Chapter 49 - Moments

Elena kept looking at the beautiful women's large picture hung on the wall straight up to his bed. She had never seen such a beautiful lady. No doubt Lucas was just as her but, he had different eyes.

"She is my mother... " came Lucas voice from the side making her to turn her head to look at him.

"Isn't she beautiful? " he smiled watching at his mother's portrait.

Elena kept observing his face the whole time as he was so into the picture that he didn't even blinked once. Unknown to her ,Elena hand reach to his hand, taking it into hers and holding it lightly.

The touch of her soft hand made Lucas came out of his world. He turned to see Elena watching at him lovingly and this was the only thing he wanted to see in her eyes for so long. 

"She's is beautiful" she said caressing his hand with her thumb.

Lucas who was very touch with her simple gesture, that it made his heart overwhelmed with emotion. Both kept staring at each other and were completely drawn into their eyes.

Elena thought, her world now was only revolving around Lucas ,as he was making her heart impossible to retreat from his love.

Lucas bore deep into her eyes ,as her eyes were only adoring him back with a tender love that gave him butterflies.

He used to say that love is not true and was only for sexual pleasure, there's no one in the world who would stay with you till your last time. But his thinking was crumbling down as he saw his forever with her....and he only wanted and needed her till his last breadth.

Lucas circled his arms around her small waist pulling her towards him. Elena didn't rejected his gesture and let him do what he wanted.

Moving close to her face, he was about to kiss her but stopped when he heard her stomach growl.

Elena was brought out by the growling sound , making Lucas smile at her blushed face.

"Lets eat first... I'll ask the maid to send the food up" he said and made a call asking to send their lunch up in his room.

Elena started feeling hot with the closeness just a minute ago ,went outside sliding the large glass window ,entering the swimming area.

It was an open swimming area were they had tables and chair set. Not wanting to show her red face, she went outside to breathe freash air, as she had been holding her breathe from the time they were about to kiss.

After the call ended, he came out only to find her standing outside as the light wind blowing through her hair was making her look like an angel. Her brown hair were moving as the wind passed by her.

Elena who had closed her eyes was feeling the light blow of the wind, and she liked this peaceful moments.

Lucas walked and stood next to her , watching the sun and closed his eyes feeling the same.

"Do you feel nice..." he asked with his closed eyes.

"Hmm.... its nice here Lucas... " she said and opened her eyes watching the orange sun.

"I like it too... " he looked at her face not blinking as he devoured her beauty in his eyes not missing a single detail.





Ethan and Samantha reached home with his mother. She came along with them as she couldn't leave them alone with her working back at the cafe. 

Her son had came after so long , even though she knew that now he would often come and visit her, because the girl with him was more attached to her.

She heard from Ethan that Samantha lost her mother when she was small and that made Susan more drawn to the innocent girl. She was the sweetest girl, whom she came across through because of her son.

She always wanted a girl after Ethan ,but they say god gives you one unknowingly and yes he had send Samantha as her daughter in the relation of daughter-in-law.

Ethan went out to meet his friends and Samantha went in the kitchen to help Susan.

Samantha was not a cook, but she had this insect of learning something new even if she gets tired while learning it. 

Watching Susan making pasta like a professional ,she went and stood next to her, "Aunty can I help you?" she asked when she saw how smoothly Susan was cutting the veggies.

"Okay... take the paste from the packet and boil it until it's half cooked" she said and went back cutting the tomatoes. 

Taking the large saucepan ,Samantha filled it with water and turn on the gas putting some salt and few drops of olive oil. She then put the pasta in it waiting for it to boil.

"You know, Ethan loves Italian food alot" Susan smiled thinking how he used to make faces ,when she didn't made his favorite food, and how he would always give reasons when he wanted to escape from eating it.

"Yes he loves it alot and even makes for us sometimes" Samantha said and looked at the pasta as it startes to boil.

She wanted to see if it was boiled or not, but she couldn't find any spoon around.

She tried taking it out by using her hand ,and in that process she burned her fingers, "Ahh.... " she shook her hand and yelled in pain.

Susan stopped her work and turn back finding her crying in pain She immediately dragged her by her hand she held in the sink, turning on the tap.

After the cold water touched her burn Samantha felt the pain released. She then clean her burn with a towel and applied medicine on it.

Samantha who was touch by her caring nature, couldn't help but tear up.

Susan heard her sniffing sound and looked up, "Why are you crying, did I do it to hard " she aksed watching her with concern.

Samantha shook her head vigorously and cries hard.

Susan couldn't see her reason for tears, but her mother instinct were not allowing her to sit still.

Without waiting for her to calm down she took her into a motherly hug and patted her back soothing her to stop crying.

"Can I call you mother" Sam sniffed in between her sobs. Samantha felt that motherly pulled towards her and she couldn't help but asked. 

"Am I not your mother? " Susan asked pulling her back as she wiped her tears, "You are my sons girlfriend who will soon be his wife, then indirectly I'm your mother too.... coz I don't want a daughter in law.... Instead,I want a daughter" she smiled and caressed her face lovingly. 

"I also want a mother not a mother in law" she pouted and both burst into laughter getting back to a hug.

After their mother and daughter moments they both went to the kitchen to carry-on with their cooking.





Lucas penthouse

After having their lunch, Elena thought to leave after taking his signature, but he decline saying that its too early gor her to go and even gave a lane reason saying she haven't seen his house fully. 

Accepting her defeat, she went to see the small garden he had in his penthouse and was mesmerised by the beauty of the small garden.

The fragrance of the flower was filled in the entire terrace. Yes...he had planted the plants in the terrace and most of it had were roses 

"I didn't knew you were into flowers also...." she asked not believing this side of his.

"Why! don't boys like flowers" he asked smiling at her.

"I used to do planting with my dad he was fond of gardening " he said and watered the plants.Elena just kept looking what he was doing. 

After showing her garden they went to his other rooms and opened it.

Turning the dim lights on, she saw musical instruments in it.

He had a large piano in it placed at the centre of the room.

"Do you like instrumental music? " she asked in curiousity. There were so many thing she didn't knew about him but now ,she wanted to know everything about him.

"No... my mother used to play piano" he said and went to take his guitar that was kept near the music cd's shelf.

"Do you sing? " she asked in surprise, when she saw him taking the seat and positioning the guitar in his hand, lightly pulling a string.

"You want to listen? " he asked and she nodded in yes. Elena loved music alot and she like listening them. 

Lucas played the guitar and started singing along 'Say yes by Nick Nolan'. 

"Half a smile and I fall to pieces

Half a glance sends my thoughts racing

Where will you go what will you do

I need another shot of courage

How should I start what should say

I can't let this slip away

So if I asked you to stay would you say yes

And if I reached for your heart would you say yes

And if I aimed for your lips would you say yes

Say yes

Clear my throat words fall on the table

Am I making sense

What am I saying

Where are you from

What do you do

Tell me everything about you

Give me a sign give me your hand

I don't want this night to end

And if I asked you to stay would you say yes

And if I reached for your heart would you say yes

And if I aimed for your lips would you say yes

Say yes..... "

Lucas poured his heart into the song that made Elena eyes tear up.

She had this unknown emotion creeping in her heart which scream that she had fallen for him completely.