Chapter 37 - Expert Is Last

Elena was watching Lucas working from the glass door, she never thought she would behave like a teenage girl who was watching her crush silently. The time she realised that she had started liking him, she couldn't help but do things that she would never thought in her dreams.

From the time she had entered the cabin , she was waiting for him to come. Today she was so excited to make him coffee and couldn't wait for him to taste it. She felt sorry that till now he was drinking her tasteless coffee without even complaining.

Elena herself was unaware why she wanted to take care of him, though she liked him but it was just a like right. She was busy thinking when Ron called her, informing he that she had to go to attend a meeting replacing him. The CEO of Fotech Corporation wanted to negotiate with them. Sighing in disappointment she again looked up to his cabin, "I guess will have to meet a little late" she thought pouting her lips.

Quickly leaving her cabin, she went where she had to go to attend the meeting.





Lucas penthouse

Lucas was getting ready when Daniel rushed in his room.

"Bro.... i have something to talk to you...." he said sitting on the couch.

"Don't you know how to knock? " he turn to him and put his coat. Lucas was angry with Daniel, the boy had came home after Lucas went to sleep and now he came to meet him when he was getting late to office.

"Why should i do that" he said frowning, "I can come to my brothers room anytime and if you shout at me I'll tell your name to uncle"he whined like a child.

Lucas smacked his head and pulled his ear saying, " And what are you a five year old? " leaving his ear he took a final look at himself.

"Bro.... i want to shift to Maira's apartment" Daniel said making Lucas stop in his tracks.

Turning back to him he said, "And what am i going to say to uncle and aunt? "Lucas stood putting his hand on his hips waiting for Daniel to speak.

Daneil has been with Lucas for a long time and suddenly he was asking to shift to his girlfriends apartment, " Isn't it too fast for them"he thought.

" Here an inexperienced person is already sleeping with his girl and you the expert one is already late "his subconscious mind said.

" Shut Up... "he shouted inwardly on his subconscious mond

Walking to Lucas, Daniel sat on his knees and hold his hands,he got into his actor mode and started....

" Brother, I have never asked you anything, but this is the first time i'm asking you to help me"he said dramatically. If Daniel was not his brother Lucas would have punched him on his face for doing this drama.

"Please... help me to give mom and dad any excuse, this is the only thing i need....." he said wiping his invisible tears.

Lucas was looking down at his brother's drama. "Such an actor" he said in his mind and shake his head on his brother acting.

"Okay.... okay, stop that non sense of yours. Who will look at you and say that you are doctor" Lucas made him stand up and pulled his ears. Why was his brother so annoying.

"Ahh.... bro stop.... it hurts ahh.... " Lucas left his ears and said, "Ok... i will tell uncle and aunt something if they ask me about you, but..... BUT.. if they are not convince,then you know what aunt can do and i will not help" he said and left his room.

Lucas just scared him by his mother's name, he knew his aunt will be dancing ,finally knowing that her virgin son is out of league.She was the coolest aunty he had and the coolest mother Daniel had.

Lucas was in rush, he didn't even stay there for Daniel to reply. He was already late to work as he slept late at night and got up late in the morning. He was missing his sunshine and didn't wait to reach the office as soon as possible.






Reaching his cabin, Lucas was very excited to meet Elena, but was welcomed with her empty cabin. Lucas tried to call her but her phone was unreachable. "Didn't she come today" he thought and called Ron in his cabin.

Ron entered his cabin in rush, he had got some information about Marcus.

"Sir, our team had located Marcus location, but when they went to take him.. T-they... they were-" Ron was very shocked with the information he had got.

"What Ron.... " he shouted looking at Ron's scary face.

"Sir... our men were killed brutally" he passed the photo he had got by email. He didn't knew who send it but he could recognise his mens.

"Sir an unknown mail send me this photos, i have asked Ethan to track the mail id" he said.

Ron knew how important it was for Lucas to catch Marcus.

Lucas was scanning the photos, they were killed very badly...he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"He seems to be planning something big Ron and someone is helping him" he said looking at Ron. When they had arrested Marcus and not to leave anyone who was working with him. But how can he be so powerful as soon as he is out and who is helping him.

Lucas was thinking hard if they left someone, who would be helping him behind their backs.

"Keep looking Ron, and tight the security around the mansion. I don't want anybody hurt. Make sure to keep an eye on dad's whereabouts" he said and Ron nodded his head and was about to leave when stopped by Lucas.

"Ron, Miss Carter... didn't she come to office? " he said looking at her cabin.

"Sir she replaced me for a meeting" he said politely.

"With whom" he asked.

"Sir Fotech Corporation, the CEO wanted to negotiate regarding the deal and we had a meeting to attend with the finance department, so i send her there" he said as he was needed by his boss in the meeting.

"Okay" he said. Ron bowed down and left the cabin.






Fotech Corporation

Elena was waiting in the CEO's cabin, as he had went for the board meeting.His assistant had asked her to wait as his boss was busy with some company work. Elena was studying the file Ron had given her.

The CEO of the company was Mark Grey, he handle the company with his father Bradon Grey. Both father and son were addicted to women. Their intension was only to satisfy their desire by blackmailing them.

Elena was not aware of this thing, Ron had only asked her to sign the papers and leave the place nothing else. Even Ron and Lucas were not aware of their wrong doing. They would do their work and leave without leaving any trace. Showing fake image in their business world. Their doing was hidden behind the close doors.

Mark came to his cabin when his assistant told him that Lucas Assistant had come, he had knew Ron was the one who handle Lucas every matter. Mark was purposely longing his meeting, but when his assistant told that its a women, he didn't wait a second and rushed to his cabin.

Even though Mark had a fiance, he still keep whoring around without anyone getting it known.

When Mark entered the cabin, he hault in his track. He was drawn to her beauty, he had been sleeping with multiple girl but this one girl look delicious to him.

Walking a step he saw her sitting, his eyes landed on her breast. He was not able to control his desire as wanted to taste her now, but he just can't pounce on her or else his image build in this years would destroy.

Going slowly towards her he called her, "Miss Elena".

Listening to the voice, she stood up and greeted him. Mark who was stun by her beauty wanted to take ger then and there. He thought how can he let go of this beautiful women . His d. i. c. k was getting hard down there, but he wanted to take slow steps

They wanted to work with Lucas and he can't show his wild side unless he signs the deal.

Elena was getting uncomfortable with his touch, he was holding her hand and rubbing it with his thumb not letting it go. His eyes which were looking at her were not showing sincerity in it. When she saw that he kept gawking at her breast, she couldn't help but felt discomfort.

Elena thought she should complete her work and just leave the place, as she was not getting good vibes from him.

"Oh... so you are the new assistant Lucas have got" he said looking at her weirdly.

"I didn't knew he has such a beautiful assistant" his voice was flowing with cheapness.

Elena had been holding herself back just to not ruin the deal because of the personal issues. She was working and had to complete the task that was given to her.

"I think..Mr Grey should sign the paper, so i can leave" she said looking at him in furry. Though she was angry she didn't show it on her face.

Mark was amused by her fierce behavior, now he wanted her even more. He wanted to know how fierce she was in bed. He thought she is like the girls who tries hard to get attention.

Once he was done doing what he wanted, he would throw money on her face and let her go. His father would do the rest of the things if she tries to act smart.

"Okay....then i guess i must sigh the paper, then talk with you" he kept his eyes on her not blinking it onces.

His eyes were making her feel disgust , but she had to be strong not to loose her cool.. If he was not the client, she would have punched him on his face without thinking twice.