Chapter 89 - Keep An Eye

"Wake him up Daniel" Lucas shouted kicking the dead man.

Ethan rushed and pulled Lucas back trying him to stop his madness. The man was lying down without any movement.

Daniel went checked his pulse, but the man had already stopped breathing as blood flowed from his mouth.

"Take the dead body out" Daniel said to his men's and stood up to watch Lucas.

"Bro he is dead... please calm down" he said asked Ethan to took him out from the room.

Getting outside Lucas shrugged his hand in anger and walked to Ron.

"Ron you have ten minutes to find every single detail about this man" he said and turned to look at Ethan.

"You..."he pointed," trace every CCTV footage near the accident spot, I want to know every damn thing that happened yesterday" he said and slumped on the couch like a looser.

He had caught the man behind the accident, but his luck was not with him. Before he could get anything out from him, the man played his game.

"Bro you need to calm down first. You can't let yourself stress like this" Daniel passed him a glass of water.

"How can you ask me to stay calm Daniel" he strike back.

"You should have seen her pale body, she was lying lifeless in the hospital. How can you say me to remain cool with it and do nothing. I would have lost her if anything major would have happened" he said in one breathe. 

Both of them knew Lucas was not in his right state of mind. So they didn't speak a word and followed his order.

Ron was back after completing the task his boss and asked him to do.

"Sir the man is the best professional killer who have murdered almost several people in his whole career" he said waiting for Lucas reaction.

"Anything more... " Lucas asked when Ron stopped speaking.

"No sir. This is the only piece of information I got about him" he said and gave him the file of the people he had killed as a sniper. 

Lucas eyes frowned when he saw Elena's phone in the file. He looked up at Ron who was already watching him nodded his head," Miss Carter was on his list" he said and passed on the phone he had got from his house.

"Sir someone had hired him to kill Miss Carter "he showed him the text that was exchanged the other day.

"Get hold on this number" Lucas said but Ron cut him off," Sir the number is unreachable" he said which made Lucas threw the phone in anger.

"Who the hell is behind this" he said punched his hand on the side table.

"Ron don't let your guards down. I want to tighten the security near Carter house and keep an eyes on everyone whom Elena talks and meet without my presence. I can't risk with her life" he orderes.

Ron excused himself and went to follow his boss order.




Elena was busy reading the magazine she had asked the nurse to bring one for her, when the door of her room opened.

Elena face turn sour watching the person in front of her. She though that Lucas had came back but no... the person was non other than Natasha who had came to visit her.

Natasha walked in smiling with a bouquet in her hand. Elena wanted to punch her face, she can't even fake a smile, she thought watching the women walking to her.

"How are you Elena " Natasha said placing the Bouquet on the side table and turn to look at her.

"I'm fine.." Elena answered plainly.She was not in any mood to entertain her fake concern. 

She couldn't forget the fact that this girl had a eye on her man.

"I was so concern when I found about your accident" she said showing her fake act. She so wanted to hurt her and make her vanish from Lucas life, so she could be with him. 

"Thanks to god, it was just minor accident with just this scratch and few stiches" Elena said looking at her intently.

"But what were doing at the café?" Natasha asked not sounding too obvious.

Elena tiled her head listening her word, how did she knew where she was, as far as she knew she had only told about her visiting the café to Lucas and have not talk about it to anyone not even with her parents.

"How did you know where I was during the accident Miss Knight" Elena narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

Natasha was caught off-guard listening her words, she just blunt out thing which she didn't have to say. Watching her looking at her with narrow eyes, Natasha thought maybe she got caught.

"Hehe... I had just asked Ron about it" she lied and looked around hiding from her stare.

"But Miss Knight as far as I remember.. I didn't tell Ron about it" she said watched her playing with her fingers with nervousness.

Elena was feeling something was not right, this women from the first day didn't gave her positive vibe. She was just putting a mask hiding her true self from everyone. And even now her statement made Elena doubt on her.

"I think you need to take rest Miss Carter" she said not answering her and got up leaving her alone without even bidding her goodbye.

"What are you hiding Natasha?" Elena kept watching the close door. Now she was going to learn what was this women up to. If she was not changing her words then Elena would have left her but.. her nervousness made her doubt more strong on her.




Natasha rushed out from the room when she got a call from her men. Picking up the call she heard the nervous voice making her knees weak.

"Mam.. we found his body in the forest" the man said on the call making her forehead sweat in fear.

"How did you know its him" she said confirming his words whether he spoke truth or not.

"Mam we have to take this oath before get caught, we killed our self biting our tongue before blunting our motive to ours enemy" he explained.

"He didn't had any wound except on his mouth. Plus were have a mark on our neck. Rest assure mam your secret is not exposed "he said making her calm down.

Natasha breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that her path was clear without being exposed. Cutting the call ,she stood straight and took a deep breath before getting into her car and driving away. 




Lucas came back, only to find Elena busy reading the magazine. Her mother had asked him to drop by and take the homemade food for their lunch. She didn't wanted them to eat the hospitals tasteless food.

Getting the food her house, he drove to the hospital. Slowly keeping the food on the side table he went to sit next to her. Her fingers were tracing his photo on the magazine, she had a small smile while watching it.

Lucas leaned to her ear and spoke," Do you like me that much" his hoarse voice made her startle and she turn to the side finding him staring at her.

She gulped looking at his intense gaze.Elena was again caught drooling at him.

"I-I.... was just..."she mumbled not getting words to speak. The closeness was killing her to the extend that she wanted to pounce on him, but her injury was the main hurdle between them.

Lucas badly wanted to kiss her but her bandages reminded him that she was a patient who was admitted her. He closed his eyes and moved back making her frown. She thought he would take her into a kiss but nothing happened to that sort.

Not waiting for him to kiss her she initiated and tasted his lips taking him in surprise. Lucas closed his eyes as she did the work by her self. His hands roam all over her back as he pulled her close to him feeling her body warmth.

Elena was missing his touch for so long, they didn't share the passionate kiss since yesterday. And now, she couldn't take any longer, this man was hers and she had full right on him.

Lucas kissed her back with the same passion until they were out of breath. He need her to calm his nerves, he was scared for her. This whole accident thing had moved his world making him coward. Her life was in danger and he didn't know who was behind it and that only thing was making him feel the fear he had suppressed a long ago.

Resting their forehead, Elena kept panting and her hand went to cup his face. His kiss was not gentle but was fierce and that made her think what was bugging him so much. He had been always gentle with her but today, he was his usual self. 

"Is something bothering you?" she asked.

Elena didn't wanted him to keep things away from her. She wanted him to share his problems with her.

Lucas pulled back and saw her concern eyes.. They were worried for him and were asking for him to speak what was in his mind.