Chapter 117 - Self Destruction

Marcus fell on the ground as he was shot on left knee by Henry. The cop have been keeping an track on him and they luckily got hold on him when they saw his car passing by Rosie's mansion.

Henry along with the cops had reach the place where Marcus was but were unaware of anything that happened there.

"You son of a bit*h.. I will kill everyone of you..." Marcus tried to stand up but again landed on the ground when the cops shot another bullet on his right legs.

"You are under arrest Marcus.. don't try to move or else we will have to shoot you again" Henry took his steady steps where Marcus had fallen but to his shock he saw Lucas fallen unconscious not to far away from him.

Henry was trying to understand what happened there and why is Lucas here when Marcus words shock him to the bones," Rosie left me..."he cried smacking his head on the ground like a mad man...

"Arrest him" Henry shouted calling two cops and asked them to handcuff him.

Keeping his gun back in the gun lock, Henry ran to Lucas and carried his limb body to the hospital.


Blake was sitting like a dead person when he got the new of Rosie and Lucas.. He had lost the hope to live and was already on the verge of mental breakdown..

Henry had informed Julian about the accident, without waiting for a second she along with Elena left from her mothers house and reached to the hospital.

Walking to Blake, Henry sat on the bench next to him," You need to cry Blake.. release everything.. don't hold back" his palm went to caress his back making Blake break down as he hugged him tightly... 

"Henry I don't want to live.. she left alone, it should have been me but she.....I can't live without her Henry bring her back please I beg you..." Blake burst into a cry. He poured his heart out in front of his friend

He didn't wanted to survive if she was not with him.. The love of his life left him alone without even letting him see her last time. She was his surviving pill and now he had no one..

"You can't give up on your life Blake...who will think of Lucas. That poor boy have seen her taking her last breathe in front of his eyes" he pulled back and made him look into his eyes," Think about your son.. you know Rosie would not be in peace if she see's you both giving up"

Henry made him stand and drag him to the room where Lucas was been treated. The boy was in shock and was not opening his eyes. 

"See him.. what will happen of him if even you leave him. You can't be selfish Blake. Do you think the boy will survive if he lose his both parents" Henry had lost his cool when he heard Blake talking some rubbish.

Blake look at his boy, Lucas was still unconscious and was been treated by the best doctors...He knew he had no one now accept Lucas and even his wife will not forgive him he give up on their son. He knew how much Lucas meant to both of them... He was the sun to their sky.

Walking close to his bed, he fell on his knees and cried for not being with them. He had lost everything and now he can't loose his only son.

"You need to wake up champ... you need to wake for me" 


Lucas woke up after two days and was not talking to anyone. Whenever Blake went to talk to him he was only welcomed with his silence. He wasn't ready to talk with anyone.

After his discharge, they went to their house but again it all went in vein when Lucas lock himself in his room. He had even called Daniel and his parents, hoping that he would talk to them, but it still didn't help.

He tried his best but his boy isolated himself hiding his heart inside the shell. One day Lucas went missing from his school and was found in the graveyard where his mother was buried.

The first time he had witnessed his son stepping his foot for his self destruction. He was drunk, the fifteen year old boy who was his mother pride was loosing himself after he lost his mother in front of him.

That day he was a changed boy, who didn't care about anything as was letting himself get drawn into the darkness. He went on whoring around when he went to further studies in New York. 

Blake had lost his innocent son, he still cursed himself for not being at her place at least he would have not lost his son in this process.... 

"Everything changes after that one incident... the accident which even took my unborn child"


Blake burred his face in his palm and cried recalling how his happy family was destroyed in a snapped of finger. He still haven't healed from that wound then how was he supposed to believe that Lucas would have.

My son lost his innocent and faith in love. The man who destroyed his family was none other than his brother. His obsession's for Rosie made him beast where in his revenge he took her life in his place.

Elena was shocked listening to how much Lucas had went through and to finally know the reason for him being like this..

She now understood why he would tear up reminding about his mother and from where his fear of loosing his closed one started.

"The reason we asked you to delay the wedding was to keep you safe. Marcus was out again and we don't have any clue where he is been hiding" he looked up at her who was in deep thought.

"If you marry him.. then according to the will all the Thomson assets will belong to you and if Marcus knows that then he would come after you" he said leaving a deep breathe.

Blake just wanted them to first get hold on Marcus making sure no one from the family would get hurt. But he also knew Lucas needed her the most and loosing her would again pull him back into the darkness.

"He is already after me" her words came like a blow to their mind.

"How is that possible.." Henry asked.

"I don't know whether it's him or someone else but I'm sure they have found out Lucas weakness and now they are trying to harm him by harming me" she looked up to Blake and then to her father.

"If they think that sacring me would make me back off from Lucas life then it's their wrong thinking. They are only making my love for him strong and now I won't let anyone harm him" she stood up and declared.

Elena was now aware about his life and the fear lingering around him. But she was not going to leave him fearing about her life. She was damn sure that she would also die if anything happens to him... Lucas was her life, her heartbeat and losing him will be equal to living dead.

"I need to talk to him" she turned back at Blake.

"He is not home.. he left the house absentminded when I brought the topic of will" he said.

Blake thought maybe he needed some time alone to think so he didn't stop him. But now his heart was not feeling easy, he knew that bringing up the past will also stir his mother's memory..

"I think I should call him to come here" he pulled his phone out and dialed his number but his phone was not reachable.

He again tried to call but it didn't connect and now his doubt was confirming, what if he tried to do something stupid again...

"His phone is not reachable" he frowned fearing for his son. Will he again try to harm himself like he had did earlier.

"Let me call Ethan maybe they would be together" Elena tried to connect Ethan and he picked up the call in one ring.

"No I was going to call you to ask the same. I wanted to have some talk with him but his phone is not reachable" his words made her worry about his whereabouts.

After informing him that even they were trying to reach him, he left his house to come at Elena place. Elena told him about everything, and he knew Lucas would not turn his phone off if he wants to have his alone time.

Elena was getting scared, the feeling about him not able to reach was making her heart feel heavy with an unknown fear. She was trying to reach him but they were not able to connect.

She was busy remembering where he could be when something struck in her mind. She prayed that hopefully she would find him there.

"I know where he could be"

Living her house, Elena went to the place where thought her could find him.