Chapter 97 - Red Alert

"Lucas I think I'm bleeding" Elena whispered when she felt something flowing down her leg.

"Aargh..." she screamed pushing Lucas down from the bed and took up the duvet finding her periods on.

"Ahh... sunshine" he said laying on the floor all naked massaging his waist that was paining due to the hard fall.

Talking the duvet she covered herself and rushed into the bathroom leaving him on the floor. Lucas who saw her in confusion still didn't register her words. He scratched his head and got up from the floor walking to the bathroom.

"Sunshine please be clear... come out" he said knocking the door. He wanted to know what she mean by her words earlier.

Elena who was walking inside all nervous with different thoughts, stopped when she heard the knock. She was feeling embarrassed to talk to him, telling him that her periods had started.

"Sunshine talk to me.. please come out, you're scaring me" he knocked again when she didn't reply him back.

"Sunshine.." he banged the door this time.

Elena knew if she don't open the door, this crazy man will break the bathroom door and get inside. She walked slowly holding the duvet and opened the door. Slowly peeking out from it, she saw Lucas worried face. She opened the door a little wide when her eyes went on his body...

"Stupid Lucas wear something....."she yelled when she saw him standing naked.

Looking down reality stuck him when he ran and took his boxers wearing them before waking back to her.

"See I'm not naked now, what happened sunshine? why did you run inside the bathroom?" he asked trying to hold her arm and get her out but she bushed his hand.

"Lucas... I.... I" she was hesitating to speak a single word when she felt a light pain in her abdomen.

"Ahh.." she squealed in pain making him scare.

Lucas opened the bathroom door and went inside," Sunshine what happened? Are you feeling sick" he asked and made her sit on the edge of the bathtub.

Elena was starting to feel the pain. She closed her eyes to suppress her cry but shot opened them when she felt Lucas hands on her leg.

"Sunshine you are bleeding "he said when he squat down he removing the duvet and slow the blood flowing down.

"Sunshine I think your periods started" he said looking up at her.

Elena looked at him in surprise" how did he know" she thought looking at him with wide eyes.

"Stupid did you forget.. he have done masters in studying girls body parts" her subconscious mind said.

Brushing off her weirds thought she opened her mouth to say but before she could speak a words she was beat by his words...

"Sunshine I think you need to insert a tappoon inside" he said making her jaw drop.

Elena didn't wanted to get surprised, but this man literally had every single knowledge related to women.... too bad he was born a man instead of a women.

She closed her mouth and finally spoke," Lucas help to get a sanitary pad from my handbag" she said asking him to bring her one.

Lucas followed her order and went to bring the pad from her handbag. Opening the bag he searched each and every zip but couldn't find one.

"Sunshine... you don't have a pad" he shouted from the room.

Elena heard his words when she remembered that she had forgot to take one. She had this habit to keep one spare sanitary pad with her, just incase if she got her periods before her due date.

Lucas walked back to the bathroom finding her sitting holding her head. She looked up at him," Lucas..." she said cheekily...

Lucas could guess what she was going to say. He gulp before she spoke," Can you bring me on from the pharmacy" 




Lucas was sitting on the bed tapping his foot waiting for Ron to come with the bag. He had called Ron and had asked him to bring them for her.

Inside the pharmacy, Ron went and brought every size for her and went back to his office. Giving his boss the bag of different size of sanity pad he excused himself.

Never in his life Ron had entered the pharmacy for this work not even for his wife. But today this devil made him do that. God knows what price he had to pay as his assistant.




Lucas went and knocked the bathrooms door. Elena opened the door when Lucas passed her the bag. Talking it from his hand she closed the door. 

Elena was shocked to see such a big parcel. He had literally brought every size and that too not one of each but a dozen of each size.

She took the one which were of her size and came wearing them. Elena had already took a bath and clean her blood stain getting fresh.

Coming out she passed the parcel back to him," Here give them back" she said giving the other size sanitary pack in his hand.

"Why did you asked him to bring so much" she said and went to put her clothes on. 

"Sunshine I didn't knew which size you wear.. so... I asked him to bring each of every size" he said and walked to her. Lucas hugged her from behind kissing her nape where he had given her a love bite.

"One piece of each was fine but your asked him to bring twelve piece of each" she turn to look at him just to watch him scratch the back of his neck.

"I'll ask him to giving back the remaining" he said and they both dress back before leaving the office.

Office hours had already over as their activity lasted for more than two hours before the office time finished.

Elena went to her house and took her belonging with her. She had told her parents about their business trip and she thought it would be better if she goes to Lucas house and then go together to the airport in the morning. She didn't wanted to ask Lucas to come to her up early morning. The airport was close from his house.

Taking her belongings she went with Lucas.




Reaching his home, they went inside walking straight to his room. Lucas excused her and went to his study room. He made a call to Ron and asked him to make arrangement for their stay. Elena had already made their schedule for the next five day, but still he didn't wanted her to stress after going there

After discussing with Ron about the shoot, he felt a sign of relief knowing that they didn't have to take Natasha with them as she was busy with other matters to handle.

He went back to his room and found Elena sleeping on the bed curled into a ball. She was holding her stomach and was sobbing trying to suppress her pain.

Lucas strode to his bed getting worried about her health and went sitting next to her. He made her face him. His hard felt pain when he saw tears flowing from her eyes," Sunshine... what happen?" he asked. Fear was evident on his face.

He knew about menstrual problems women face but what were its effect on their body he wasn't aware of it at all. 

"Lucas it's paining soo much" she cried holding her stomach.

Lucas felt his heart being stab back to back listening her cry.

Elena cramps had started to kick the time she was driving to his house. She tried to remain calm but the pain had grown too bad making her cry in pain. She had this monthly problems even though it lasted only for a day but still it would make her cry not able to bare the pain.

"Sunshine wait let me call Daniel" he was about to get but she stopped him holding his hand.

Lucas was feeling helpless watching her teary face. He had never came across a problem like this. He knew about menstrual cramp but had never seen it with his eyes. His sunshine was in pain and he had no single idea how to soothe it.

He rushed down and went to Martha his nanny and his caretaker who was their with him staying in his penthouse.

Martha was getting their dinner ready, he had informed her about Elena and she was happy to see her again. Last time she didn't get much time to talk with her but today she thought may be they would have one.

"Nanny... Sunshine is in pain" he came running in the kitchen and stood in front of her.

Lucas was sweating, he just wanted to remove the pain from her stomach and bring her back to normal.

Martha saw the pain on his face, she knew he was on the verge to faint if not calmed down. She went had brushed his arm trying to talk to him calmly," Lucas... son breathe and then tell me properly" she said trying to calm his nerves.

She had been with him from the time he was born, he boy was so cheerful and happy in nature. But after his mother's death everything in him changed. The sweet little boy changed into someone she was not aware of and not to forget about his phobia.. He had developed it after losing his mother.