Chapter 72 - Meeting With In-laws

Elena had her dinner at Lucas place, she was already late as Lucas was acting like a stubborn kid not wanting to eat and not ready to drink the medicine. By now she knew that this man was hell stubborn and didn't like any kind of medicines.

"Sunshine please stay with me for tonight" he whined like a naughty kid and followed her behind everywhere.

"No.. Lucas it's not okay for me stay here. I even have to help mother with tomorrows preparation" she said taking her handbag.

Taking her phone out she saw her mother's missed calls," God.. I didn't call mom informing her that I will be late" she cursed herself before rushing out from his room in hurry.

Lucas followed her like a lovesick puppy," Sunshine, wait I will ask the driver to drive you home" he held her wrist and pulled her back to him.

"Don't run. Let my driver take you home" he stopped her and called the driver telling him to drive her to her house.

Sitting in the car, Elena pulled down the window glass and saw Lucas sulking face. She knew he wanted her to stay with him, but she had to help her mother in preparing food for tomorrow. She had no idea about what he preferred eating in food.

"Lucas..."she called him lovingly.

Lucas pouted when he saw her angel like face. He couldn't even get annoyed with her," What?" he whine and bend down to look her.

"Be on time tomorrow" she pinched his cheeks and smiled," And....I love you" she said pulling the window up ,asking the driver to drive.

Elena knew if they stayed a second more, Lucas would get in and they would end up doing things in front of the driver.

Lucas sighed and watch the car moving away," Damn... Sunshine" he said," I love you more" he shouted making her turn back as she waved her hand.

"My angel" he said and went back inside the penthouse.

Laying on the bed, he kept looking at Elena's picture. He was feeling better because she was the one who helped him with his fever. He so wanted to keep her with him but he also knew she had her family who also loved her just like him.

Tomorrow was a big day for him and he was feeling a little nervous. Lucas may have said confidently that he would impress her parents, but still he felt a little anxious. What if his past image will make them think about his character and they end up rejecting him." No...that can't happen" he thought.

"I won't let that happen" he said looking at the photo and continued," You are my world Sunshine and I can't loose you, not now.... that I know you also love me" he trace his thumb on her picture and kept looking at the phone.




Elena house

Elena reached her home and told her parents about Lucas sickness. They didn't ask much, but were worried if he was still fine to come to meet them.

"Is he fine to come tomorrow?" her mother asked.

"He is fine mom, better than how he was in the morning" Elena said.

"Good" Julian felt relief when she heard her daughter and left Elena's room.

Elena took her phone out and checked the message she had sent the previous day," He didn't see it till now" she frowned and looked at the phone," Maybe busy" she said and sent another one, hoping to let him see it.




Next day, Elena had got early and was helping her mother in cooking food. Though she didn't know the word 'f' from the food, she still volunteer to help Julian .

"Elena! Do you think he will love the food?" Julian asked. She knew what he liked when he was a kid, but she didn't know what he liked now. Maybe his preference change in time.

"Yes mom.. He will love the food" she ensured her mother and ask her to make anything that she was best at.

Elena and Julian were busy making the lunch, when she heard the door bell ring. Excusing herself, Elena went to see who was on the door.

"You..."Elena said looking at Lucas who had come early.

"Hmm" he could only hum.

Lucas had came an hour before and was waiting outside her house, contemplating to whether go inside or not. After eating his own brain, he finally decided to ring the door bell.

Lucas didn't knew he would act like a coward person. The over confident man was now looking like a scared small kitten.

"You were going to come an hour late" Elena said taking the gifts they had shopped from his hands asking him to get in.

"Yes... but I thought it would not feel right to make yours parents wait" he said and pulled her into a hug.

Lucas was damn nervous, and Elena could feel is tense body. She could only smile in her mind thinking that his confidence all drained out when he came here. Pulling back she caressed his cheeks," Don't get nervous the will like you" Elena caressed his cheeks soothing his fear.

"I know...who will reject Lucas Thomson" he said making him understand himself that no one can reject him.

"Yes.. yes Lucas the great... no one will reject you" she chuckled smiling at him. Her beautiful smile made his nerves calm down and he leaned to take a kiss, but was disturbed when someone cleared his throat from back.


Henry came down when he heard the door bell. Descending down, he saw Elena and Lucas talking. He saw how Lucas was feeling all nervous and Elena was making his calm down and her words work on him like a magic. He kept taking small step not wanting to disturb the couple, but couldn't control when he saw Lucas leaning in to kiss his daughter.

"Dad.." Elena mutter after turning back, watching her father throwing dagger towards Lucas side. She let go his hand that she was holding and made a little distance.

On the other hand Lucas show her father throwing fire balls on him. If he was angry by looking at them only initiating a kiss, what would he do when he will know that he had already touched his daughter.

"Dad ..this is Lucas and Lucas he is my father Henry Carter" she said introducing both of them.




Lucas was sitting on the couch, tapping his feet in nervousness. He looked up and saw Henry watching at him with his poker face. He again looked down and started tapping his foot. Elena had went inside to help her mother and Lucas was left alone with Henry in the living area.

After watching the boy getting too nervous, Henry tried to not scare him more and start a conversation," Where did you both meet first?" Henry asked to make the surrounding cool down.

Lucas looked up on Henry's question," Sir I met her few years back" Lucas answered not wanting to hide anything as he wanted to come out clean to her parents.

"How come you met her few years back, when she just joined your company two months ago" Henry frowned listening his answer, was he stalking her all this time.

"Were you stalking her?" Henry couldn't help but asked.

"Oh sir I didn't stalk her" Lucas tried to explain.

"Then how come you fall for my daughter too soon, if you didn't stalk her" Henry was now interrogating him ,making Lucas go more nervous.

Lucas was now feeling like a criminal, who was being captivated and was asked to accept his crimes. Lucas felt like crying when he saw Henry's police avatar.

He looked towards the kitchen silently praying for Elena to come and save him from her father. The man in front of him was scaring the shit out of him, and he just need his happy pill next to him.

When Henry raised his brows indicating him to talk, Lucas felt he was standing on water and was slowly getting drawn.

"Sir...I have seen her on the corners road a few years back. There... I fell for her, but I found her when she joined my company...I promise this is the truth" Lucas spat his words in fear.

Henry looked at him in confusion, Lucas words were not making sense. Did he fell for her at fist sight, but then a playboy like him how did he fall in love so easily? Henry had so many questions pilling up in his mind.

"Can you be more clear?" Henry asked him to be more precise with his words.

Lucas wiped the sweat, that had formed on his forehead because of this angry bird before he started to narrate everything from the beginning. He didn't left a single leaf unfold making Henry to judge his love for his daughter. He accepted that he was a playboy before, but his life turn upside down when his daughter made her way to his heart and his life.

Henry was stun by the sudden confession. He thought that a womanizer would never change his habit, as his desire will not let him do that. Their need for women and having pleasure is what make them forbidden to love and have a single person in their life.

From what Blake had told him about his son, he thought that Lucas would never ever change as his scar was too big for him to draw back his desire. And he knew what had leading him to his path of being womanizer. But today his perception on him changed.

Lucas was the live example of a changed man and the reason for his change was his daughter.

Henry can see the persons soul, his experience of judging someone's character can never go wrong.

Lucas eyes were the mirror to his soul and heart and it was screaming his love for Elena. There was no doubt that this man was completely smitten by his daughter.

Somewhere in his heart, Henry felt happy to find the boy getting back to himself. Blake was right ,whenever he said Elena can make his change his mind and look what here he saw it with his own eyes.

"Will you love my daughter as you claim to be" Henry asked one final time.. Though in his heart he knew the answer but still he wanted to hear from his mouth.