Chapter 71 - Sick Lucas

Lucas was in a deep slumber unknown to the surrounding around him. Daniel came to see his brother, who was burning with high fever. He checked him and prescribed some medicine to get his fever down. Daniel knew his brother hardly got sick and today he must have over worked which stressed him a lot to fall ill.

After checking his brother, Daniel left the place leaving him under Elena's care. He called his uncle, but his phone was switched off, still he sent him a message to let him know about Lucas health.

Elena was sitting next to Lucas not leaving him alone for a second. This was the first time she had seen him so weak and vulnerable. She asked the maid to bring a bowl of cold water and a small napkin, so she could keep them on his forehead.

Elena was keeping the wet napkin on his forehead, when she saw him frowning as his breathing became heavy. Lucas was again having a dream and he was mumbling something which Elena couldn't understand.

"Don't hate...."he said in his sleep as he moved his head from left to right.

"Don't leave me sunshine...please I can't live without you" he kept saying as his voice became hard and he held her palm tightly not letting it go.

Elena who was listening his words moved close to him, trying to calm him down. She slowly caressed his hair soothing his fear," I'm here Lucas.. shh.. calm down" she said and laid next to him.

Feeling the warmth of her body, Lucas pulled her close, hiding his face in her bosom and inhaled her soothing fragrance. His whispers stop as she kept patting his back pulling him close the her," I will never leave you "she said in his ears which made his body relax and dozing him to the deep sleep. Elena also slept with him as he kept snugging close to her.



After sometime Lucas opened his eyes only to find him next to Elena, who's hand was on his head and his face on her chest. Her head was tilted a little, making her sleep uncomfortable. He slowly let go out of her hold, pulling back resting his head on the pillow. He slowly pulled her on his chest not waking her up and doze back again to sleep.

After almost four hours of sleep, Elena opened her eyes and looked at Lucas sleeping face. He had all sweat on his body, as the medicine had done its work dropping his temperature. She got up from the bed and left the room letting him sleep.

She went downstairs to the kitchen, telling the maid to make some food for them. Both had slept empty stomach and Lucas needed food to take his medicine.

Coming back to his room, she saw Lucas sitting straight and breathing evenly. When he saw her, he immediately climb down the bed and took a long strode to her," Where did you go?" he said taking her into a tight hug.

Elena was startled by his sudden pull. This was the second time he acted like this from the morning," Lucas.. I just went downstairs".

"The maid will bring food for us here "she said and pulled back as he breath a sigh of relief

"Don't leave me alone, I get scare" he said taking her to the bed and sitting next to her quietly.

He saw a very bad dream, in which Elena left him without letting him explain anything. He begged her to not to leave him, but she didn't spare a glance and turned without looking back.

Screaming her name, he opened his eyes and look around to find the bed empty. Sweat form on his forehead as his eyes became blurry with the unshed tears. Lucas felt that she really left him, and without wasting a single time he was about to climb down from his bed when he found her entering the room.

Watching her in front of him he found his breath back. He climbed down the bed and hugged her.

Elena who was sitting next to him, found his behavior little weird. He was holding her hand and resting his head on her shoulder, even though she said him to sleep he didn't listen and sat next to her.

" something bothering you?" she asked as his hold on her palm became tight.

Lucas looked up and saw her concern face, he knew what she was thinking," Was he too obvious" he thought.

Not wanting to stress her more, he smiled at her easing her heart," Nothing sunshine, it's just a dream that I saw which scared me. Nothing else" he said making her relax.

"If you have anything to share you can just tell" Elena still didn't wanted him to stress alone, she was there for him and would be with always with him whenever he needed her.

"Sure my sunshine" he smiled ,slowly leaning for a kiss when the maid knock the door.

Pulling back Elena smiled at his annoyed face," Time to fill you stomach" she winked playfully and ask the maid to get in.

Martha had gone to her hometown and she would be back tomorrow. Elena had no one to guide her with Lucas health so she asked the maid to prepare some healthy food.

After having their food, Elena made him drink the medicine. Lucas was making faces watching the medicines," That stupid Daniel knows I don't like this bitter syrups" he scowled before gulping it down.

Elena was smiling watching him while drinking the medicine, he was like a kid who always get annoyed but also get calm when loved.

After making his drink the medicine, she made him sleep. Though his fever had subsided still he needed rest. He didn't wanted to sleep as he already had slept more than he sleeps daily.

"Sunshine I am not sleepy" he whined telling her that he was not sleepy at all.

Sitting back straight he looked at her innocently. Who will tell that this adult kid was the CEO of the PM Enterprise and handled business alone.

"Fine don't sleep but at least lay down" she said giving up on his stubbornness.

"I will sleep but you have to sleep with me" he asked not letting go of the opportunity to lay next to her.

Elena sighed and sat next to him. Lucas slowly kept his head on her lap taking her palm and keeping on his forehead," I like when you mess with my hair" he smiled looking into her brown eyes.

Elena kept stroking his hair lovingly, looking into his calm face. He was looking better than earlier. His sudden fever had scared her, but now she was fine to see him back with his previous self.

"You know, it's like after so many years I have fallen sick" Lucas didn't remember when was the last time he had fever.

"But I'm happy that you are here taking care of me" he said kissing her palm," Thank you for being with me" he said.

Elena kept staring at him, this man was so precious to her and she couldn't think of him getting hurt," Lucas... where is your father?" she inquired when she didn't see any elder at home.

From the time she came she didn't see his father. Even last time when she came, he said his father was out. Which parents leave their child alone when he or she is not well. Even though he was busy still shouldn't he concern for his only child.

"Oh.. dad.. he went for a business trip. I wanted to come with him tomorrow, but he is busy. I will introduce you to him next time" he said.

Elena nodded in yes but didn't voice her thought," Are you fine now or do we cancel our tomorrow's meet. I can tell my parents that you are not well" Elena felt he still needed rest and he can meet her parents the next weekend when he was fully recovered.

"No.. I am fine" he sat straight placing her palm on his forehead," See I don't have fever" he said and again laid back on her lap.

"I want to meet your parents sunshine and thank them to give birth to such a nice daughter" he smiled looking at her making her laugh on his words.

"You're really good with words Lucas"

"What you don't believe my words" he asked frowning at her laugh.

"No.. it's not that. I mean you just want to meet them to say this" she laugh more making him sit back again. Lucas couldn't handle her laugh and pulled her to him.

"Sunshine you are making fun of my women" he asked leaning touching her lips.

"Lucas... you are sick" Elena gulped at their closeness.

"First say you won't laugh" he said kissing her cheeks.

Lucas was playing with her, he knew she would melt in his touch.

"Say sunshine" he said again.

"I.. I won't laugh" she said melting into his touch.

"Good girl" his husky voice gave goosebumps to her, without wasting a second kissed her not letting her reply.

Lucas left her lips when they both were out of breath, " Never laugh on my women" he said and pulled her into a hug. Elena smiled at his childish act and hugged him back.

"Sunshine... I want to marry you and I know its too early for me to ask but.. I can't help with my heart which wants you next to me" he pulled back facing her.

Elena was surprised by his words, she didn't thought he would asked her about marriage, they were still in their dating period and now he asked her to marry him. Her heart knew he was the only one for her and it will always be him.

She pulled back and look at him, " I will marry you Lucas, but you need to meet my parents first" she said.

"Hmm... let's go now I can't wait for tomorrow" he said playfully making her smile at his actions.