyes were asking her to pull them out from the socket.

"He should be brought out from his dreamy world" her subconscious mind said and she nodded in yes

An idea popped in her head. Her hand slowly went removing a safety pin kept in the purse and without breaking her gaze from him, she stung it on his hand. Thanks to her mother that she had kept it inside her purse.

Her father had also made her joined self defense class back in school. Though she didn't threw him out from the door but this small pin had already removed blood from his hand. 

"Ahh.. "he shouted brushing his hand. He felt like his was injected something on his hand. She stung was so strong that it made him cry in pain.

"Come out from your fantasy... you pervert" she said smiling in mind.

Elena saw his painful expression and was satisfied with her action .Patting herself in mind, she kept the pin back and pretended to get scared because to his scream.

"W-what happened sir?" she asked innocently.

"I guess something just bite me,  "he forward his hand showing her the bite .He had a small blood dot on his hand.

Seeing the blood dot Elena felt happy for him. But when she looked up at his painful face she felt something moved in her heart. She didn't like the tear formed in his eyes due the pain he was feeling. She had went far in punishing him, she thought.

"Sir I have bandage, do you want me to put on it" she said feeling sorry and wanted to soothe his pain. She didn't knew why she felt this way when she herself wanted him to teach him a lesson.

"Yes... sure...please.. help me to reduce the pain" he said showing his bright smile. He was happy that she initiated to help him.

Elena was amused to see his child like smile. He looked so innocent when he smiled, his eyes sparkled when she asked him if she could put the bandage. And her heart skip a beat when she saw him nodding his head in yes.

Getting the bandage out from her purse she took his hand and put on it.. She was trying to be careful with her action. The blood dot was removed but the areas around it was swollen. Maybe she would have been a little harsh with him, she thought.

Lucas who was busy admiring her beauty the whole time knew she was the one who pinned him. Instead of getting angry he had a smile on his face. Her act was rough but her action felt cute in his eyes.

He was foreign to the feeling that he felt whenever he was with her. He himself didn't knew when he started finding her acts cute. But one thing he learn for sure that she wasn't someone who let people looked down on her. And would fight if anybody took wrong steps to her.

He saw her being gentle with her action which made his heart fill with happiness. She looked fragile but was strong enough to fight back if mistreated.

"Will you stick to me always" he said in his mind looking at her face .