Chapter 73 - Lucas Passed The Test

"Will you love my daughter as you claim to be" Henry said.

Lucas looked at Henry, he could see that a father is only assuring himself that she have fallen for a nice person. He took a deep breathe before he started speaking.....

"Sir...This heart of mine already belonged to her years ago, she took it unknowingly from me. I know my reputation as a person was not good, but trust me there is no one except her would would skip a beat of my heart. I love her with all I have....and I promise to cherish her the way you have loved her from her birth" Lucas said without taking any break. He poured his heart out and didn't feel ashamed in accepting what he felt for her.

Lucas had already set in his mind that, he would do anything to make her parents accept him even if they ask him to become a housekeeper in their house. He was ready to become anything just to have Elena by his side.

Henry got up making Lucas also stand. Henry had no objection, as Lucas had won his heart by just being genuine and truthful in front of him. He pulled him into a hug taking Lucas by surprise. Henry lovingly patted his back, the boy he had seen when he was just five have grown into a nice person. His mother would be so proud of him as she always wanted him to be just like his father.

Henry pulled back and looked at him," I thought there won't be any person who will love Elena as much as we do but, you change my mind. Welcome to the family son "Henry said patting his shoulder.

"Initially I was going to pester you a lot but... your sincere words just couldn't keep my resolution strong. Even if I make my heart hard for you still I couldn't let go of your love for my daughter" he smiled.

Elena and Julian were watching the duo having their interview. Firstly, Julian wanted to go and interrupt their talks, as she could see how Henry was scaring the poor boy. But Elena stopped her as she wanted to let her father clear his doubts by himself. Elena knew her father loved her the most in the world and after finding his rival , she could sense that he was not able to digest the fact.

Julian turned to look at Elena who had tears in her eyes. She slowly took her into a side hug and said," He really love you and see your dad also likes him too".

Julian was happy that Henry had finally let his guards down and accepted Lucas for their daughter. She always had faith in Blakes words when he said that Elena was only cure for his son, and see his words came true. She so wished him to be here to witness this scene with his own eyes.

Mother and daughter both made their way to their respective partners and stood next to him.

Lucas turned to look at Elena all smiling at him, she slowly went brushed his cheeks when she saw a lone tear fall down. Elena knew he was happy and she could feel it.

After being with him for so much time she knew Lucas was just like her father, hard from outside and soft from inside.

"Honey you made the boy cry" Julian complained when she saw Lucas tearing up.

"Sorry for being so hard, but it was my daughters life matter" Henry defended himself.

"I can understand" Lucas smiled.

The four of them went to have their talks, taking about each other all smiling and happy.




Outside the house

A man wearing a black leather jacket with a black mask and a black cap kept watching at the house. He had followed Lucas and had been waiting for him to come out.

"Boss I guess there is a get together going inside the house" the man called and informed his boss.

"Keep an eye on the house and keep updating me" the man on the call said.

"Okay boss.." the man cut the call and saw a car stopping at the gate.

"What is he doing here?" the man knitted his brows when he saw the person coming out from the car.

"No ways.." he said.




Julian was setting the plate on the table, while Elena eyes were stuck on the door. She was waiting for someone, but guess the person would be late.

"Who are you waiting for?" Julian asked her impatient daughter.

"Someone special" Elena winked looking at her mother.

Elena was talking to her mother when she heard the door bell ring," Guess he is here" she said and ran to open door in excitement.

"You are finally here" she opened the door and found her favorite person standing on the doorsteps with her favorite cookie box in his hands.

"Baby girl.." Blake said taking the happy Elena in his arms.

Elena had message him the previous night and had asked him to come. She wanted to introduce Lucas to him.

Blake was out for few days and had just arrived this morning, when he saw her messages. Elena had asked him to come and meet her today. Initially, he wanted to go and see his son the time he land, but the maid said he was fine and was out for some work. So he drop the plan to visit his sick son and went straight to meet Elena.

"I thought you wouldn't come" she pouted pulling back and drag him to the house," I have some one special to meet you" she said excitedly and took him to where Lucas was standing.

"Lucas see who have come" she informed making him turn back.

"Uncle this Lucas and Lucas this is uncle Blake" she said introducing both father and son.

"Dad..."Lucas muttered not believing his father standing at Carters house.





Lucas and Elena were sitting on the chair and watching their parents hiding their face from them. These three people knew each other and still kept it hidden from them.

Lucas thought he didn't knew his father at all. He was there when he confessed his love for Elena to him, but still this old man didn't open his mouth. How more naughty he can be. Lucas kept looking at his father in disbelief.

On the other hand, Elena was also feeling the same, how come they hide such big thing from her. Her father and her uncle were hiding their face after being caught unexpectedly. If she had not asked him to come to her house, they would still have not opened their mouth.

"How can you three...look up...How can you hide these thing from us" Elena snapped her fingers making them look up.

"Mom even you. I thought we shared everything" she said with her upset voice. Her mother was her best friend still she hide everything from her.

"It was Blake's idea, don't get angry on your mother" Henry defended when her daughter accused his wife.

Henry smacked Blake's head who was sitting next to him," See I told you to say everything...look they are blaming us" Henry flared angrily at Blake.

Lucas who as watching everything turn his eyes on his father and spoke," Dad, don't you have to say anything" he watched with his poker face.

Lucas was pissed and wanted to know the reason, what was the exact thing which made his father to keep seal his big mouth.

Blake looked at his son an took a deep breathe before speaking," It was my idea to let Elena work in your office. I always wanted her to marry you, but your reputation was not nice. Even Elena hated men like you, but still I had hope that she can change you and bring you back to your real self. I know I'm selfish who didn't thought about Elena's feeling and only took you in consideration.. but trust me my intentions were not bad. But when I found that you had started wooing her, my hopes went high" he paused and looked at Elena who had unsettle emotions in her eyes. Blake hide his face in his palm not wanting to see her in that look.

"Yes even I thought the same, you were perfect for him and I had seen Lucas when he was small, but that day I had seen Blake crying for his son. He was still blaming himself for not being a good father and his ignorance lead Lucas to this path" Julian continued," I know we hide this from you but our intentions were pure".

Julian got up and went to Elena," He was just a helpless father who asked his best friends to help him for his son" she said patting her shoulder.

Elena knew Blake had a good heart and he would not do anything that will harm her or make her suffer. She could understand him now, getting up from her chair and went to Blake and squat down making him look at her. Blake had tears in his eyes.

"I know my uncle love me and would not do anything that will hurt me" she said smiling at him," I'm not angry on you. I like your son with all my heart. Will you still consider me for the position of your daughter in law" she said making him smile and nod his head in yes," Always...."he said and pulled her into a fatherly hug," Thank you... thank you so much" he said smiling as his eyes went to Lucas who nodded his head assuring him that he was not angry anymore.