Chapter 106 - You Knew

"I think someone is stalking me"

"The accident that I had earlier was a planned one" Elena waited for him to react but the man just laid and didn't look up even for once.

"Lucas.. did you hear me?" she pushed him a little to have a view of his face.

Lucas closed his eyes and sighed getting up from her embrace and sat straight. He didn't dare to look into her eyes. Elena followed him and sat on the bed waiting for him to say something.

The way he was avoiding her told her that he knew everything or else he wouldn't have been so calm.

"Did you knew about this..?" she just asked in fluke but when he didn't look her way she got the answer. 

Lucas hide his face in his palm, he had tried hard to keep it a secret from her until he himself got hold on the stalker but.... it was not a secret anymore. She found it and now he would have to explain everything....

"When did you found that it was an attack and not just accident?" she questioned.

Elena felt bad that he kept this thing away from her and went on handling everything by himself. Was she not capable enough to help him or did he just took her as a fragile women, who was not strong enough to protect herself.

"The day when you were first attacked" he slumped his shoulder in defeat and looked up to see her disbelief eyes. He never wanted them to look at him in that way, he could see that she was upset and he had shaken her trust.

"Then why didn't you say anything.... am I not capable enough to know about my own safety" she fired at him. Her voice was not as soft as she spoke with him. She felt like crying.... he didn't had enough faith in her that's why he didn't utter a single word when she asked him to open up about what was he hiding.

Lucas tried to hold her hand but she jerked it back, taking him in surprise. She had never treated him in this way. He knew she was upset for not discussing about this crucial matter. If she had known, she would have been more careful, but still he didn't opened his mouth and went on handling it by himself.

"Sunshine let me explain.. this is not what I thought... please give me a chance to speak" he pleaded but she got up from the bed and rushed in the bathroom.

Elena didn't wanted to talk, she had already got the biggest shock of her life. The man whom she had full trust never had a minimal trust in her and that hurt her. She shut the bathroom door before Lucas hold it.

"Sunshine.. open the door. Let me explain" he banged on the door.

Lucas had to clear the misunderstanding, he can't let her walk away like this before coming to a conclusion. He kept banging on the door but she didn't open it. Waiting for her outside, he prayed to let her explain him everything.

After like an hour the bathroom door opened and Elena walked out. Lucas rushed to her when he saw her coming out. He tried coming close to her but she just ignore his presence and went to dry her hair.

"Sunshine..."he called her but she simply turn blind eye on him and carried with her work.

Lucas felt like a wounded soldier who had lost the biggest battle of his life. Her silence was ripping his heart where he felt suffocated to even breathe. He wanted to listen her voice...

"Sunshine please look at me" he pleaded kneeling on his knees. Holding her palm he asked her to spare a glance at him.

Elena turn off the dryer and looked at him. Her face was blank like a plain paper not showing him any emotion. Did he do a huge mistake by not telling her about the stalker? he thought when he saw her acting all distant with him.




Ethan's apartment

"Thank god...." Ethan sighed in relief and cut the call.

Daniel, Maira and Samantha were looking at him intently waiting for him to open his mouth. From the time they heard the news of Elena going missing they didn't stay calm for even a second.

They all were aware about Elena being stalked and someone was trying to harm her. And now another attack on her blew their mind.

"She is safe..."he said and the three of them breathe a sigh of relief.

Ethan narrated the whole incident happened with her. He himself was shock to know that someone was so heartless that he didn't think twice before trying to kill her by locking her to freeze to death.

"Did they found who had abducted her?" Maira asked. She was already on the verge to burst in anger. If she find the person who tried to harm Elena she would strangle him or her to death by throwing her in the sea full of sharks.

"Yes they found one suspect and they are bringing her here. Lucas wanted to keep her under their guidance.. not letting know the person that hey have got hold on his pawn" he said and turn to look at Daniel.

"What are you thinking?" Ethan frowned when he saw Daniel spacing out.

"You do you think help her bringing out from the room?" Daniel heard that there was someone who had helped her in getting out from that freezer, but the question was who helped her?

"I don't know that, but the person just came like an angel who took her out from that damn cold thing or else imagine what would have Lucas done" he shook his head just assuming the outcome of otherwise.

"You're right.. brother would've burn the place along with the people alive" Daniel just didn't wanted to think anything and just wished the couple to return back home safe and sound.




Back in the hotel

Inside the bedroom, Elena kept looking at Lucas with an unsaid emotion. She didn't wanted to fall weak by watching him begging her. She wanted him to realize that she was the sole person of her life and she had every right to know what was lingering around her.

She thought he would tell her eventually about what was bothering him, but it turn out to be her safety, that disturbed him to the point that he kept it to himself rather than sharing it with her.

No this time she would not melt in his words, they were both couple here and as partners they had to share everything whether it was good or bad.

"Sunshine please... don't be silent. If you're angry then just lash out I won't say a word. If you want to beat me then hit me but please don't be distant with me... I'm not liking it"

He was telling the truth, her silence was burning his heart. Her unknown eyes were not recognizable, she is not the girl who shower him with love and tenderness.

After a long silence finally she broke the ice," Why do want me to talk when you yourself hide things from me.." she smirked and let go of his hand that were holding hers.

Without sparing a glance at him she walked to the bed. Elena didn't had any appetite as her head was mudded with many things which didn't made her feel hungry.

Lucas got up from the ground and followed her, she was weak and need to fill her stomach.

"Sunshine.. it's fine if you don't want to talk but at least eat something" he kept talking to her but she just ignored him and went on the bed covering herself with the duvet. Elena turned her back on him and closed her eyes.

Lucas hop on the bed when he saw her sleeping without having her food. He felt like a helpless person who was desperate for her attention. One word from her and he would again feel like a lively person.

"Sunshine.. I know you are not sleeping.." he leaned forward to see if she was really fallen asleep or was just pretending.

When he saw her eyes closed, he thought that she really doze of. He let out a sigh and spoon her in his arm, hiding his face in her nape. Elena stiffen when he felt his arms circling her waist. She was wide awake, but just wanted to be quite.

"I was right.. you're awake" she tried to free herself from his embrace but his grip on only tighten with her every push.

"Don't! please don't move..." he pleaded. His voice cracked when he begged her crumbling down her resolve as she immediately turn to look at him. He was crying, her Lucas was crying and watching him tearing up broke her heart....

Did she go too far with her silent treatment, that she made him cry... Elena just wanted to make him realize that he should not keep secrets from her. It was fine if that secret was related to her but what if he hides things about his life.. What if something like this happen to him and she doesn't have a slightest hint.