Chapter 114 - Escape


Elena was shocked listening how Marcus mercilessly killed Rosie's father. She couldn't believe how a man can be so blinded by his anger toward his own family that made him a monster to take revenge on them.

"He never showed his true intentions to us. We thought we share a nice bond, but we didn't knew he was plotting against us behind out back" he sighed and rested his back on the chair.

"My own brother, whom I didn't knew was not my real brother had so much hate towards me" he paused and shook his head," Our father never compared us, he always gave both of his son the same love, but they didn't knew when he started felling so inferiors towards me. I would have even forgive him about misleading the company matters or even having a soft spot towards Rosie but.. killing her father made me think back was he that innocent to forgive. No.. he was not"

"After his arrest everything went on smoothly. Rosie was pregnant with Lucas and we were so happy to have a new addition in our family. Father had transferred all his property under Rosie's name" he smiled remembering his wife," Even though, she was against it but she couldn't make him change his mind as it was their family tradition which they have been following for years"

"Then how did Lucas hate him so much if he was arrested?" Elena asked when she saw his smile disappearing from his lips.

"After Lucas was born, we both got busy with our daily schedule... everything was normal until Lucas turned fifteen" his mind went back thinking about his past.

Thirteen years ago,

Blake was busy attending a meeting with his client when he got a call from Rosie," Blake.. Lucas have fainted inside the bathroom, please come fast" her called made him adjourn his meeting as he left the work half way.

Reaching home he saw Rosie crying sitting next to Lucas as the doctor was examining him, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

He rushed towards Rosie consoling her to stop crying, when heard the doctor say," Mr. Thomson is he taking any pills" the doctor asked making them both shock.

"No he don't but what happened to him, why did he faint" Blake asked the doctor.

"He have had sleeping pills Mr. Thomson due to which he had an side effect sending him into deep slumber" he said 

"But don't worry, I have given him injection to reduce the effect of medicine. He would wake up after some time" the doctor informed them and left after making sure the boy was fine.

"How is that possible, why don't we know about this" he called Martha when she walked in fear.

"Martha did you know Lucas have been taking pills" he shouted making her flinch in fear.

"No master, but young master have been behaving differently after he came form his school trip" she informed them.

"I think we need to talk with the principle about it" Rosie said when she heard Martha's words. She was the loyal maid whom they had kept with them from the time Lucas was born. She had been taking care of him like her own son and doubting her would be like judging her loyalty for them.

"I will visit the school soon" he told and left the room.

Rosie took care of her son until he woke up. He was still under the influence of medicine but she didn't forget to notice his behavior. He kept silence after he woke up without even trying to explain his action.

She could sense something was off with his behavior. She tried to coax him but he still kept mum...

"Lucas honey.. is there something bothering you?" she tried to ask but he buried his head in her stomach as if he was himself struggling to share it with her.

"Mom... am I not your son" he asked making her shock on his words.

She pulled him back making him look at her," Who told you that?" she asked.

"That man whom I met on my trip.. He said I'm not dad's son, he said I'm his son and dad will soon leave me" Lucas sobbed as he told his mother what he had been told.

"Who said it to you Lucas" she asked cupping his face. Who was the one who was manipulating his mind, she thought as she softly brushed his hair.

"That man he said you both will leave me alone as I'm not your son" he cried holding his mother strongly.

"Never listen to anyone Lucas, you are our son our flesh and blood. Your dad and mom loves you more than their life. Keep this in mind" she tried to explain him.

She needed to find who was the man who was brain washing her son's mind. He manipulated him so much that he decided to take his life by eating those pill.

Rosie knew Lucas was very sensitive child, even when his grandfather died he had not spoken with anyone and had kept himself alone away from his family. Whenever Ethan or Daniel came to play with him, he would sit silently missing his grandfather. 

Luther had showered Lucas with his love and affection and had became his best friend with whom he loved to share everything. Whenever Rosie and Blake went out for the business trip, Lucas was accompanied by his grandfather. Even Daniel and Ethan loved to join them.

But after his demise, all three boys where left dishearten especially Lucas. The other two forgot about him in few days, but Lucas still missed him whenever he was alone. 

Recalling about her father-in-law, Rosie couldn't believe he would leave them so early.

After making Lucas sleep, she left the room and made a call to Blake informing about what Lucas told her.

"It's him Rosie..." Blake said on the other side of the call.

"Isn't he lockup in prison, how come he is out" she said as she frowned listening his words.

"Few days ago I got a call from the prison informing me that he had escape from there fooling the cops" at first he thought that the cops will find him, but he was wrong Marcus had been hiding himself and now he was following Lucas.

"Do something Blake, he is been poisoning our son's mind" she sobbed on the call.

"Don't worry.. I've already called Henry and told about it. He is going to take in charge henceforth" 

After having his words with Rosie, Blake made sure to tighten the security near the mansion and also in his school. His son life was at stake but why was he following Lucas and manipulating him? Blake seriously had no idea why was he again trying to destroy their peaceful life.


"I want you to keep an eye on every single detail at the mansion. I don't want any loopholes" Marcus ended the call. He had been hiding in the remote area silently following Blake and his family.

"You are the reason Blake why Rosie hates me...because of you I ended up doing all this crime and now it's your turn to lose your life" he smiled looking at Blake photo. He was holding Lucas in one hand while his other hand was circled around Rosie.

"Your son will be my first target...then it will be you" he laughed manically.

"Rosie you will soon be with me" his craze for her had developed over these years and now he was not going to back off... He was going to take her by hook or by crook.


The next day, Blake went to his school were he learned about Lucas being violent with other student. The boy who was good with academic was now loosing his concentration on studies.

"A few days ago... one school staff had seen him entering the washroom with a packet in his hand. When asked he said it was nothing, but then he was found lying unconscious there" the principle said.

"Then why didn't you all told that?" he lashed at the principle making him flinch in fear.

"Sir we had contacted you but your servant said that you were out of town" he wiped the sweat on his head.

"Are you even making sense. you should have called me on my personal number. This is too big thing for me, my son is being getting under bad influence and instead of informing us you are giving excuses" he kept firing the principle and the school staff warning them to call him whenever such situation occurs. 

Blake came out from the cabin when he saw Ethan and Daniel waiting for him outside. The boys looked as if they were waiting for him to come outside for a long time.

"You both don't have class?" he asked when the boys looked at each other signing whether to talk or not. 

"Uncle.." Daniel came forward before he spoke..

"We need to tell you something" followed Ethan.

The trio would always be together but Lucas sudden change in behavior bothered the kids.