Chapter 41 - Changes

While driving to the office , Ron who was watching his boss fresh face from rearview mirror , was actually looking like he had a very nice sleep. When he went to pick Lucas ,he heard from the maid that he was still sleeping. It was very rare for Lucas to have a peaceful sleep. He needed to take the sleeping pills to fall asleep, but sometimes even it didn't help. Watching that his boss was actually having a proper rest made Ron happy.

When Ron had joined as Lucas assistant ,he knew his boss suffered from sleeping disorder. He had consulted many doctors but it was of no use. His nightmare were so bad that he literally couldn't go back to sleep once woke up. It even took toll on his health. Ron who known his boss for a long time had a brief idea why he had nightmare and could only pray that it would reduce his suffering and make him free from those scary things.

Turning back to his boss, Ron gave him the Annual Party invitation.

Lucas who's attention was in his tab, looked up at the invitation card.

"Sir....You will need a partner this time" he passed the card and smiled cheekily at Lucas.

"Ron...How can you understand me so well" Lucas who wanted to patt his shoulder to appreciate but couldn't because he was sitting front.

"Sir its my duty to fulfill your needs" he smiled .

"I will be taking Sun-.. no Miss Carter with me" he said looking at Ron.

Lucas who had attended the Annual parties every year with Ron before, was always asked if he didn't had any female partner with him. Even though he was a person who spend his times with different women never took anyone with him. They were just a supplement he needed to have sex with. They were not someone whom he would go around flaunting and showing everyone.

But now he had Elena with him, but he also knew she would not be happy if he took her as his partner. So this time, instead of Ron he decided to take her with him as a assistant.

Understanding his boss words, Ron typed a mail to Elena informing her about the Annual party.

"Done... " saying this they continued thier drive to the company.






Ethan's apartment

Samantha was cuddling Ethan in his sleep. She had woken up early today and was bussy looking at Ethan's sleeping face.

"How can he be so handsome? even in his sleep he is glowing" she thought and started playing with his face trying to wake him up.

She trace her finger from his thick eyebrows then to his straight pointed nose. Pressing it she tried to wake him up but he didn't move, he kept sleeping as if he was not ready to wake. Slowly moving her face down towards his lips,she was about to kiss, but Ethan opened his eyes shocking her.

Without waiting for her to move back, Ethan pulled her and started kissing her senselessly. Ethan was awake al the time when she pinched his nose but ,was waiting for her to continue what she was doing.He was trying hard to control all the time not wanting her to stop.

When she stopped her movement after pinching his nose, he felt her breath fanning his face. Sensing that she was closed to him, he opened his eyes only to see her eyes widen in shock. She looked tempting in the morning look. So....without waiting for her to move back his kissed her devouring her lips.

Ethan covered her whole body pressing her under him, continued to kiss her endlessly. From the time they both confessed, there was not a single second he could control himself from kissing her.Her lips where his charging slot.

They started sharing the same room.

Samantha was getting use to Ethan's touch. His kisses were so delicious that she wanted to keep tasting them. Though it was just a few days they started their relationship, she felt they both have known each other for long.

"Mmm....Ethan stop..."she moaned when she felt his lips travelling through her neck. Ethan was nibbling there as his hand went to cover her breast and pressing it.

Ethan was so engrossed in his work , ignored her plea and continued what his was doing. This women was making him go nuts, he couldn't believe himself like, how would he loose his sanity in front of her. Her every moan was making him hard down there.

"Ethan.. we're late to work" she said in between their intimate session.

Listening to her words Ethan halt his action, pulling back he saw her dreamy eyes sparkling like stars .Pressing his forehead on her he growled in frustration.

" Ahh...can't we not go today" he got up and sat on the bed ruffing his hair in annoyance.

Samantha knew he was hard down she felt it when his body pressed her. Getting up she side hugged by brushing her palm on his arm to calm him.

"We can't... we have a lot of work to finish " she said and kissed in on his cheeks before climbed down the bed rushing in the bathroom teasing him.

He climbed of the bed and ran behind her, "Wait I'm coming".






Elena's house

Henry was sulking and pressing the channel button of the tv in anger. Elena had told him that she was going to attend the Annual party with her boss. Ron was bussy so he had asked her to join his boss this time.

Julian was controlling her laugh watching Henry behaving like a angry kid.

"Stop that Henry" she said and took the remote control from his hand and turn the tv off.

"Sweetheart, how can i relax, when that brat is using his stupid act on my daughter" he said and folded his hands.

"Henry.... your words..." she looked with her stern face.

"Okay... okay... i won't call him that, but honey you know how he is" he said pouting at his wife stern voice.

"Henry don't everyone need a chance to change" she said softly. Julian knew Lucas from the time he was born but due to her husband work she didn't get that much time to spend with him.

"But what if... he breaks her heart" Henry was seeing the change in Elena face when she was talking about be her boss. He could see that she had started admiring him.

"Listen Henry, Elena is big enough to take her decision and i think its high time to let her do what makes her happy" she said looking at his thoughtful look.

"Lucas has been through alot Henry and if he is changing because of her, then she must be holding a important place in his life" she had called Blake who was always keeping eye on his son. He told her how his son had stopped whoring around after meeting Elena and that was the best sign of him changing for good.

"I wouldn't mind if they date each other" she turned and took the coffee cup taking a sip from it winking at her husband.

"But still if he hurts her....I will hang him upside down beating his bum making it red" Henry was very concern for his daughter, she was his world and if he breaks her heart he wouldn't spare him even if he was his friends son.

"When are we going to introduce them" Julian asked Henry.

"Let me ask Blake first" Henry said and took the news paper to read.

"I don't know how she would react" Julian frown. They never hide anything from Elena and they knew Lucas was Blake's son but still they hide it from her.

It was Blake who wanted Elena to work with his son. He was confident enough to believe that Elena would change him. People may call him selfish for doing this but, he wanted to help his son. And yes Elena was the cure.

He knew she would tame that playboy and bring him back on line. He knew his son would try to flirt with Elena and also knew she would not give in to his act,making him more curious about her. But he didn't expect his son to change so fast. Was he missing something that he didn't knew?

Lucas had isolated his emotion after his mother's death and never opened up. Blake would blame himself for his son's condition. And we wanted to try everything that would bring back his son. He knew the smile he put on his face was just for show. The real him was unknown ,only people close to him knew what he had gone through.

"Hope she doesn't get angry" Julian sighed and carried with her coffee.






Elena's cabin

Elena was doing her work when a message popped up on her phone. Maira had message her.

"Baby girl..... evening at my place" Elena read the text.

Elena had texted her when she was informed that she had to go with her boss to the Annual party. It was her first time to attend a luxurious function and she wanted to look good. She would be representing her company and didn't wanted to disappointed Lucas.

Elena knew only one person would help her with this and it was none other than Maira.

"Yes madam...." she replied with a smile emoji. Placing her phone back she continued with her work not knowing there was a particular person who was sulking in the next cabin.

Lucas who was watching Elena all the time, frowned when he saw her smiling at her phone.

Unknowing feeling creeped in his heart, he felt something happen inside when he saw her smiling

"Why is she smiling? " he thought. Lucas was keeping an eye on Elena's every move, but why it felt he didn't knew her all.

"And whom is she messaging" he asked himself and frowned.