Chapter 38 - Be In Limits

Lucas cabin

Lucas was waiting for Elena to arrive, his gaze were stuck in his watch.

"What took her so long to come, its already lunch time and she's not here" he thought getting worried for her. Lucas wanted to take her somewhere for lunch and was waiting for her to arrive.

After getting impatient he stood up and left the office to pick her up at the Fotech Corporation. He thought he would go there, pick her and then go to have their lunch.

Lucas parked his car near the building, making sure no one watched him. He didn't wanted to get clicked by the reporters and didn't wanted to create any problem to Elena.

After waiting for sometime, he saw Elena leaving the building and walking in hurry on the road.

Lucas thought something was not right, why it look to him like she was running. He drove behind her and gave her honk.

Elena stopped her feet when she heard the sound of the car. Turning her head she saw Lucas peeking through the window with a smile on his face.

Elena let out a sigh of relief and put on a smile on her face.Lucas asked her to get inside the car and slide the glass of window up making sure no one saw them.

Lucas was so happy to finally see her in front of him. His heart was getting worried because she took so late to come. And now that she is with him he couldn't help but kiss her knuckles.

"What took you so long.." he asked her and caressed her palm. Holding her hand was a new habit he had got. Holding her hand assure him that she is with him and not going anywhere.

"I didn't knew you will come here to get me " she smiled looking at him. Elena was surprised by his sudden visit. She didn't thought he would come to pick her here even though he knew that he would be clicked.

"I wanted to take you out for lunch. From morning i was waiting for you" he pouted making her smile at him. This person in front of her was making her calm her heart. Why was he so cute and warm with his words.

"The meeting took long to get over, I had to wait for Mr Mark to arrive on time" she said diverting her eyes.

Lucas who was holding her hand pressed it lightly which made Elena growl in pain.

"What happened? " he asked looking at her painful expression. Lucas looked down on her hand and his eyes wide it shock looking that her wrist was swelling.

"Sunshine, how did this happened? he said showing her wound.

Elena took her hand back and avoided his gaze, " It's nothing, I think I smacked my hand somewhere. The bruise is because of that..."she said and hide her wound.

Lucas was not convinced by her, if it was just a bruise why is she hiding it. He knew she wouldn't tell him, so he took her hand back and looked at it , her arm had finger print on it.

"How did this happened? " Lucas was loosing his cool when he showed her the fingerprint on her hand.

"Are you going to tell me or not" he said looking at her, his eyes had turn red due to his anger.

Elena was getting scared by his sudden rage which was making her loose her voice. Tears welled up in her eyes and a tear dropped from her left eye.


Elena had took the signature on the file that needed to be signed by Mark. She was about to leave when he stopped her.

"Miss Elena, why are you in so rush to leave. Can't you wait for little" he said with his eveil smile. Mark had signed the papers, and he was getting impatient to taste her.

He just waited for the right time to pounce on her, and being a mere assistant she won't be able to bad mouth him as no one will believe her.

"What do you mean...." Elena frown by his improper words.

He walked toward her where she was standing near the door and locked it. Elena was startled by his actions, she knew what he wanted to do. Getting alert by his action,she tried to open the door but he stopped her by blocking her way.

He held her wrist and twisted it when she tried to freed her by his hold. Dragging her to the couch her tried to remove her top. Elena who was struggling due to his body weight tried to push him, but he was too strong for her.

Mark tried to kiss her but she moved her head avoiding his lips to touch her face. After struggling to free herself from his hold, she pinched his stomach so hard which made him getup from her. Holding his stomach he cried in pain.

Elena took the opportunity to get out from his cabin. She took the file she carried and turn to leave but stop hearing his painful voice.

"Ahh... you bitch. Who do you think you are" he yelled rubbing his stomach.

Elena boiled in anger listening to his words, she turn and walked to him who was holding his stomach. Standing in front of him gave him a tight slap.

"You..... " before he could get back to his words she kicked his rod making him fall on his knees crying in pain.

" your limits when you talk to someone. It was just a warning next time i will pull it out" she turn to go when saw him laughing.

"Do you think anybody will believe you, you.... bitch. A mere assistant like you can't do anything to me" he said and was trying to stand up but the kick was so hard that it made him fall on the ground again.

Elena got out from his cabin in rush, she was trying to control her tears not to show anybody what happened.

Getting out of the building she wanted to reach the office to make her forget what happened today "Yes he said it true, no one will believe me if i say anything about him" she thought and kept walking when Lucas car honk from side making her stopped.

Flashback end

Lucas was breathing heavily trying to stop his anger but he couldn't do it. If he had known what kind of people this father and son were, he wouldn't have accepted to sign the deal with them. But no, now that he tried to hurt his sunshine and he won't leave him.

Lucas who slammed his hand on the steering wheel removed the seatbelt in anger and was about to leave when Elena stopped him by pulling him into a hug.

"No don't go.... we can't do anything to him, we don't have any proof and i have handle the matter...." she said patting his back. Lucas was trembling in rage trying not to burst in front of her. She didn't wanted Lucas to get involved in this matter when she had handled by herself.

When she felt that Lucas had calm down she pulled back to look at him, he had tears in his eyes.

"Why didn't you call me when you left? " he questioned her, "If i wouldn't have come , i would have never known" he said with his sad tone.

"I don't feel for me anything, but Sunshine you are the girl i like.... how can you say not to do anything" he was hurt when she said him to not go. Don't she even consider me as a friend he thought.

Elena had no answer to his questions, she thought it was a big deal for her and she had saved herself from that cheap person. But the hurt look in Lucas eyes was questioning her.

"I-i..... " Lucas smiled sarcastically as she still had nothing to say to him. But even if she say this he was not going to leave this matter. She needed proof, he will get the proof and destroy them.

"No one has the right to harm you sunshine, You are mine and they should know that no one can even touch what was his" he said inwardly.

He put on the seatbelt and left the place driving to the restaurant. Throughout the drive Lucas was silent as if thinking something.

Elena was not liking his silence, she wanted him to talk to her and not to keep quite. She didn't wanted him to get angry and mute himself from her.

When they reach the restaurant, Lucas got out and started walking. Elena who couldn't take his ignorance ran behind him and hugged him making him stiff.

"Don't be angry, If such situation arises again, I will tell you first" she said holding her grip tight on him. She was feeling uneasy and couldn't take his silence. From when did his silence affect her she didn't knew.

Turning back he hold her shoulder, she kept her head hung low. Making her look at him he said, "Sunshine... the day i told you i like you..., that day i hard vow to protect you from any harm" he said looking at her teary face.

"Sorry.... " she said and hugged him. Lucas words were so touchy that she couldn't help but tear up.. This person was slowly steady making his place in her heart with his caring side.