Chapter 70 - Natasha Knight

Lucas cabin

Lucas and Elena were waiting for Mr. Knight and his daughter to come. Both of them were pretending as nothing happened between them and were only doing their work. Lucas eyes were observing Elena every now and then as she kept looking down avoiding his piercing gaze playing with her fingers.

Lucas eyes darted from her when he heard the knock. Ron entered with August followed by his daughter Natasha," Sir Mr. August Knight and Miss Natasha Knight" Ron introduce them to him.

Lucas hands went to shake August hands, but his eyes kept looking at Natasha when a sudden fear build in his heart.

"Lucas meet my daughter Natasha Knight, hope she will be trained as a master in your guidance" August said watching Lucas ,as his expression changed drastically from a happy smile to a scary one.

"Hello Mr. Thomson, I hope you'll help me learn the business tactic properly under your guidance" she said with a smirk looking at Elena who was standing next to him.

" You will loose him soon girl" she said inwardly looing back at Lucas who had recognized her.

Lucas did know that anyone from his past would pop up all of a sudden. His hands started to sweat remembering the girl in front of him. He didn't knew that she would be his daughter. He nervously pulled his hand back not wanting to touch her, making August smirk at his action," Did you like my surprise Lucas" he said in his mind.

"Do you remember me Mr. Thomson" Natasha said smiling at him.

Natasha could guess that he remembered her and now was getting nervous, if she would spill the beans in front of this girl.

Lucas thought his world would shatter down if she said anything about them. He didn't wanted Elena to know about his past. He was happy now and didn't wanted any hurdles in his life. He loved her and wouldn't bare if she leaved him.

When Lucas didn't say anything and kept looking at Natasha in horror, she smiled looking at him," We both went to the same high school" she said reminding him.

Yes, she had known Lucas from the high school, but that time he was too distant from girls which made her want him more. Here obsession for him grew from the time, when he had help her from getting bullied from the seniors.

Lucas had only helped her out of humanity but she took it in a wrong way. She had followed him to even the university where he studied. Natasha was so into him that she even warned girls to stay away from him or else they would lose their life.

Natasha's father would do whatever his daughter would say and he was one of the top Businessman who was respected by everyone and his daughter would always take advantage of her wealth and her father's position.

Lucas kept looking at her trying to grab her words, but still couldn't remember. He would only remember her from the night before he found his sunshine.

Ron who saw his Boss struggling with something came forward and asked them to take the seats. Lucas who didn't talk much kept looking at the girl and then Elena.

"Should I tell her everything?" he thought.

Ron explained everything to Natasha ,but her eyes were stuck on Lucas who was siting absentmindedly without paying attention to their talks. She knew what he thinking, but she would not disclose anything so early. She had her plans and now that she has entered his life she would play safe.

Lucas thought for a while, he knew that he can't lose his sunshine at any cost but he can't even hide things from her. He was in great dilemma to whether tell her or not.

He gave a glance to Natasha," I need to talk to her personally" he thought and let go of his thought and fear.

"So Miss Knight, you can join from day after tomorrow and Ron will guide you with companies matter" Lucas said finally after being silent for whole time.

When Mr. Knight and Natasha left the office, Lucas let a sigh of relief. He thought she would say everything but the girl didn't speak anything and was sitting quietly.

Even Elena left the cabin and went to continue her work. Ron who bid goodbye to them came back to Lucas cabin and found him a deep thought.

"What's the matter boss?" he asked bring Lucas out of his thought.

"Ron.." Lucas looked at him helplessly and said" She is the same girl I was with the other night" he said and covered his face as he recalled everything.

Ron stood still watching Lucas all helpless," The blonde girl" he said.




Natasha was smiling all the way back to home," He remember me dad" she said looking at her father.

"How would he not after all we had share the same bed" she said and smiled like a manic. August frowned at his daughters words.

"Didn't you say he just left you alone that day saying sorry" August reminded her making her mood sour.

"So what if he did...but Now I have him back and I will not loose him for that girl" she said fisting her palm.

"Don't get happy for just small thing, you know he is Lucas Thomson" August said.

Though he satisfied with the look on Lucas face but still he had a long way to go. His first step was cleared and now only his daughter had to play safe without getting her obsession in between.

"He is mine dad and I will go to any extend to get him" she looked at her father smirking at him.

"He is all yours.... but don't forget that you need to be on his good side, so that he won't doubt us" he warned her and looked outside the window.

"I will....." Natasha smile and looked at the picture in her mobile," Lucas you are mine, I waited for you for so long and now I can't lose you for her" she said holding her phone tightly.




Elena ordered the food for both Lucas and her, as it was going to be their lunch time. She didn't wanted to eat canteens food ,so she ordered food from Lucas favorite restaurant. Taking the food she went to his cabin only to find it empty.

"Where did he go?" she said and place the food on the table when she heard the flush sound from the restroom.

Lucas came out from the restroom, he was not feeling well from the time he saw Natasha and he felt suffocated on how to talk to Elena. He even told Ron about her and he said to tell her everything but still, he could get the courage to talk. He thought to talk to Natasha in person and clear everything first before talking to Elena.

When Elena saw Lucas coming out, she frowned to see him in a tired state. Without wasting a second she went to him. Her eyebrows frowned when she saw his body burning," Lucas you are burning" she said and touched his forehead," You were fine in the morning" she said and took him to seat on the couch.

"I'm fine sunshine... it's just mild fever ,it would go after sometime" he said looking at her concern face.

She stood up and went to his table, taking out the thermometer from the drawer she went back," Open your mouth.. ahh" she said and Lucas followed her action like an obedient boyfriend.

"God have 110 degree fever" she said looking at the thermometer.

"Sunshine but I'm fine" he assured and tried to get up but ended up falling back.

Elena went to him, helping him sit straight and called Ron," We are going home. I will Daniel to come and check you" she said without letting him give any excuse.

Elena called Ron and told him about Lucas health, she told him to attend the further work meeting and let him know afterword's. She took Lucas to the car and asked the driver to drive home. On her way she called Daniel and asked him to come and check Lucas.

Lucas was silently leaning his head on her shoulder and was smiling happily because of her concern for him. He had been alone all these years and never ever complained to his father about his health. He thought he was strong enough and would handle anything by himself, but today he saw how it would feel to take care of you when you are not well.

Elena was keeping her palm every now and then on his forehead making him go to sleep. She could feel his skin burn like fire and that scared her a lot. She looked down and found him sleeping on her shoulder. She asked the driver to drive fast.

After reaching home , she took Lucas and went to his room. Making him lay on the bed , she removed his suit and kept on the chair. She removed his shoes and put duvet on him covering his whole body. She sat next to him and waited for Daniel to come.

Caressing his hand, she kept looking at him," Don't fall sick next time.. I don't like to see you like this" she said and kissed his knuckle.