Chapter 7 - The Knock In His Heart

A-Star Restaurant

It has been half an hour both Lucas and Elena have been waiting for the person's arrival, but it seems the person was not interested in meeting them.

Elena was wondering whom they were going to meet. As per Ron's instructions, she had to go with her boss and and get the details of their meeting as for him to further work on it. She had temporarily replace Ron because he had other important meetings in the company to handle.

Elena was busy in her thoughts that she forgot there was a shameless person who was staring at her. Looking at him she cleared her throat.

He knew she had noticed him looking at her.

"Miss Carter... you didn't answer my previous question that I ask you in the car? he again brought the same question.

Elena had ignored him throughout the journey after putting the bandage, but every time her attention turned to him she saw him smiling like a girl, looking at the bandage on his hand. He seemed like a shy girl who was being noticed by her crush. 

"No sir I am not fond of eating fruits" she avoiding his gaze. She could now understand the double meaning behind his question. Even back in the office she knew were he was looking. 

Lucas was about to asked her further but stopped when he saw the person entering the restaurant. His lips curved into a smile watch the person who walked their way.

"Ethan..... " Lucas stood up and marched where the person was. Lucas was not sure whether he would come or not. He strode fast giving him a tight hug.

Elena who stood up to greet the person was shocked seeing him.

A tall man as same as Lucas height with lean body came wearing a track pants and a loose t-shirt, his hair were messed as if he had just woken up from sleep and to his look there was complementary touch....his sunglass.

She had never seen a person who comes for a meeting dressed up like he did. He was walking like a zombie and that sunglass where making him look like a crazy person.

Making their ways to the seats, Lucas introduced him to Elena who was watching him in horror. Ethan's nod made her break the statue like posture of her and she nodded politely.

Taking their seat Ethan removed his glasses which made Elena suppress her laugh. He was sure a mad man.

His eyes where swelling and now she was sure that person he had came directly after getting up from bed.

"I thought I won't be able to get to you" Lucas said smiling.

"You know I don't like crowd place. Lucas why did you asked me to come I have only slept for two hour's " Ethan complained rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Get out from your sleep you pig...! " Lucas clapped his hand near his ears. Startled by his actions Ethan gave him angry look.

"I have a deal for you" Lucas said passing him a file, "Go through it and tell me what you say!"

"You know I'm not interested in working again" he said passing the file back, "you know I have stopped doing it a long back".

" Your ban as been removed an year ago, why don't you give it a try" Lucas knew why he was rejecting it.

Ethan Smith was Lucas friend. They met during their college days and bonded well from there. Both were like brothers though Ethan was not as rich as Lucas but that didn't break their friendship or lower their respect for each other.

Ethan worked hard making him recognized for his work. Lucas never judged their friendship through class and always considered him as a family.

Ethan was a bright student and had worked hard in getting a job in IT company. Though Lucas had asked him to join his father company but he rejected it. he wanted to make his name on his own will , there was not a thing that cannot be solved by him in logics, he was master in it from hacking to developing no one could beat him.

Everything was going good when someone trap him for money laundering, he was proofed guilty by showing false proof and was banned from working for 4 years. From the day he lost his career, Ethan had distanced himself from everyone. His profession was his pride but it was crumbled by the mean people. He had lost faith in him.

"It's long gone Lucas, I don't even know if I have that much strength to walk with my head held high" he said getting out of the past.

"Never let people look down at you, always walk with your head high up... do you remember it" Lucas said reminding him his words.

"It was you who said it to me.. remember "

In college Lucas was mocked by many for not having mother and these where the words said by Ethan to him. He always support Lucas, and fought with others when they would mock him or try to bully him.

Ethan wanted to stand again, but was afraid from his past that disturbed his present and  blurred his future.

"Let me think about it" he wanted time to step into the shoes again, he had given up on it when he was banned and needed to think before starting from the scratch.

"Let me know what you think, and by the way thanks for the help" Lucas smiled.

"Anything for you brother" saying this he stood up. Taking the file and left.

Ethan had help him in exposing Watson. He was the one to bring all the details and report his foul playing thing. If not for him they would have not found the culprit who was backstabbing them.

Elena was witnessing everything, "Isn't he the great tech in software world" she mumbled.

"Yes and my friend-come-brother" he said proudly making her look at him.

"Was I that loud?" she thought..



After the meeting they both headed back to the company. Both of them were occupied with their respective work.

Lucas has been watching Elena doing her work in determination. Ron informed him that she had almost done half of the work given to her and he was very impressed by her working skills.



Lunch time arrived and Elena went with her new friends to the office canteen. Venus and Jacob acquainted Elena to the canteen, taking their seats they waited for the order.

"lets go to party after office hours get over" Venus said excitedly.

"Yes... good idea its Elena first day and also our friendships, lets celebrate" Jacob join Venus.

The trio was also joined by Samantha and she was also happy to make new friends. They were busy discussing about the place for the celebration when a voice called them.

"May I join you three?" came a voice from behind.

Startled by knowing whom the voice belong Elena turn her head.

"Pervert!.. what is he doing here?" she thought looking at him surprise.

Everyone in the canteen were shocked to see the CEO himself coming down in canteen to eat.

Lucas was informed about Elena going with her friends to the canteen. He was hungry and was going to ask Elena to go out for the lunch with him but his plan flop when he found her in the companies canteen.

From the day his eyes got hold on her, there was this 'getting to know her more' feeling surging up and that feeling made him wanting to spend more time with her. Without waiting for a second, he rushed to the canteen find them discussing something.

"Yes... yes Sir please have a seat" Venus said pushing Jacob, hinting him to sit with Elena. But before he could moved, the excited person had already taken the seat next to her.

"What are you eating?" he said looking at Elena, while the other three kept staring at Boss who was now talking with her.

" Whom did he asked? "she thought.

Elena blinked twice thinking why is he asking her about what she was having. Doesn't he see the remaining three people with them, who were staring at them as if they had seen horn on their head.

Without waiting for her reply he took the piece of steak from her plate and tasted it.

"Hmm.. its tasty" he said devouring the taste of steak.

Elena kept staring at his shamelessness, why was he getting so friendly with her, they were not close enough to share the same food.

" By the way.... what where you all discussing?" he asked taking another bite and looked at the three shocked people who were still paused.

He wanted to know why they were so happy about and what were they discussing earlier.

"Ha.. boss we were discussing about the celebration" Venus the excited one said smiling breaking her statue posture.

" Celebration! ..what celebration? he questioned.

"Ahh..... boss its Elena's first day so we wanted to celebrate" she again said, the other three kept looking at her hinting to keep her mouth shut, but it was of no use. She had already blurt all.

"Can I joined you all..! " he said looking at her as he waited for their answer.

"Cough.. " Jacob gulp down the water and said "Yes Sir you can join... " he said wiping his mouth and Venus patted his back.

"Okay then, Miss Elena and I will come with you" he said looking at them.

"Cough... "Elena wanted to run somewhere away from this pushy man.. While the other three were left dumbfounded.