Chapter 86 - Accident

Elena thought to buy a latte for Lucas. She thought to let him taste something different this morning than his regular coffee. She knew, he preferred his dark black coffee but, too much intake was not good for his health. She went inside the coffee shop and gave the order.

She had already asked Daniel about his health and he had even forward her his monthly health report. She was very much upset to find that, he was not taking good care of his health and would also be picky with food. But when he came to her house, he never complain about the food her mother made or even when they went out for lunch he would eat everything like an obedient kid. 

"He needs to eat healthy food, no more oily food for you Lucas " she said while reading the report. 

Taking the coffee ,she came out of the café and was walking back to her bike. She was busy holding the things in her hand that she didn't notice a car speeding her way.

Elena walked, when the car passed her making her fall on the ground.

"Ahh.. "she yelled in pain falling next to her bike. She was shocked by the sudden fall, that she couldn't register what happen.

People crowded to her place making her stand, but she couldn't move as her leg got twisted due to the fall. Her elbows and knees got injured as blood flowed from it. She still tried to get up , but her body was not listening to her and the loss of blood made her loose her consciousness falling back.




PM Enterprise

Lucas was attending a meeting with the board members. His eyes where stuck on his phone waiting for Elena's messages.

Elena knew he was having a meeting in the morning so she asked him to got first and she will come on the bike. He texted her when she didn't reach even after he was in the office. He thought, she must be stuck in the traffic that's why she was late.

Lucas was focused on the presentation when his phone buzzed. Ignoring the unknown call he let it ring without paying any attention. But the same number flashed again on the phone making him frown.

Talking the call ,Lucas found the ground slipping under his foot. Without paying any heeds to the presentation he dashed out of the meeting hall. Ron called off the meeting and followed Lucas.




Lucas dashed out of the car, his heart was beating in pain as if he would die if he don't see her. Running like a mad man he entered the hospital. Ron followed him in silence, he knew Lucas was in no mood to calm down unless he sees her in front of his eyes.

The time her got the news of her accident he was sitting like a lifeless man in the car, who was ready to give up on his life if anything happens to Elena. His face had lost all the color and was ready to break down soon, if she doesn't come back and soothe him. 

"Ron ask him to drive fast" this was the only words he spoke before the car speeded.

The hospital staff recognized him and lead them to the room Elena was shifted.

Lucas entered the ward and found her sleeping peacefully on the bed. Her lips were turn blue due to the blood she lost. Slowly walking to her he stood next to her bed.

The doctor who was examining her found his presence behind him, turn to look back only to find Lucas standing all messed.

"H-how is s-she?" he asked not letting his eyes divert from her face. His heart was breaking into pieces finding her in this state. 

"Mr. Thomson, she is fine.. just a minor wound which we have taken care of. She fainted watching the blood but will soon wake" the doctor said and left the room.

Ron who was standing behind also left, giving the couple sometime alone. He followed the doctor to inquire about her condition and proceed with further formalities.




"Your work is done mam..."the man said on the phone.

"Get your payment and leave the country. I don't want you to get caught by Lucas men" Natasha cut the call and breathe a sigh of relief.

"This was just a demo, but if I found you too irritating I wouldn't mind to kill you with my hands" she said looking outside the window.

Natasha had asked her men to keep an eyes on Elena. She just wanted to scare her but if she didn't back off she would have to take a big step without being caught.




Lucas was waiting for Elena to open her eyes, she was passed out for more than an hour and that was making him feel scare. He had never imagined to face anything like this, that would bring back his past memories. He had survived through them, but if that same thing happens again he would not be able to live.

"Sunshine wake up... see I'm waiting for you for so long" he said caressing her knuckles, but only got silence on response. 

A tear dropped from his eyes watching her pale face. Her wounds were covered with bandage and her elbow had a scratch. He was not going to spare the man who harmed his sunshine.

Ron entered the room silently," Boss we caught the man" he said placing the hand on his shoulder.

"Take him to the base, I will interrogate with him" he said and Ron left the room to follow his boss orders.




Elena parents reached the hospital after Ron informed them about the accident. Henry walked inside the room only to find Lucas watching at her without blinking.

Julian who followed him sobbed to find her daughter on the hospital bed all pale and covered with bandages on her knees and elbow.

"How is she..." Henry asked walking to him.

Lucas looked up to find her parents standing next to them. Her mother was sobbing ,trying not to burst at her daughters condition.

"Uncle ask her to wake up, see she is not listening to me" he said watching at Henry with hopeful eyes.

Henry closed his eyes watching him all broken and messed up. He knew these kind situation triggers his emotion to the extend were he looses himself.

"She will wake up after the medicines effects subsides" Henry assured the man who was looking at his daughter with the hope from her to wake up soon.

Henry and Julian left the couple and went outside to inquire the doctor about their daughters health.




Elena felt her body in pain when she tried moving. Slowly opening her eyes she found herself in a different place. She frowned watching the changed surrounding when he memories of her accident flashed in front of her eyes.

"Ahh..."she hissed in pain and tried to lift her hand, but it was held very tightly. Turning her head to the sideway she found Lucas sleeping holding her hand.

Elena barely manage to turn herself to the side and watched his face that was covered with dries tears. She could feel that she had scared him which made him cry.

He hand went to cares his hair softly, making his wake up by the the touch. Lucas opened his eyes and found her awake," Sunshine, do you feel any pain.. wait let me call the doctor" Lucas panic when he found her awake.

"Lucas I'm fine.. don't panic" she said assuring him with a smile. Patting next to her she asked him to sit.

Lucas followed her and sat next to her. He was feeling his soul getting back to his body by seeing her awake. God know how he managed to keep himself strong watching her sleeping without any movement.

Lucas kept staring her, finding his life back as his hand went to caress her cheeks," You scared me" he choked while speaking as tears formed in his eyes.

He didn't wanted to cry but he couldn't help. Elena opened her arms wide asking him to hug. He didn't reject her and went to hug her breaking down in her arms.

"Don't scare me again" he cried silently hiding his face in her chest.

Elena kept brushing his back trying to sooth him. She could feel his body trembling and the way he hugged her as if he was afraid of losing her.

"Shh... see I'm fine and its just normal wound" she said calming him down a little.

"Sunshine you fainted and passed out for more than an hour" he said pulling back an looked down on her bandage," And this are these normal wound.... you have stiches there" he showed her knee.

"But you know your sunshine is strong and can handle this minor pain" she winked giving a thumbs up. 

Elena just wanted him to calm down and not stress over this problem. She very well knew the consequences if he overthinks or stress himself.

She knew the accident was not happened by chance, but was done intentionally and she would have to find the person who is targeting her.