Chapter 42 - Watching

Lucas got up from his chair and walked to her cabin ,but stopped holding the door handle ,"What if she get annoyed by my sudden inquiry? Will she doubt me? What if she finds out that I stalk her?" he had so many questions running in his mind," I can't let that happen, she will stop talking to me or worst what if she leaves the job. No, I won't let that happen" pulling his hand back he went back on this seat and kept looking at her.

"But...why did she smiled reading something on her phone" he pouted. Lucas never in his dream thought that he would ever woo any girl , but this girl was making him do everything he had thought was childish.

"Should I go and ask her. But -Ahh.. I can't think anything" he scratch his forehead in frustration.

After eating his own brain, he finally got an idea, "Hope I won't get caught" smiling at his idea he carried on with his work.






Elena had just finished her work and was about to leave the office when Lucas came and stopped in front of her.

"You're leaving sunshine. Come I will drop you" he said smiling.

Lucas wanted to see in her mobile with whom she was chatting with and ,if he needs to see it then he have to be with her.

"Sorry to rejected you, I have my scooty and I'm in rush right now" she walked passed him dialing on her phone making a call.

Lucas was left dumbfounded as he kept looking at her back and rushed behind her.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes" she said talking on her phone and waited for the lift to come.

Lucas who was behind her, heard what she was talking "Is she meeting someone behind my back" he thought. Anger was building up in him, flaring his nose he looked like a raging bull ready to throw his enemy far away with his horns.

If the person was in front of him he would have been buried in this building without meeting her.

Elena got inside the elevator followed by Lucas, who was now sulking in the corner and kept looking at her phone in anger. Elena who was busy typing something in it send the message and looked up only to find Lucas frowning looking at her phone.

"Sir what happen? " she looked at his angry face and couldn't help but asked. She was familiar with this look now and she knew there was something which was bugging him.

"No nothing" he said and looked in front avoiding her.

"He was fine a while back. What happened him now? " she thought but didn't dare to ask anything further.

As the lift door opened, Lucas rushed out without saying anything to Elena and walked straight towards his car.

"Goodbye.... " She waves her hand in air to say but he went without turning back. Pulling her hand down she shrugged her shoulder thinking what has gotten into him.

Brushing her thought she sat on her scooty and ride to Maira's apartment.







Ethan and Samantha were walking holding their hands. They just reached thier stop and waited for the bus. Sitting on the bus stop they waited for the bus to arrive.

"I like this" Samantha said showing him their intertwined hands.

"Me too" bring their hand up he kiss her hand.

"Sam, I'll be visiting my hometown on this weekend. Will you be ok staying alone for two days" he said looking at her face.

From the time she met him, Samantha and never parted from him. First they were both friend who would be there for each other when any of them need help, but now they were lovers who stayed together and have never left each other for a single time.

When Samantha didn't say anything and kept looking at their hand, Ethan knew what was going on her mind.

When their bus arrived, they went inside. Samantha was quite through their ride. Reaching their house, she went straight to her room.

Ethan didn't force anything, he knew she needed some time. Getting to his room he went to freshen up.

Samantha kept sitting on her bed, she was never left alone in Ethan presence and now he would go away for two days straight. How was she going to live alone, though she had her sister place to stay but she didn't wanted to invade her privacy with Daniel. Yes...she knew they were together and he was going to stay with her in her apartment.

"Should I ask him to take me with him" she thought, "But wouldn't it sounds too clingy" she said.

"No no he must be having some work there. I shouldn't disturb him" she said and walked to the bathroom.






Lucas was going back home. His mind kept thinking about how happy she looked when she was talking on her phone.

Taking his phone out from the pocket he called Ron. Ron who had just reached home closed his eyes in annoyance.

"Why is boss calling now. Can't I have some quality time with my wife" he said looking at phone thinking of throwing it out from the window. But he can't, if he doesn't answer his boss he won't be able to be at home even for a single night and would be send to business trip for months.

Picking the call he heard his boss cold voice, "What took you so long Ron? " Lucas voice made him go scared."This angry bull" he thought.

"I just reached home and look at him can't I be at peace for once" Ron thought without voicing anything.

"Sir...I was in the bathroom" he lied not wanting to be torture by his Boss coldness. Sometimes he felt like running away because his boss mood swing were bad then a pregnant lady.

"Ron do you think Miss Carter is seeing someone behind my back" he asked.

Ron who had no idea on how his boss thought about this. He could only blink at his words.

"Sir" Ron didn't knew what to talk ,as he was unknown to this.

"She was talking and chatting with someone on the phone. Is she cheating on me Ron? " he frown remembering her smile while talking on the person.

"She is not even his girlfriend at first place and cheating, is he kidding me " Ron said inwardly.

"Ron how can she do this to me. She knows that I like her and I'm courting her. She herself gave me the permission. How can she think of cheating me? " Lucas said it in one go feeling as if he was about to loose something precious.

Ron could only listen to him. How was he supposed to explain his boss that Elena Carter was single and has no one in her life except him to whom she started to talk. A girl who believed in true , how was she going to cheat on him when she herself gave him the right to woo her.

Ron facepalm at his boss words he was sounding like a girlfriend who was cheated by her boyfriend.

"Sir... what if she was talking to her friends. And sir as far as I know she is not with someone, she had been single till now" he genuinely wanted to smack his boss for being such a dumb human, "And he says he is expert in girls behavior" he thought.

When Ron words started making senses to his rusted brain he let a sigh of relief.

"Yes.... it can be" Lucas smiled and started laughing as if getting what Ron had said.

Closing his eyes in satisfaction, Ron felt contented when his words were finally making sense to his boss.

"But... Ron why was she smiling" he still had his doubts.

"Here you go again" Ron want to go inside the phone and punch him on his face. Why was his boss like this? Was he really a playboy?

"Sir her friend must have crack some jokes which made her smile" he answer. His boss had lost his common sense somewhere.

"And now if he do not stop with his stupid question, I'll cut the call I promise" Ron thought. He was starting to get annoyed by his boss question. Was he a little kid who needs to be explained everything. "His boss really need to give her some space" thinking that he waited for Lucas to say something.

"Hmm... you make sense Ron. I was overacting" he laugh when he was convince what Ron told him, "Yes... yes her friend must have cracked some jokes which made her smile" he said making himself understand.

Patting his hand on his heart, Ron congratulate himself and was about to end the conversation when his eyes popped out listening what Lucas said.

"Ron go and check who is the friend of hers that is making her smile so much. She can only smile while looking at me and no one" saying this Lucas cut the call leaving Ron's mouth opened in surprise.

Looking at the mobile phone in shocked Ron moved his hand up ready to throw outside side the window but stopped and gripped it hard.

"This man can't he give her space... you idiot Lucas Thomson... " he screamed on the ended call.

"What happened honey? " his wife called his from the the bedroom.

"Nothing... nothing honey, its just a bug disturbing my peacefull life" he lied not wanted to show his annoyance.