Chapter 12 - No Regrets

"Sir Ron said he will be here in ten minutes, it's twenty five minutes already where are they? " Elena look at the time once again.

She has been waiting for them for the past twenty five minutes, they had to visit the new site where they were going to build their startup company.

Not too far from where Elena was standing, there was a black Mercedes which was park on the side of the road, the car wasn't visible to Elena eyes.

"Sir should we go, Miss Carter is waiting for too long? " Ron who was seated at the front seat turn and asked Lucas.

Lucas eyes were stuck on the girl standing in front, he didn't even bother to hear the poor man. Ignoring his words he kept staring at the Goddess who waiting for his arrival. She was like a fresh breathe of air to his dirty life.

" More five minutes Ron then we will go" finally he open his mouth and spoke.

"But... Sir we already waited here for so long, isn't her legs must be paining" Ron wanted his boss to be little sensible in this case.

Lately, Lucas was acting weird and it made Ron go crazy. Ron had already given him her address, but still he asked him to call her and forced his to ask about her location. And when asked why he did so, the reason he came up was just lame 'Because I don't want to look like a desperate person in front of her' Like seriously...

" Ron, wouldn't she think that we came too early just after calling her" Lucas gave him a questionable look.

"No doubt your wife keeps shouting on you for forgetting everything" he signed shaking his head in disappointment.

Ron look like he was being scolded by his teacher for not memorizing his studies. He kept wondering what has gotten into him "A Romeo spirit or something "he thought.

After what twenty minutes felt like a hour, Elena finally saw the car coming her way. Stopping it in front of her, Ron came out and opened the back door for her.

"Miss Carter, get inside" he asked her to get inside the car.

Elena who was surprised by Ron sentence, looked at him in confusion. She thought she was going to seat in front seat and Ron would take the back seat but here everything went different. Ron asked her to take the back seat.

"Isn't he supposed to sit back" she thought.

Without voicing her thought she nodded her head and just took the back seat.

Lucas who was waiting for her to get inside the car, finally got his happy pill next to him.

He had asked Ron to take the front seat and let her sit next to him.

Throughout their journey Lucas kept staring at her like a fool, he was looking like lovesick person, smiling like a shy girl who's crush was sitting next to her.

Elena pretended not to look at him and kept watching outside the window.

"Weird man" she whispered.





Samantha had just entered the company and was waiting for the elevator to come down, when she heard two ladies talking about Ethan behind her back.

"Isn't he the same guy who was blacklist for money laundering" one girl commented.

"Yes he the same person, how can he get job again ,is he even trust worthy" the other one said.

" Maybe he has again done some tricks to get here or maybe took some money " previous one said and both the ladies laughed at her comment.

Samantha was listening to their nonsense for a long time, she was too angry by their comment that.. she couldn't take it any more and turned back to face them.

"I think before speaking about someone's past, you should also keep in mind about yours" she said in furry.

"Rather than gossiping about anyone, better pay attention to yourself" she again fired her words.

She folded her hands while looking at them in anger. They are no one to judge any person and comment on any one for their past issues without knowing the truth.

"I think... I should mention the head of department, that our employees are more interested in gossiping rather than working" and this was her last shot.

Scared by her words ,the girls stopped talking and walked quickly into the elevator before she made a big issue and expose them in front of everyone.

Samantha gave a disgusting look at their retreating back, she was about to turn when she saw Ethan not too far from her .

He had heard each and everything what the ladies said, and was about to ignore them but stopped when he heard Samantha scolding them.

Walking her way he stood in front of her" Thanks" he said, "But next time just ignore if you hear anyone talking about me, just brush off their words like I do" he smile and entered the elevator. Nodding in yes she followed him.





Maira was busy doing her grocery shopping. She was just back from her vacation and she needed to clean her apartment and buy some needy stuff.

Her father kept insisting her to leave the place and come back to the mansion, but she being her own person wanted her freedom.

She was busy pushing her cart and putting the things she needed inside it.

She then went to the noodles section and searched her favorite one. After scanning the whole rack she finally found one, but unfortunately their were only two packets remaining.

As she was going to take the packet, someone came and took it first before she could reach and walked away without saying anything.

"Hey mister I have seen it first" she shouted from behind, but he kept walking as if he didn't listen her words.

Pushing her cart she went and grab his collar and pull him to face her.

"You.... " came two voice in shock at the same time.

The person in front of her was none other then the man she slept with.

Daniel was shocked to see her again. The passionate night with her started running in his head, he could still feel her touch.

The next day after their night she ran away, he searched the whole hotel but didn't find her. He didn't knew when was the last time he had slept peacefully. But after the sexual encounter with her, he had that peaceful sleep and holding her made him feel contented.

"Y-you... I....want.. that packet" she starting stammering. His face was too close to her.

Looking at her shocked face, he wanted to tease her, after all she left a handsome man like him and ran away.

"But it was me who took it " he bend more down to her height and said. His minty breathe was fanning her face.

The memories of their night flashed in front of her eyes, his body scent was making her nervous, she could clearly remember how he smelled.

Maira's body started heating up due to the closeness, his blue eye were irresistible making her drown into it, they were clear like the sky.

"I.. n-need to go... " she let go of his collar was about to run, but was pulled back again.

Daniel held her wrist close to his chest and pulled her again making her lean more to him. She was the first women to whom he had lost his virginity and he was not regretting it.

"You want to run again?" he said whispering in her ear. 

Daniel got the same urge of touching her. Her intoxicated scent was lingering in his mind. Slowly moving his face in the crook of her neck he inhaled her fragrance.

" I want you" his husky voice came making her eyes wide open.