Chapter 48 - Sweet One

She pulled back and cupped his face giving a kiss on his forehead. After her husband death she only had him. There were days, when she couldn't even had money for his studies but he never complained, rather he helped her in getting her shop to be known by selling pamphlets in their area.

He was a bright student and always had good grades. After him being accused for the crime he didn't do, Ethan distanced himself from everyone even from his mother. He felt that he disappointed her even though, that was not the case but, still he blamed himself for getting his gaurds down.

"Sorry that will not happen again mom....if you want you can beat me at home but not here please...." he looked around and saw people in the shop watching them.

"Okay...but prepare yourself for that" she said and turn her head, when she saw a girl who was looking at them ,"Is she the friend you said would come with you? " she whispered.

Ethan was so busy talking with his mother that forgot about Samantha. Walking to her, he took Samantha to introduce his mother.

Samantha who was watching both of them having their mother and son time, couldn't help but missed her mom, how she wish her mother to be alive and even she would have someone who would care for her. Even though her father never made her miss her mother but still.....she missed her once in a while.

"Mom she is Samantha my friend.. I told you about "he said and smiled looking at his mother.

"And Sam this my sweet... mother" he said giving Susan a side hug.

"Hello mam" Samantha greeted her politely.

" Ohh please.. do I look like an old women, please call me aunty. Mam sounds too old for me" saying this she laughed making both of them laugh.

Susan was a fun loving lady and easy to talk with. She was not someone who liked being bossy, that's why her staff loved her.

"Okay ma- ....sorry..aunty" she corrected herself.

Samantha was already loving his mother. She thought, Susan was not someone who was strict and scary, she thought of her as a loving and sweet.

Talking the seat, she sat next to Samantha and started talking to her. Ethan was surprised by his mother, who changed her side and got busy talking to Samantha leaving him alone.

"So Samantha when did you both meet? " Susan's sudden question made Samantha cough and she looked up to meet Ethan's eyes which were assuring her to speak.

"Aunty we both work together in the same company" she said and gave a small smile.

"Ohh I see....You know Samantha this son of mine never had any girl...friends so I just got little curious. Don't mind me okay" Samantha was going to speak, when she heard the customer calling to take their order. Ethan got up asking them both to talk and he would just go and get their order.

Susan who was watching her son happy, and was looking like his previous self turned to look at Samantha and hold her hand" Thank you for bringing my son back"

"Huh..." Samantha gasped in surprise making Susan smile at her cute face, "I know you both like each other" she said making Sam blush after getting caught.

"This stupid son of mine never brought any girl with him, and now....he can't even stop looking at you from the time you both have entered the shop" she explained what she saw.

Her her old eyes can easily tell what was going on between them.

" And I genuinely like you for my son" she declared without holding back, making Samantha's heart overwhelmed with this careful gesture.

"You are so sweet aunty..." Samantha said and gave her a hugged as tears rolled down from her eyes.

Pulling back Susan wiped her tears and said," I don't like when my daughter now no crying okay" she said and looked up to watch Ethan coming back.

"Done with your girls talk" he said looking at both of them simultaneously.

"Yes...but Ethan you really disappointed me "she frowned looking at him making him widen his eyes.

"Your friend has come to yours mother shop for the first time and still, you haven't ask her to eat anything" she said and turn to look at Samantha and winked.

"Wait...I'll get you something to eat "Susan got up and smacked Ethan's head before going to bring them something to eat.

"Your mother is really sweet" Samantha smiled looking at her retreating back.

"She is..."Ethan agreed with her.





Meanwhile Elena reached Lucas place as per the location ,she was standing outside ready to ring the bell, when the door opened and she was welcomed with Lucas smiling face," Sunshine you came" he said like a excited kid who was waiting for his surprise to come.

Pulling her inside by holding her wrist ,he drag her to the living room and made her comfortably sit on the sofa.

Elena was mesmerized by the design of the living area. It had four-panel lacquered screen with hand-cast magnesium tables attach to the three-section sofa Mann custom made for the space.

Elena was busy with the interiors even forgot to blink.The view was just breathtaking to her naked eyes.

"What took you so long to come? " he asked resting his chin on his palm and looked at her innocently.

Elena kept blinking at how he was acting," Did he hit his head anywhere...what's with him now?" she thought.

"Sir, I had to take the prints of the papers that needed your signature, that's why it took time for me to reach" she said.

Elena had stopped the cab near a xerox cafe and needed to take the prints, before coming here.

"You must be tired...wait I will ask the maid to give you juice" saying this he called the maid and gave her the instruction," Quickly make fresh orange juice for mam and prepare the lunch too, She likes fried chicken with spaghetti and some salad Okay..." he said and turned to look at Elena's confused face.

" What happened sunshine? " he asked .

Sir...there's no need for all this, I'll sign the papers and leave "she said politely.

Even though she liked spending time with him but still it would be too much to ask.

"No... you came first time to my house, I can't let you go without having anything. You know I like taking care of my guest..."he said and got up.

" Let me show you my house" he said and hold her hand making her stand.

" But sir the paper..." she said and saw the file falling from her lap.

" It's okay keep it there, I'll sign it after wards" he said and drag her.

"But sir..."she was stopped with Lucas stern look.

"'s Lucas for you" she swallowed hard not wanting to speak any further.

" And please we are not in office ,so throw your sir....out okay..." not saying anything further she followed him quietly.

His penthouse was made of glass ,from where she could see every outside view.

He took her to show his room that was on the the first floor.

Elena was highly impressed how this man had designed his house and how properly everything was set.

When she was going upstairs, she saw the medals and the certificate he had achieved hanged on the wall, cover with the sliding glass.

She stopped and saw his medals that where hung on the bulletin. He had only golden one which made her adore him more. No wonder he was good at everything.

Getting inside his room, the first thing that attracted he eyes where the bookshelf.

Elena had the habit of reading and without looking anything else, she walked and took a brief look on the books. Though, most of the books were related to business management, but their were books related to thriller and he even had comics.

"You like marvels.... " she took out one of the comic book and turned to him.

" Yes I love Superman..." he said smiling and walked to her looking at the book in her hand.

"These book...I collected when I was in my eighth grade. I had the habit of collecting new limited edition" he said removing another one, "See.. " he showed her one of his favorite book.

"I only do flirting" she bit her lips when she look up at his face that had become sour.

"Sunshine... are you teasing me? " he frown at her.

Even though she was pulling his leg but ,he still hated when she called him a flirt. He had long left flirting and now was a clean man at least in his mind.

Elena burst into a smile when she saw his anger bird face, he was looking like a cute kitten getting angry on his master for teasing.

Pulling his cheeks she said, " Relax...I was just teasing, don't be angry okay" she turned and started watching his room.

Lucas face bloomed like a flower after she smiled and he followed her like a lost puppy.

He had a big king size bed with three different wardrobe and even had different collection of watches.

He even had all types of leather jackets and different shoes that went along with his day to day look.

But, her eyes stopped at the large portrait that was hung on the wall just above his beds headrest.

"Thats my mother..... " he said and looked at Elena who was already watching him with an untold emotion.