Chapter 85 - Dinner With In-laws

Henry and Julian were waiting for Elena and Lucas arrival. Elena had already informed them about their departure and would soon reach there.

Henry stood near the window and kept looking at the gate, waiting for his daughter to come. She was out for a day but he was already missing her so much. 

"What is taking them so long to come?" Henry asked getting anxious.

"They're on the way honey, stop behaving like a clingy father" Julian rolled her eyes on his statement and continued watching the news.

"I miss her already" he said and went to sit next to Julian.

"I'm not going to let her stay out from now on" he said looking at the door.

"And what will you do when she gets married and go to her husbands house" Julian asked watching him behaving too protective.

Henry looked at her questioning face and thought for a while," Hmm... honey, how about we asked Lucas to come and stay at out house instead of sending Elena to his house" he said  raising his brows in excitement. 

Henry was feeling proud with his idea but that pride didn't last long, when he felt a smack on his head.

"Ahh... honey.." he yelp in pain rubbing his head.

Julian got pissed by his stupid thought, how can he come up with such silly idea to keep his daughter with him and even her husband.

"What honey, keep you stupid brain to yourself and don't come up with any stupid plan" she said and got up leave.

Henry followed his wife trying to convince her," But honey wouldn't it be nice to keep out daughter in front of our eyes and also watching her husband taking care of her" he said making Julian turn to see.

"Then why didn't you agreed to stay at my parents house after our marriage, when they asked you to be their son-in-law "she said keeping her hand on her hips. This husband of hers keep thinking about any silly things, just to keep his daughter with him and not to share her with anyone. 

"There's a difference honey" he said not wanting to discuss this topic.

Henry wanted to slam his head on the wall for talking to her on this matter. He didn't thought she would still remember their conversation.

"Why! what is the difference, even I was their only daughter and even my parents and my brothers loved me dearly. Then why didn't you accept their proposal" she raised her brows waiting for him to speak.

"Okay... let not speak on this topic" Henry finally gave up. He knew he was never going to win against his wife.

"Did you remember what all you did just to take me away from my parents house" she smirked making him gulp in fear.

"Honey why to discuss the past now" he cleared his throat and went to coax his angry wife. 

"Why? are you scared to hear about it" she smirk watching his scared face.

"No.. please not now, lets end this topic here and go back to the living area, and wait for our kids.. okay" he took her out without opening his mouth further. He knew if he says anything, his wife will open her mouth and share his silly acts in front of Lucas. And he didn't wanted to get embarrassed.




Lucas was driving the car and kept looking at Elena who was still blushing while looking the view outside the window. He wanted to stay with her, but she said her parents asked him to come for dinner, as they wanted to have some time with him. Lucas was happy with the thing turning up in his life in a good way.

Firstly he got Elena and now he had a family that she brought along with her. He can't ask anything more from god. He was content with whatever little he had.

Elena was still feeling shy to look at him. She was still reminded about their make out session ,they had before leaving his mansion. She liked how their relationship was moving forward step by step and was happy that Lucas was the reason for her happiness.

The ride to her house was silent, as both of them were busy grasping their happiness.




Reaching her home, both went inside and were welcomed by Julian's happy face. Her parents were waiting for their arrival.

After spending time with them, they had their dinner together. Lucas bid goodbye to them and went back to his penthouse. He had a wonderful time with them and was feeling upset to part from Elena even though he knew they would again meet tomorrow.

Elena was in her room getting ready to sleep, when Julian entered her room. Keep a glass of milk on the table she went near her daughter.

"You should have applied more makeup to cover the spot honey" she said sitting on her bed.

Elena struck by her mother's words," Did she see it?" Elena thought slowly moving her eyes to the side only to see her mother smirking at her.

Elena's hand traveled to her neck covering the mark that was made by Lucas," I will not let him go without getting punished" she said in the mind cursing Lucas for making her embarrass in front of her mother.

"Mom.. its just a bruise" she said cheekily covering her mark.

"Ya... a bruise with bite mark" Julian could feel her daughter getting shy, so she didn't tease her further. 

"It's okay sweetheart... this things happens after getting in a relationship, and I don't mind having a grandchild before your marriage" she said shrugging off her shoulder.

"Mom.. we didn't do anything" she said hiding her face in her palm and sat next to Julian.

"You know, even I had got pregnant before marriage which made your father run back to me leaving his training in between" she said remising Henry's happy face when she had told him about her pregnancy. He didn't waste a single day and took her to the marriage registration office.

"Really.." Elena didn't knew about her birth which surprised her more.

"Yes... I was already two months pregnant that time, he was so happy that he could even wait for seven month, just to hold you on his arms" she smiled telling her story.

Henry had loved Julian from his college days and having a family with her made him complete. He had came from a broken family background and knew the value of relation. He only had Julian first but, Elena's birth made him more responsible man as his small daughter made him the happiest person in the whole world.

"Your father's world revolves around you, he still feels you are the same newborn whom her held in his arms, with the aim to protect her from any harm" she said. 

Julian knew Henry loved his daughter with his life and letting his daughter leave his side made him sad. Every father feels the pain of sending his daughter away after she get married and Henry was feeling this pain of sending his daughter away from them.

He knew someday, this would happen and he can't get selfish just to keep his daughter with him. He would be the happiest person to see his daughter living a happy life with the person she loves.

Elena eyes teared as she also knew how her parents world revolve just around her. She hugged her mother hiding her face in the crook of her neck letting her tears flow. Just by the thought of leaving her parents made her emotional, what will happen to her when she will leave the house.

"Mom.. should I ask Lucas to stay with us after we get married someday" she said pulling back.

"Like father, like daughter both came up with the same idea" Julian thought.

"No honey.. we can't ask him for this and we will fine after your marriage. It's life and we need to adjust with it" she said wiping her tears.

"And for you father, I will make him understand" she said.

Nodding her head in yes, Elena slept on her mothers lap.

Stroking her hair gently Julian made her sleep. After making sure she was asleep Julian made her lay properly on the bed, before she bend to kiss her forehead," Lucas needs you the most. I don't know how will you handle his wild side when you get to know the truth of his mother's death" she said caressing her hair.




Lucas had just reached his penthouse, when he saw a message popping on his phone.

"Work done" this was the message sent by Ron.

Lucas smirked reading the text, and went to fresh up. He had the most beautiful day of his life which will be feed in his memory for long. He never felt so happy  after his mother's death.

Getting out from the bathroom, he got ready to sleep. Sitting on the bed his eyes went to his mother's photo," Mom do you see this smile on my face" he said staring at the big photo frame.

"I am happy... and the reason is her. She made your son came back to his previous self" he said smiling thinking about Elena.

"I know... I'm smiling like a fool but I can't help mom. She is making me happy" he said laid down on the bed.

After talking to her photo for a while, Lucas doze back to sleep dreaming about his times with Elena.