Chapter 107 - Understanding

Lucas covered his face hiding it with his palm, not letting her see him crying. He knew if she did, he would burst more in front of her and that was the last thing he didn't want her to see. 

His emotions overflowed in front of her, his vulnerability had no limits and he would end up showing it to her without any efforts.

Elena felt a pang in her heart when she saw him hiding his face from her... She didn't mean to go this far, and now she cursed herself for making it so hard for him. She knew there must be reason for him to hide it from her but.... did she have no right to learn about it. Did he think he would handle everything by himself without letting her find out.

"Lucas" she called his name softly but even listening her voice he still didn't dare to look up. He kept hiding his face like he didn't wanted to talk to her and endure the pain by himself...

She never thought, her words would have such big impact on him. And now she felt bad to be so heartless with him.

"Lucas...look at me" she tried removing his hand that covered his face but the stubborn man didn't let her do that.

He turn to the other side avoiding her from watching his teary face. Lucas didn't wanted to show how messed up he looked at the moment.

After along silence, Elena finally heard him talk," Sunshine... I know I shouldn't have kept secrets from you but...."he paused as his voice cracked even more enabling him to speak.

"You were in the hospital at that time, how do you expect from me to tell you that someone is after your life...You were lying on the bed lifeless, do you think I would have that guts to let you know that" he voice became more audible. 

After pouring his heart out he finally turn to face her." I couldn't do that... your safety was more important for me that time and.. I didn't wanted you to stress thinking someone following your steps caging your freedom" he gulped the lump that formed in his throat.

Lucas tears never stopped flowing even while he was justifying himself in front of her. Elena felt her heart squeeze, watching him explaining himself to her. He was talking like a small kid trying to defend himself and come clean out to her.

"Sunshine... I can't cage your freedom by letting you know that someone was after your life... I always want you to be this lively and never fear of being attack suddenly" he slumped his shoulder in defeat.

Lucas didn't know whether she understood his words or would still continue to ignore him but still...he wanted to talk.

Elena kept listening to him without uttering a word. She wanted to let him out everything that he kept inside his heart. She agreed with whatever he did and now she wanted to let him understand why she wanted him to speak...

She crawled towards him and made him look at her. Elena cursed herself to make him cry... She slowly wiped his face and watched him boring deep into his eyes.

"Lucas... who am I to you?" she asked 

He frowned listening her question, was that even necessary for him to answer. She very well knew what position she holds in his life.

"Is that even question to ask?" he pouted as his frown deepen.

Elena chuckled watching him getting annoyed by her words. But it was necessary...

"Tell me what is my position in your life?" she again asked and now he was damn pissed.

Lucas removed her hand that cupped his face and stood up. He looked at her as she to climb of the bed and stood in front of him.

"Sunshine why did you ask that?" did she still didn't believe his love, was she having second thoughts.

"I just want your answer that's it" she folded her hands against her chest and waited for him to speak.




Lingaa's place

"They caught the girl" Aksa informed about Cynthia being captivated by Lucas men.

"So?" Lingaa shrugged his shoulder and looked at his phone playing the game.

Aksa was getting panic with the thought of being getting caught but to his surprise Lingaa was just chill like nothing was going to happen.

"Are you even for real.... dude they have Cynthia with them. What if she spills everything about us" he didn't wanted to think what would happen because his mind was already imagining different scenarios.

"Don't worry she wont" he just said casually making Aksa more annoyed with his calm posture.

"Don't worry.. Lingaa here I'm panicking and you are telling me to not to worry... You are really crazy one"

"Why do you think I'm so relax...." Lingaa stooped the game and darted his eyes to watch Aksa confused face.

"Why?" he asked 

"Did you forget that we never showed our face to her, but only contacted with her through calls" Lingaa never met her in person to give her the job but only made few calls and transferred her some money.

"But what if they catch us through her call log, I mean if they track her contact" he asked still watching him all calm.

"I have already burned the card and for her call list the number from were we chat with her was under some other person name, so... even if they find the person he or she would be someone else" he said giving him a sigh of relief.

"You're too good bro.. I was just panicking for no reason" he sat next to him.

"But what should we do about Natasha, she's still pestering me to complete the task" he turn to look at Lingaa who smirked at his words.

"Let her keep calling... I want to make her desperate for our time" his smile vanished as he gritted his teeth remising his father.

"You need to run Lingaa... hide somewhere and or else they would come for you..."his words were still fresh in his mind as if he had just spoken to him.

That was the last time he saw his father lying lifeless in front of him...

"This is all because of you... August. Just wait for me to let you go through the same pain" he squinted out of the window looking at the sky.




Back to the hotel

Elena waited for him to speak, she knew what she had said and wanted him to answer.

"Don't you know that?" he looked at her with utter disbelief. He thought she still didn't trust him and that pain his heart.

"I know, but I want to listen it from you" she saw him looking at her with an unsaid emotion. She knew what he thought but still to let him know she had to be stern with him.

"You are my life, my whole world.. you are my oxygen to breathe sunshine. You're my partner with whom I want to grow old..." he held her shoulder making her understand what she meant for him.

"So you now understand what am I to you" she looked deep in his ocean blue eyes.

"That goes same for you Lucas...even you are whole world, my life, my partner. How will I feel if something like today happen to you. In my case you had an idea but me.. I would still not find unless I don't find you. Is that even fair" she pulled him hand down from her shoulder and took then in her palms.

"What will happen of me if something like this happen with you. Where will I find you Lucas... I don't have any source with me that would make me search you" she stated the fact.

"You know why I look up on my parents love, coz they share very damn thing with each other. Whether its good or bad they handle it together and this is the sole reason for their togetherness because they were with each other through rough patch" she wanted him to understand the depth of any relationship.

Lucas now understood her anger, she just wanted him to have faith in her and have enough trust, that she was capable enough to protect herself and he just had to walk with her as her strength.

"You need to share very damn thing, so we can handle the bad together.. that's the essence of a our relation Lucas" she leaned forward cupping his face.

"If we are together we can conquer every odds that we will face ahead" she trace her thumb on his lips and continued," Just share with me what bothers you and I would be you strength to get through it"

Lucas was touched by her words, she just had to talk rather than giving him silent treatment. If she had explain him like this earlier, he wouldn't have cried buckets in front of her.

"Lucas... "