Chapter 40 - Danger In Line

Lucas penthouse

Ethan had came to Lucas penthouse, they were waiting for Daneil to arrive. The time he got the news of Marcus, he couldn't stay still. He had to do something before he does something big. He can't afford to lose anyone now.

"He is ruthless" Ethan said watching the pictures Lucas showed him.

"He is keeping track on us" Lucas said and he leaned his head on the headrest covering his eyes with his palm. The things that happened in past was still fresh. The blood ,the scream he could still hear it .There is not a single night he had slept peacefully.

"We need to keep searching him" Ethan said looking at Lucas tense face. Ethan was the one who had track him, but they couldn't get hold on him but lose their men instead. Knowing what was Marcus capable of doing, they just can't sit waiting for him to attack them.

Daneil entered the room only to find Lucas covering his face. Taking the seat next to Ethan he saw the picture of their men who were killed brutally. Knitting his brows he turn to look Ethan only to find him looking at him back.

"This is getting serious, we need to find him as soon as possible" Daneil fisted his palm in anger. Their men were killed very badly. They had the best men trained in their team, but even being so well trained they were killed. Just thinking about how he could do it, only lead to ask them further question.

"Don't let go any single trace we get " finally Lucas spoke. He said looking at Ethan.

"Don't worry, he wouldn't be safe for long" Ethan was best in his work and when his friends needed him he wouldn't let a single second go waste.

"This time it will be me and you" Lucas said looking at the pictures.






Getting in his room he was about to sleep, but his thought went to his sunshine. He felt like talking her and listen her sweet voice.

Dialing her number, he waited for her to pick up. But evening after ringing it for so long she didn't took the call. Thinking that she might be sleeping ,he cut the call and was about to sleep, when his phone rang.

Picking the call immediately, he finally heard her sweet voice after a few seconds, "Hello"

"I thought you slept when you didn't pick the call" he said.

"Hmm.. I was about to sleep " she said shyly.

Elena was wide awake when he had called, but after today she was feeling nervous to talk to him. What was she going to talk with him?

Before when she talked to him she didn't feel nervous but after today, listening his word she was starting to fall for him, she didn't know how was she going to speak with him.

She kept struggling whether to take the call or not, but when she was about to take the call, the phone stopped ringing.

Still at one place she blinked looking at phone,"You stupid Elena....see it stopped ringing "she said in her mind.

Without waiting a second she called him back and when he spoke she only kept listening him without speaking. After a few seconds she spoke " Hello".

"I just wanted to listen your voice, thats why i called" he said her the truth.

"Hmm.... " she didn't know what to say.

"Hmm.. only hmm! " Lucas frowned when she only answer in short.

"Did you have your dinner? " she asked, even though she knew it was his time to sleep.Ahh her stupid brain.

She could speak work related thing with him nonstop, but she didn't knew how to talk with him in friendly way. Everytime she listen him say anything, her heart would start beating fast.

"Yes i had? what about you? " he asked her back. Lucas just wanted her to speak with him.He can keep listening to her without sleeping till the morning at least that what he believed.

"Yes i had..." she answered.

"Sunshine.... you know your voice is like a sweet melody for my ear" he said what he felt whenever he heard her.

Elena kept listening without saying anything. He didn't hold back in expressing his emotions, she thought. How was she supposed to let her heart not fall for him. He was making her go weak.

When he didn't hear anything from her for sometime he spoke again, "You there....sunshine".

Brought back by his voice she stumbled with words, " Hmm... ahh yes"she said smacking her head.

"Say something sunshine, why are you so quite" he asked her again.

"What do you want me to say" she asked him to be clear with his words.

Shaking his head on her question he could only laugh when, an idea popped up in his head.

"Do you know any story" he asked her, in this way she could keep talking to him and he would keep listening to her.

"What? " she said after listening what he said.

"Yes... you heard me right sunshine. Do you know any story" he said confirming her what he meant by his words.

"Come on every girl know stories, now don't keep quite and started reciting" he said when she again kept quiet.

"Okay.. okay let me think of one first" she told to let her find one to say.

"Hmm" he said not forcing more futher.

After thinking for a while she took a deep breath and she finally started her story.

"Long ago there was a princess who lived in the North Fork kingdom. She finds a ring in her garden and ask her father about it" she was taking but was stopped by Lucas.

"Sunshine.. one day i will also give you a ring when you will accept my love " he said yawning.

"Are you going to disturb me! " she said getting distracted by his sentence. Brushing his words she continued.

"He tells the ring would give her five magical powers-the ability to sleep peacefully, to make fire without a Flint, the ability to grow any crop, to make it rain without clouds, and lastly a power which was also the most special, the ability to sing like an enchanted siren" she pause when she couldn't hear Lucas. Thinking he must be listening she continued....

"The princess enjoyed singing and loved her last power the most. She believed her voice will one day make a prince fall in love with her" she cleared her throat at her last word.

Lucas who was listening opened his mouth, "You already made the prince to fall for your voice sunshine..." he smirked at her small voice.

"Shut up.. do you want me to stopped" she said angrily when he made fun of her.

"No.. no please don't stop carry on...carry on" he kept his mouth shut and let her continue.

Back with her story, "One day, a witch casts a spell on the kingdom that had adverse effects on everyone, except the princess. The witch plunders crops, rain, sunshine and everything from the kingdom.

The princess is disappointed to see her falling kingdom and decides to use her five powers to save her homeland and its people. An idea strikes her mind to sing day and night. Nothing could stop her from singing.

After almost an entire year of singing, the kingdom is set free from the deadly spell. But this results in the disintegration of the princess. She sacrifices her life for her people and the kingdom" she stopped after finishing her story waiting for Lucas to speak.

"How was the story? " she asked when she could hear Lucas talk.

After keeping quite she heard a little snoring sound. Smiling listening to his snoring she spoke "Goodnight Lucas" saying this she cut the call and layed down on her bed.

"He can't control his words" she said placing her hand on her heart "Your words are creating havoc in my heart Lucas" she said smiling when she recall what he said when she was telling him the story.





Knight mansion

Both father and daughter due were sitting on the couch. Natash was getting impatient from two days. Her father told her that he had proposed an offer to Lucas and only his acceptance will make their plan work.

"Why didn't he called you till now father" she said frowning at Mr Knight.

"Be patient girl, we can't force him or else he would get suspicious" her father assured her.

Even he was waiting for him to call but he didn't get any. Though he knew how was Lucas working technique, and if he accept the offer he would think very well before investing.

So only he could do is to wait for him to initiate, but how was he supposed to handle his daughter aggressiveness.

"Dad if you don't do anything, it will be my turn. And you won't meddle in that" she got up and left the living room.

"God, what is she thinking to do" he said looking at her retreating back.

He could only pray that Lucas accept his offer that would prevent his daughter to take any drastic step, and stop her from doing something wrong.