Chapter 115 - Change In Behavior

Ethan and Daniel went along with Blake towards the school playground. Taking a bench nearby they settle on it.

After watching the kids trying to talk about Lucas, Blake thought it would be better if they speak in private rather in the school premises.

"What do you want to say Daniel?" he asked looking at the boys who we sitting quietly.

"Uncle... we wanted to talk about brother" he spoke and turn to look at Ethan who also nodded his head.


"Uncle, Lucas had been keeping distance from us. He is not even spending time with us when we are in school. Earlier he use to come and lunch with us but from past ten days he is not even talking to us" Ethan told everything about the change in Lucas behavior.

"Uncle... two days before we had seen brother getting into an unknown car and driving away. We tried to call him but he didn't even spare a glance and they drove away from the school gate" this time it was Daniel.

These three boys had always spend their time together whether in school or home. And from few days they started feeling that Lucas had been trying to stay away from them, he didn't even played with them not did he look to them whenever they called him. They thought may be he was busy with his competition, but after what they heard about him, they decided to talk to his parents.

"Did you see who was in the car?" Blake was sure it was Marcus but he wanted to confirm.

"We couldn't see the person, but uncle after that day we even saw brother out with some bad kids who were smoking" Daniel was shocked to see his brother smoking out there, he had never seen him doing any thing of this sort and it bothered him the most.

They were still minors, and getting into bad habit was not good for their health. That day they even dragged him out from the group but he looked as if he was not in his sense. Bringing him out, they took him to the bench and made him sit but they boy was not even showing any emotion and was totally lost his mind. They made him drink some water which cleared his mind bringing back his sense.

When they asked him why did he do this, he pushed them and went from there in rage. He didn't look like the Lucas they knew, he was not even talking to them if something was bothering him but just kept mum and avoided them.


After listening to the boys, Blake was back home and directly went to his study room to make a call. He informed Henry about what the boys said to him and he wanted Marcus in front of him at any cost.

Earlier they had left him under the police care but now he was destroying his sons life by making him addicted to things which he didn't even tried.

"I want that man Henry.. he is playing with my child's mind" cutting the call he covered his face feeling helpless.

He should have been more careful when he got the news about his escape. How did it skip from his mind that he would manipulate Lucas to take his revenge from him.

He called the doctor asking him to council Lucas and bring him back to his normal self. Marcus had already plant a seed in his mind telling him that he was not his son, but thanks to Rosie she had things under control.

He was busy in his thought when he felt a hand on his head caressing it lovingly. Opening his eyes he saw his lovely wife in front of him. He didn't even sense when she came in and stood next to him.

"When did you came?" he asked and took her hand that was caressing his head into his palm. 

Holding it tightly, he took a deep breathe. They were all happy all these years but with his sudden entry back again, made their life disturbing.

"Rosie our son.. he" Blake couldn't even form a word to tell her. He was struggling to talk to her about their son life is changing into something she didn't want him to be.

"I know.. I heard everything" she rested her head on his shoulder.

She didn't thought, Marcus would fall so low that he was trying to harm their son. Was it because they made him suffer he was not hunting them for revenge but was targeting Lucas to get back to them.

"You know Blake our son is a strong boy and he would not do anything that would upset his parents" he tuned to look at his wife when he saw her nodding his head.

"He told me everything... the man whom he went with was not Marcus but one of his men.." she said making him frown.

"Why did he went with him if he knew the man was not safe" he asked.

"You remember Lucas went for his school trip. He heard one of his teacher and man talk in private. They were discussing about spoiling Lucas life. Lucas was dishearten when he saw one of his teacher trying to harm him just for money. After listening them he silently went away without getting caught" 

"After some time he saw the same teacher coming his way with a glass of juice in his hand. Lucas knew he was something up to so he decided to play along with him.. Taking the glass of juice he pretended to drink it in front of him but after the man left he puked it out" 

"From that day, he decided to act as if they have been succeeded in their plan and had full control on his life. He even went out with the boys from other group and decide to act as if he had started an addiction, but his back luck Ethan and Daniel saw him and they thought he was along with them" she said whatever Lucas told her.

"He just wanted to find out who was the man who had bribe his teacher to harm him and what was his purpose. He even went with the man only to find who was the behind all this and to his surprise he was none other than Marcus..." she sighed and took him on the couch.

"But how did he know him?" Blake was sure they didn't mention anything about Marcus to Lucas.

"Father... he still had his photo frame on the wall along with yours and Lucas happen to ask about him"

It was now making sense, he didn't knew Lucas would be just putting an act to find the man. He was not just smart but also cunning who didn't give them a single hint.

"We now know where he is hiding, Lucas have seen the place we just need to tell the cops about it and they will handle it further" she said picking up the phone and asked him to call Henry and letting know about his hidden place.


Lucas was busy reading his book, when he heard the door of his room open. Blake and Rosie walked in with all smile on their face.

"Dad... Mom" he was surprised to see them both smiling at him. 

He had already scared his parents by trying to take his life. When the man said he was not his son and his mother would soon leave him, started to believe in his words. Not wanting to abandon by his parents and left alone, he gulped the pills and tried to take his life. It was so stupid of him that rather than asking his parents he came into a conclusion by himself and hurt his parents by his action.

"Dad, mom I'm sorry to hurt you both" Lucas was ashamed of himself after what he had done. He knew his parents love him a lot and he just put them down by doing this stupid thing.

Blake walked to him taking a seat on the chair next to his bed," Remember Lucas.. never think of any stupid thing that you would regret latter.. you have always been a strong boy and we are proud of you but, just listening someone's words you decided to leave your parents. You know how it hurt us both" Blake was calm with his words but the hurt in his voice didn't went unnoticed.

"I'm sorry dad.. I won't do that again" he lower his head avoiding his father gaze. He was feeling bad to hurt his parents.

"But my boy is so strong" Rosie walked and stood next to him.

"He was brave enough to go alone and handle his act brilliantly without doubting his motives" she brushed his hair.

"Yes he is.." Blake patted his shoulder and made him look at them.

"I didn't knew my son would have his own plan to help us. Without wavering you handle them very bravely" he was proud of his son, they boy was already mature enough to difference between good and bad.

"Dad that uncle wanted to destroy our family and his first target was me.." Lucas looked up facing his father

"But don't worry dad he will not be able to do that... I just fooled him and recorded their every talk in my recorder" he stood up and brought out the recorder he carried with him without letting anyone know.