Chapter 13 - Hiding Emotion

"The land is perfect place for the startup, Ron get the design plan for construction" Lucas was busy examining the place.

Lucas wanted to start a small company under the name of his mother, she had always been his support and encouraged him to do best in life.The company would solely handled by him and kept under his care.

"I want everything on point that i mentioned for the design, no mistake" he spoke finally approving the place.

Ron nodded after his boss confirmed the place and went to discuss the further procedure.

Elena and Lucas where only left, the was a complete silence between them. Elena was looking at Lucas face who thinking about something. She had not seen him so silent, he was always the one to initiate the talk.

"This was the place where my mother lived" he spoke after a long time.

Elena turn to look at him, his eyes showed so many emotion happy, sad, hurt and longing.

"I use to spend my summer vacation over here"he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.He was recalling every memory he had shared with his mother in this place and also remembered the final one.

He was so overwhelmed that he had tears in his eye's. Blinking his eyes he tried to stop them from falling, he didn't wanted Elena to see him like that. He was not a person who would show his vulnerable side to anyone.

Elena was looking at him all the time, she saw him hiding his emotions to quickly. She had only known him as a flirty person who enjoys his life without caring, but this side of him was new to her.

"She had the most beautiful smile" he said looking at her with his glittery eyes.

"Yes she does" she thought and was reminded of the photo she had seen on the table in his cabin.

Waiting there for sometime they left the place.

Ron had to do other work in the company so he left after signing the property papers under Lucas name.Elena was left behind with Lucas too help him and get every details about the construction details and cost it would take to build.

The place was far away from their company it took them two hours to travel there. It was evening when they left the place and were travelling back.

Elena kept staring at Lucas, he was silent the whole time and didn't speak to her. Maybe he was missing his mother and the place brought the memories of his time with her.

Elena was thinking when the car suddenly stopped, getting out from her thoughts she asked the driver about the problem.Car's tires were punctured and they needed time to replace.

Getting out of the car ,Lucas instructed his driver to wait for the mechanic to come and turn to look at Elena. She was leaning on the car's door and was in deep thought.

"I think we need to find a hotel to stay for night, this place is far away for us to go back at this time" he said raising his hand up to get range so he would make call for other car. Being a remote area it was hard to get connected, so he just sent a text to Ron hoping that it would be sent once get connected.

Elena who was in dilemma on how to let her parents know about her whereabouts.The phone wasn't connecting and she had never been out for so long. Before leaving she had told them that she would be home by the evening.Her parents would get tense if she won't call them and talk about the situation here.

" I asked Ron to let your parents know about your stay, hopefully he would be able to send the car by tomorrow morning "he said to make her feel calm.He was looking at her tensed face, he knew she had never been away from her parents.

After finding her name, he had asked Ron to do her background check,so he knew everything about her.

" Okay"she said relaxing a little bit. .






"Stupid,idiot.... i should have punched on his face also" Maira was eating her noodle sitting on the sofa and cursing Daneil.

After his shameless act in the supermarket, she wanted to beat him black and blue.

"How can he tease me...." she threw the pillow in anger and stood up.

After he spoke in her ears, she heard his chuckle, she knew he was teasing her. Anger started to boil in her head and she wanted to teach him a lesson , so without saying anything she kicked him down there making him cry in pain.

Satisfied by her work she patted his head, "I think you won't be able to sleep with anyone until this gets fine"Saying this she took the noodles from his hand and walked away leaving him holding his rod in pain.

" Now he will know, not to mess with me" she sat back and continued eating her noodles.

She was busy with food when a message popped up on her phone, it was from Samantha.

"Sis i want to come at your place, are you there?

Looking at her phone she gasp in horror" Now what this girl did..... "she took a deep breath thinking about her sister text.

Samantha was her uncles daughter and the naughty one in the home. She knew her sister must have done something and now she needed her help to clear the mess.

" Ah... whatever should i do with this girl.... " she curse her in her mind.






After the office hours got over, Samantha and Ethan where walking towards the bus stop.

As they both were waiting for the bus to come, a car passed the same road. Knowing who's car it was Samantha didn't waste a second and hide behind Ethan.

"What are you doing?" he asked her who was now hiding behind him like a scared kitten.

"Don't look behind, keep your eyes ahead" she said whispering from behind.

"Did the car go" she whispered.

"Yes it's gone" he said looking at the car that just passed by him.

She breathe a sigh of relief and came peek from behind, when was conformed that the car was gone she came out and stood next to him.

"why did you hide" he was thinking why did all of a sudden she hide herself.

"The person inside the car would have took me with him" she said shaking her head and patted her chest.

"And why would he do that.... don't tell you have taken money from someone gangster and they are behind you to get back their money" he said sarcastically.

She looked at him in anger, amused by her look he didn't wanted to tease her any more.

"By the way who was inside the car? " he asked.

He was waiting for her answer while she was thinking whether should tell him or not.

"My father... " she open her mouth to answer him.

"what.... "he yelled "and why did you hide" this time he asked seriously.

"He doesn't know i am working here" she said avoiding his gaze.

"What... " and this time he shouted loudly making the people look at them.

"Shh...don't shout i will tell you everything" she said asking him to lower his voice.

As she was about to speak she saw their bus coming and stopped at the bus stop. Holding his arm she dragged him and went inside, taking the seat she turned her head to talk to him.

"My father doesn't know i am working at PM enterprise" she exhaled.

"He wanted me to work in our company as an intern and then further join our business, but i don't want people to think that because of my father i got the position. I want to make my own name, so i joined other company to prove myself" she said looking down at her hands that where fisted because of her nervousness.

Ethan who was listening her, was amused by the explanation she gave, the girl in front of him wanted to be independent one who didn't want her fathers name tagged with her to prove herself.

Looking at her face which was like a small cure kid he felt something strange happening in his heart.

"what was that" he thought.