Chapter 99 - Hormones Kick

Next day, Lucas and Elena left from his house to the airport. They had an early flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. Elena was now feeling better as her stomach had stopped paining. Lucas forced her to carry the essential oil along with her, so in any case if her stomach pained, he would massage it for her.

They had to travel for twenty nine hours straight. Ron was waiting for them at the airport. They had booked a first class suite for every one who were going to travel for the shoot. Lucas had a private plane which he had specially book for them to travel.

Lan and Robert had their separate suite while Ron has his separate one next to Lucas just in case if his boss calls him. Walking to their rooms the plane took off. 

Elena had never seen such a luxurious plane. Her boyfriend was too rich than her imagination. Their next generation would have a stress less life without working for a penny.

Entering their private suite, Elena scanned the room and was totally flattered. The room was just like Lucas taste. Holding her hand he made her sit on the bed that was attach next to the window giving the cloudy view outside.

It even had a large tv placed in front of the bed with a small mini bar on the other side of the window. The suite reminded her about Lucas room. The only thing she didn't like were the curtains they were plain white.

"Sunshine you rest I've some work to finish before I joined you on bed" he walked to the couch and opened his laptop.

"I don't have any work today..."she mumbled and got up walking to the couch. Elena was fine but this man was still concern for her health.

"Lucas.. I have already arranged our stay at the hotel in Chicago" she sat next to him.  When he didn't replied she laid down her head on his lap catching his attention on her.

Lucas let go of his attention from the screen and looked down on her. He felt she was still not well. Touching her forehead he check her temperature, then his hand went on her stomach.

"Does it still pain?" he questioned making her giggle at his frowned face.

"Why! can't I lay down like this on your lap?" this man was too cute sometimes.

"I want your attention Lucas Thomson" she voiced her intentions. She never liked when he ignored her. She had gotten used to his pampering and clinginess.

"So.. my sunshine needs my attention... hmm" he brushed his chin thinking about something. 

Elena frowned looking up, she didn't knew what was he thinking. She sat up straight and kept staring at him. Making her way next to him she sat on his lap taking him by surprise.

"Lucas kiss me.." she commanded.

Lucas thought that his journey was going to be worthless as he had made up his mind that he would not let his monster beg for her attention. She was on her period and any activity at that time was forbidden.

He kept looking at her face. What was he suppose to do at this moment. Lucas had heard that women get moody during their menstrual cycle as their hormones kick to the next stage.

Her lips were tempting him to taste them, but he also knew that he will loose his control when he devour them. Shaking his head, he lightly pushed her back making her frown. 

"Sunshine.. I think you need to rest" he knew that he had to be obedient with her for next five days.

Elena frown deepen listening to his words. He had never backed off from kissing her then why was he acting all weird all of a sudden. Did he not like her? she thought. Her hormones were kicking to the highest peak. Watching him rejecting her she had tears formed in her eyes.

Getting down from his lap, she strode angrily to the bed. Lucas watched her going to the bed and got up to follow her but she turned her face to the other side not letting him see her.

"Sunshine... "he patted her shoulder but she jerked his hand back.

"Don't touch me" she choked while speaking. Elena couldn't understand why she was feeling so sad all of a sudden.

Lucas felt dejected by her push. Did he make any mistake? he thought and moved close to her.

"Sunshine look at me..."he begged. 




In the next suite, Aksa and Lingaa were sitting quietly. Lingaa had been silent from the time he entered the suite.

"What's bugging you?" Aksa asked breaking the silence.

Lingaa was brought back from his thought when he heard Aksa voice.

"Have you done the arrangement" Lingaa spoke.

"I had asked you first, so don't change the topic" Aksa knew him very well. Lingaa was usually a silent man who spoke very less, but watching his fully involved in his thought made him question him.

Taking a deep breath, Lingaa watch in his phone, it had seven missed calls. Natasha had been calling him and he didn't had any energy in him to deal with that brainless girl. He had already informed her about his next step, but still she was bugging him.

His phone again began to ring. Frustrated with its vibration he turn the phone off throwing it on the couch," Can't she be at peace" he muttered.

Aksa now understood his silence. Taking the magazine, he opened it and started reading," The girl is too witty" he looked at Lingaa. 

"Do you think you have took the right decision in helping her" Aksa knew Lingaa never like killing innocent people. The murder her had done previously, every person were involved in were criminal.

"Why did you ask it?" Lingaa frowned at his words.

"You know why I said that. The girl we are planning to kill is innocent. Natasha is just making her way to Lucas by making you kill a innocent soul" Lingaa never thought it in that way.

"You know why I'm helping her" Aksa knew he would say this, but wasn't killing innocent person not in his work ethics.

"I still think we would be doing a grave sin by taking a innocent life" he said and looked back at the magazine leaving Lingaa in his thoughts.



Their journey went in silence, Elena was not in any mood to talk with him. She treated him like a invisible person like he never exist. Lucas tried to soothe her anger but she didn't spare a look at him. Finally giving up, he thought to remain quite unless she herself comes and talk to him.

Landing at the Chicago airport, their respective cars came to pick them. Lucas and Elena went ahead followed by one car behind them where Ron was sitting along with Aksa and Lingaa.

Inside the car, Lucas kept peeking at Elena every now and then. He was praying to god just to make her look at him for once. But the heartless girl not even moved her eyes to his side. She kept looking outside the window, without giving him a glance.

Not taking her silence anymore, he finally spoke," Sunshine... why are you avoiding me?" he leaned pulling her by her shoulder.

Elena looked at his face, he was begging her to talk to him. Her silence was bothering him. Lucas had just thought about her health but she misunderstood his words.

"Why do you want my attention, when you don't even want me" her voice was plain with no emotion in it.

"Why would I don't want you? What are you saying sunshine?" he move closed to her. Her toneless voice pierce his heart, how can she even think that he don't want her.

"You wouldn't have rejected my request. I know, now you don't need me" Elena's mind had came up to think that he was now not interested in her.

Lucas frowned at her words, she misunderstood his action earlier. No way in his life he would think to replace her. 

Elena watch his face, and all of a sudden she started to cry. Lucas was dumbfounded, what was he supposed to do now," Sunshine why are you crying" he removed his handkerchief and gave it to her.

"You... you are not.. even saying anything.. Lucas" she sobbed. Pulling her into a hug Lucas curse her periods. 

"Sunshine please don't cry..."he brushed her back trying to calm her down. They stayed that way for a while. When Lucas felt her body calming down, she pulled back from his embrace.

"Sorry... I shouldn't have said those words" Elena knew her hormones were making her think this way. She knew Lucas would never ever think of leaving her, but his rejection made her think so.

"There no way I'm going to leave you Sunshine... never ever think like that again" he said and wiped her tears.

"You are my whole world sunshine... its just that I can't guarantee what will I do if we kiss" he rested their forehead. He was already hard down there and was trying to control himself around her.

"I am trying to be a good boyfriend.... " he said.