Chapter 90 - Angry Girls

Lucas so wanted to tell her, but her safety and her health were his first priority. He couldn't be selfish and stress her with this matter. He faked a smile and kept looking at her praying that she doesn't get it.

"Why do you think something is bother me?" he asked her. 

"You know by now I understand you that much were I can even get your lie" she said making him smile. 

Lucas shook his head in disbelief, she can read him like a open book and he can't even hide a thing from her. Cupping her face, he bit his lips trying to form a word to speak.

Elena was very much curious by now , she could easily say he had been stressing on something and was trying very hard to hide it.

"Sunshine... can't you not ask me anything" his eyes were pleading her in helplessness.

Elena frowned at his words, why was he not telling her anything and keeping it to himself. She saw him pleading, which made her angry on herself. Was she not strong enough to handle his words or didn't he trust her that much to share his torment.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe before opening it and boring into his deep blue eyes. Elena pulled back her hands that were cupping him and went back to rest. If he didn't have that much faith in her were he would share his problem, then there was no need of her to bug him. She turn herself showing her back to him.

Lucas sighed watching her and went to take the food from the table. He needed to feed her properly, she was weak and her body needed nutrition.

"Sunshine getup, you need to eat first" he said watching her sleeping back on the bed.

"I don't want to eat" she plainly rejecting him. She was angry on him and she wanted him to realize that...

Lucas sighed and walked back to her, she had her back faced him. Slowly pulling her by her shoulder he made her look at him. She had a frown as she looked at him anger.

"Why don't you want to eat?" he asked her softly. 

Elena got up and sat straight on the bed puffing her cheeks, "I'm not hungry, if you want you can eat" she said and went back taking the magazine avoiding him as if he was invisible.

Lucas kept looking at her and sighed," Fine.... even I'm not hungry" he said and sat on the chair next to her bed.

He knew she was angry because he refuse to speak anything, but what he was supposed to do. Her life was in danger and the attacker was openly roaming. Why can't she understand that he is keeping it to himself because he can't let her get scare and think before walking freely outside.

Elena turn to look at him who sitting folding his hands and watching her pouting his lips. She knew he must have not eaten anything as he had said, that he would be having his lunch with her.

Elena thought she was acting too stubborn and making it hard for him. She knew this man will not be able to keep things from her for too long. Leaving her anger she kept the magazine aside and signed shaking her head at his stubbornness.

She pointed at him asking him to come close to her. Following her order obediently he stood and went to sit next to her. Elena smiled inwardly and pulled him by his collar taking him in surprise.

"But what I'm hungry" she said taking his lips and kissing him.

The kiss was short before she pulled back and looked at him. He was blushing and that made her smile watching him getting all shy.

"Its fine if you don't want to share, even I wont ask you but... at least don't skip your food" she said forgetting about her anger. She knew he had starve the whole day because of his work.

"I promise I wont hide it for too long" he said resting his head on her chest quietly listening her heartbeats. He just needed time to figure out everything before taking her into confidence.

"Hmm.." she said brushing his hair. 




Getting back home, Ethan saw Samantha sitting silently on the couch. He had told her he would be out for some work and had asked her to go with Maira to see Elena.

Walking to her, he sat next to Samantha. She was so drawn to her thoughts that she didn't realize when he came and sat beside her.

Ethan raised his hand and caressed her hair gently starling her in surprise. She was brought out by the train of thoughts that were running in her mind by Ethan's touch. 

"What is my baby girl thinking?" he asked.

Samantha was waiting for his arrival, she wanted to discuss thing that they had talked earlier at the hospital. She smiled and gave him a side hug.

"What happened?" he asked her again.

Samantha pulled back and looked at him," Ethan I need to talk to you something really important" she said.

"Okay go ahead" he said turning to face her.

Samantha took a deep breathe and started to speak," Elena thinks her accident was planned" she said and just waiting for him to react. She slumped her shoulder in disappointment when she didn't get his shock response.

She thought he would get shocked by the news she share with him, but he just stared at her not giving a single reaction.

"Did you listen what I said?" she asked him to confirm whether he heard her or not.

Ethan nodded his head," Yes I did" he said and rested his head on his palm leaning on the couch headrest.

"Then how come you are so calm" she asked widening her eyes.

Samantha accepted for him to get shock by the piece of news she shared with him a minute ago. But here he was all calm and relax as if the news didn't bother him.

"Do you think we don't know" he asked making her jaw drop.

"Close your mouth babe... Lucas had already known that the accident was done purposely" he said and closed her mouth.

Samantha kept looking at him still trying to get his words. They already knew everything then why didn't they told Elena about it. Wouldn't it be easy for them to work on it together if they share that thing with her.

"Then why don't Elena knows anything about it. Doesn't she have the right to know that her life was in danger" she flared back in irritation.

Elena needed to know everything related to her life, she shouldn't be kept in dark until one day something major happens than what had happened now to her.

"Lucas is just making sure to protect her without stressing her. She need time to heal her wounds and get back strong, so she would protect herself from any further attack" Ethan wanted her to understand that Lucas is trying to protect her his way.

"But I still think she needs to know everything" she said and got up leaving him alone.

"Taking your side is putting my love life at stake Lucas..." he signed cursing Lucas before getting up and following his angry kitten. 




"WHAT!..." Maira screamed at Daniel. She thought of sharing the words with him which she had discussed with the girls, but to her surprise this man already knew everything.   

"You.. knew everything, but still... you hide it from me..."she picked the pillow and threw it on him.

Daniel successfully dodge the pillow and looked at her in horror. She was raging like a bull ready to throw him away with the help of her horns.

"Maira... baby listen. I- I was going to tell you "he tried to explain but there again came a flying pillow and this time it hit him on his face.

"Oww... babe that hurts" he said whining on his pain.

"Good for you, this serves you better" she said and went to her room slamming the door hard.

Daniel rubbed his nose and went to follow her inside, but to his disappointment she had locked the door.

Knocking on the door , he asked her to open it, but guess she was in no mood to listen. Quietly sliding down the door he rested his head on it and waited for her to open the door for him.

"I won't go until you open the door" he said and slumped down his shoulder silently waiting for the door to open.




After having their food, Lucas took her for a walk. The doctors had asked her to move her legs slowly ,without putting any pressure on it as it will help her to heal the wound. Keeping the doctors words in mind he took her out.

Elena held onto his arms as she tried to walk, but the pain was so intense that made her whine in pain.

"Does it hurts? Should I call the doctor?" Lucas asked when he saw her in pain.

"No.. it's fine.. I need to try walking" she shook her head and again tried to take a step but this time she lost her balance making her fall.