Chapter 93 - Lingaa

"I missed you too" she said holding him for a while before pulling back.

Lucas gave a peck on her lips and took the bag from the side table passing it in her hand," See what I've got for you" he said. 

Opening the bag she saw her favorite donuts," Lucas.. I love you so much" she squeal in happiness and took one bite of the donut.

"Hmm.. yummy.." she closed her eyes as the donut melted in her mouth.

Lucas who was observing her felt his monster tighten. He looked down watching the bulge and patted on it," Not now buddy, you need to relax" he warned it and looked up.

Elena took another donut and asked him to taste it. Lucas didn't like sweet, he was too much into healthy food always maintaining his physic.

"You have it" he said asking her to eat them.

"Just have a bite, its really yummy Lucas" she said munching the donut.

"If you ask so" he smirked and went taking her mouth and sliding his tongue inside tasting the donut from it.

Devouring her mouth he pulled back and wiped his lips from his thumb," Hmm.. its really tasty" he said and looked at Elena would stood like a statue.

"Sunshine breathe.." he shook her shoulder breaking her posture as she flared her nostril in anger and punched his arm.

"Aww.." he yelled in pain thinking how can her punch land so hard. 

"I had asked you to take a bite of the donut.. not of my mouth" she kept giving him punches, until she herself got tired and went to sit on her bed.

"You better not tease me" she said calming her breath.

Poor Lucas lost his sense to feel his arm that was beaten mercilessly by her, slowly walked and sat next to her.

"Sunshine you asked me to eat it and isn't it good sharing this way" he pouted making her roll her eyes on his lame excuse.

She kept watching the man who was back with his flirty nature, never mind she missed this side of his.




The car parked near Elena's house a few distance away from Lucas car. The driver was going to drive a little more close to her house but stopped looking the security.

Making a call to Natasha he spoke," Mam.. Lucas Thomson is at Elena's house" before he could talk further the call was cut.

Natasha threw her phone in anger, "Dare you Elena.. What kind of magic you've spell on him that he is even ready to leave his work for you" She yelled in anger. Her eyes darken as her blood boiled thinking of them being together.

"Just waited and watch, how I will clear your existence from Lucas life. And its my promise to myself" she warned fisting her palm.




August was sitting and having his drink with Marcus. After getting to know about his daughter's doing, he wanted to discuss it with him.

"Why did you shouted your daughter. Isn't it good that we would have clear our path without using our power. Her dead body would have been eaten by our sharks" he said sipping his whiskey.

"But she would have been got caught, if that man had said everything to Lucas" August knew his daughter didn't think straight in her anger.

"The mans body was dumped in the forest. It was our luck that our men's took hold on it" he continued.

"Hmm.. you have a point. So what do you think about killing the girl" Marcus asked.

"You know we can't let them get married, or else forget about the property cause eventually it will belong to her" he explain the consequences after their marriage.

"No this won't happen. We need to come up with a better plan without being caught. You rest assure, I will handle it in my way" August only needed to take his daughter into confidence before she do any stupid thing which wouldn't get to her life.




Lucas was sitting with Elena listening her story telling when his phone rang. Pulling out from her embrace , he picked the call and climbed down walking to the small balcony.

"Lucas the car followed you and stopped at Elena's house... but there is problem" Ethan said looking at the screen.

"What problem?" Lucas frowned at his words.

"The same car has been coming daily to her lane and has always been parked a distance away from her house" he said zooming the footage.

"I guess the attacker are still behind her?" he continued and stopped zooming.

"Guess what? Even the number plate of the car belongs from different country" he slammed his hand on the laptop. Ethan was damn sure the car didn't belong to their country. Some skilled person was hired this time.

"Can you get the number from the number plate. Maybe we could find something related to the person" Lucas asked him to go in more detail. Every new lead was leaving their brain in a mess.

"Sure give me sometime" he said and cut the call.

"Who is the person?" he mumbled.

Lucas took a deep breathe and turn back to enter her room,but stopped in shock.

"Which person you are talking about?" Elena knitted her brows.

Lucas was hiding something and it was clear to her eyes the way he always excused himself not wanting to talk in front of her. Even when He and Blake went alone in the lawn she felt something weird after he got back.

"Nothing... I was just asking about the model w-who would be suitable for our products promo launch" he half lied. Yes they were hunting for a perfect model who would promote their software.

"Then why are you stammering" she walked slowly to him and wiped the sweat bud from his forehead.

"You're again stressing yourself Lucas" she said and took him inside.

"That's why I don't like taking leaves, see you are again overthinking" she ruffed his hair messing with it.

Lucas kept looking at her, how can someone try to harm such a innocent girl who kept caring for everyone. His eyes were stuck on her face that was soothing him.

"It's final I will join office from tomorrow" she declared.

Elena can't let him handle things alone when he had his assistant with him. She knew even Ron was busy handling remaining work.

"No sunshine you can't. Your wound is not fully healed" he said disagreeing her.

"No it's final. I'm not going to listen this time" she was determine to resume her work and there was no turning back.

"Fine but promise you will not over work yourself" he said.

Her health was his first concern and he was not going to compromise with it.

"Promise" she raised her hand accepting his words. She was not going to make him stress due to her health. She had promised herself to protect her and the first thing was to find the person behind her accident.




Lucas went back home after spending sometime with Elena. Initially he had asked her to stay at his house as it was totally secured with no one trespassing his area. But the girl rejected him plainly. She felt there was no need for her to spend her healing time at his house. He couldn't even force her as she would again get alarm by his clinginess.

Feeling rejected, he entered his room and slumped on his bed. Closing his eyes, Lucas kept thinking about Ethan's words. Getting up sitting straight, he looked at the number he had send while he was driving.

"It has some foreign initials on it, does it mean the attacker is from their country but from some other one" he thought.

"Or what if someone is misleading us" he said and called Ron.

"I'm sending you a car number, find from where it is and get me the details of the owner?" he said and cut the call.

"Let me just get hold on you once, then you will see what is the result to mess with me" he said looking at the screen.




Passing through a secret passage way, a women entered one storey house.

Getting inside she saw a man and passed him the money," You need to take care of her as soon as possible" removing her scarf Natasha spoke and gave him the envelope.

Lingaa who was sharping his knife stopped and looked at the money," Your work will be done" he said.

"Why do you want to kill the girl?" Lingaa asked.

The man who was keeping an eyes Elena had suggested about Lingaa to Natasha. He knew his boss would somehow find that he is been helping her in secret.

"She has stolen my precious obsession" Natasha leaned back resting her head on the couch.

"Make sure you don't let any clues behind. I want everything to be clear without getting me caught" she said.

"Don't worry... with this much money I will not even leave her single piece for the animals to eat" he said and looked at the photo.

"But there is thing before I kill her" he said looking at Natasha.

"I would like to fuck her before taking her life, I can't let go off such beautiful body" he said smirking at her curled lips.

"Do what you want to do with her but make sure you give her a painful death" she said and got up to leave.

"Elena Carter.... see you soon" he muttered looking at the photo and went back sharpening his knife.