Chapter 118 - Lost

Lucas was sitting near his mothers tombstone. He was drinking heavily recalling the horrifying incident that took his mother's life. Even if he tried to act normal but still the scar was deep which bleed whenever he was reminded about her sad smiling face.

And today... everything brought back his memories which he thought he had safely burred deep in his heart. The man who took away his mother's life in his revenge was roaming free without being caught. He was in torment thinking about what if he marries Elena and in his revenge Marcus would harm her. His heart was not strong enough to carry another wound. His mothers blood dripping body always haunted him and the thought of Elena being in that place made him want to take his own life.

He had lost the most important person in his life and now losing Elena was surging up his fear to self destruction. He would again fall into the darkness if he lose her by any mean.

"Mom.. why did you leave me" he slurred.

Lucas was shaking, the alcohol had already hit his system making him loose his sense. He had been crying from the time he reached here.

"It's all my fault.. if I had not ask you to take me for the trip this would have not happened.. it's all my fault" he again took a sip completely emptying the bottle and throwing it away.

Today he had again felt that he was back to zero. After a long time, he was happy but his happiness didn't last for more days. He wanted to marry Elena but if he does that it will come up to her life. The man was not caught and the fear along with him also didn't subside.

"Mom.. I love her a lot. She is my hope of light, my sunshine and I can't live without her but mom... but I can't be selfish to put her life in danger. She managed to bring me out from the darkness which my soul was trap in for years and if anything happens to her.. I won't survive" he rested his head on the marble stone as tears stream down his eyes.

"Mom you said me to be strong for dad.. but I'm not that strong mom. My heart pains every time I recall my past. The thought of losing her scares me to the core where I feel suffocated.. please mom talk to me the way you always did to make me soothe" he didn't know how long he styed there. 

Lucas was not ready to leave her. He needed Elena in his life like a human needed air to breathe. Lucas was exhausted, he had been wiping from the time he came to his mother's graveyard. He felt he was losing himself and his soul was again being getting pulled into the dark.

Lucas closed his eyes surrendering himself as he was all broken, his heart was not at ease and he felt as if his breathe being sucked out from his lungs, when felt the same touch which calmed him always whenever he would feel sad.

"Sunshine" he muttered and slowly opened his eyes.

Elena knew where she would find him and hopefully she was right to guess. Getting the address from Blake she drove to his mother graveyard. She had been there and was listening to his cries. 

Her heart broke watching him sobbing for his mother like a child. He looked like a lost kid waiting for his mothers shelter. His distraught state made her heart rip as if she was being stab by knife multiple times.

Making her way towards him she squat down on her knees as her hand went to cares his head. She wanted to make him feel better, she wanted to pull him back to himself and not let the dark engulf him again. She was soothing his head lovingly when she heard his say," Sunshine.."

'Yes sunshine his only light'

Her hand stop when he held it and lifted his head up turning to look her. Elena was shocked to see his blood shot eyes. They looked restless, his usual chirpy gaze was lost into puzzle. He was looking like a broken person who had lost the hope of living his life.

"Lucas" her voice came like a whisper when she saw a lone tear rolling down his cheeks.

"You came sunshine" he put on a smile and kissed her palm bringing it close to heart.

"Come sit here let me introduce you to my mother" following his words Elena sat next to him while her hand still close to his heart.

"Mom she is Sunshine.. my life and Sunshine she is my mother" he smiled.

"Mom did you like her?" he asked tracing his fingers on her engraved name on the stone.

"I know you do, she is just like you mom.. her personality reminded me of you" he again kissed her knuckles and rested his head on it.

"Sunshine.. my mother likes you.. I can feel that but don't feel bad if you don't hear her. She is there watching us from above" he looked up watching the sky.

Sitting there for a while, Elena pulled back her hand when Lucas took it back," Sunshine you won't leave me like she did right?" he asked like a kid.

"I wont leave you Lucas even if we have to face the biggest battle in our lives" she wiped his tears ad made him look at her.

"I'm not scare of any thing or anyone and if you think that marrying you will harm me then let me tell you Lucas Thomson, I will kill that every person who makes you feel the fear of loosing me" she was determined to be with him and was now not going to back down.

"Marry me Lucas Thomson NOW.." she ordered making him wide his eyes in shock.

Lucas felt his mind clearing up by her words, he knew he wanted her for himself and now she asking him to marry him made his heart overwhelmed.

Elena cupped his face making him look into her browns eyes," Lets face everything together.. without fear of future" her words came like an oath filling his heart with happiness.

"Lets face it together" he nodded his head and stood up giving a final glance on his mother's tombstone.

He was still tipsy but he heard her every word. Even if he was not in his sense he still heard her right. Pulling his phone out he made a call to Ron asking him to arrange their papers in the marriage registration office. 

Listen his boss order, he made all the arrangement. Lucas held her hand and walked out from the graveyard, he was sure what he was doing and now he didn't bother about anything unless she was with him.

On the way to Marriage registration office, Elena informed both her parents and Blake that she had found Lucas and would not be coming home for tonight. Relived by the news they decided not to disturb them and let them have their time together.

She also informed to Ethan was also worried for his friend.


Inside the car, Lucas was resting his head on her shoulder. He was trying to be awake not to pass out in the car unless he get his marriage certificate.

"Lucas are you sure.. you can stand to sign the papers" Elena looked at him who was trying to keep his eyes open by stretching them with his fingers.

This man was acting all funny, she never thought she would see him like this totally opposite of his nature self. He was wasted.

"I can sunshine.. see they are already awake. I will only sleep when we get married" he pulled his head up showing his wide eyes. She couldn't help but laugh at his stature.

Who will say he the same devil of business world who was feared by many. Alcohol really bring the best out of anyone and now she was watching a live record in front of her.

Reaching the registration office, they were welcomed by Ron who was watching at them like horror.

"Boss" he whispered watching Lucas stumbling on his steps and showing his cheeky smile.

"Sir he is drunk can we please finish everything fast before he pass out" she was holding Lucas who was grinning like a fool.

"Ron" he left her hand and went o hug him," Your boss is getting married" he pulled back pulling Ron's cheeks to show how happy he was.

After signing the paper, they came out carrying their marriage certificate and left to his house.

Ron was happy for both of them, he left them alone and went back home after their flash marriage. He only prayed that next morning his boss won't have a panic attack recalling what happened tonight.


Reaching his house, Elena literally had to pull him inside the house as he was not ready to get out from the car. He was holding their marriage certificate and was grinning watching them.

"Lucas walk straight" she was tired of holding his heavy body.

Lucas was leaning on to her making her stumble on her steps. Hope fully no one was there to watch him acting all drunk and making fun of himself.

"Sunshine..."he sobbed watching her getting angry on him.

Elena closed her eyes as another drama was going to start in front of her eyes.. Why did she shout on him? she cursed herself.