Chapter 136 - Fierce Wife

Lucas stirred in his sleep, rolling on the bed because of the headache he was having due to the drink he had taken. Elena was watching her husband cry in pain but still kept looking at him without helping him out.

This man had not stop his wild activity the whole night, who would have thought that the drug in his system was the reason for his uncontrol side.

"Sunshine.. my head pains" he whine and sat on the bed resting his head on the headboard. He needed medicine to soothe his pain which was making things horrible. He felt like he was about to puke.

Elena shook her head and went to take medicine from the closet and came back to the room. She poured a glass of water and passed him the medicine. Taking it from her hand he gulped it in one go.

Lucas had no memory of what had happened to him after he was drug, but he had little blur vision where he had seen Natasha trying to take advantage of his drunk state.

"Are you better now?" Elena asked and took the glass from his hand placing back on the side table.

Lucas nodded and laid on her lap placing her palm on his forehead. Elena kept brushing his hair when the medicine strike in his system snapping his eyes open. Lucas climbed off the bed and rushed to bathroom as he puke everything out.

Elena followed him and saw him resting his head on the wall next to the bowl. She had called Daniel who had told her give him the medicine which will remove every little drop of drug from his body. 

Walking to him she brushed his hair when he hugged her resting his head on her shoulder," The pain will go soon" she said and took him out back in their room. He needed rest to function properly. The drug she gave him was too much for him to handle.

At some point in their activity, Elena felt his body temperature rise as if he was burning in fever which scared her. But after his body was satisfied he slumped back into a deep slumber without waking up in between.

"She will have to pay for this" 

Lucas knew what Natasha had done and her action were not forgivable. She tried to take advantage of him even after knowing he already had Elena whom he loved dearly. Till now he was going lenient on her but now her bold action towards him have angered him to the point where he just want to destroy her completely.

"I have already shown her the place she belongs and if she again does the same.. she will have to face my wrath" Elena's words snapped him to look at her angry look. This was the first time he had seen her in fury and he loved this side of her.

Cradling on the bed he went and hugged her making her look at him," She even tried to remove my clothes" he pouted and complain to her like a kid who was bullied.

Cupping his cheek, Elena stroke it with her thumb making him pout more. This man was too cute to handle," She have already receive a tight slap for touching my husband and the marks on her face are not going to erase soon" her words made him smile as he nodded his head like an obedient puppy.

Lucas had already informed her about the meeting and he could understand how she came there but how did she reach the room where he was taken by Natasha. He himself didn't knew she had all planned this earlier but who was the one that helped her to take him to the room.

"Sunshine.. how did you know in which room I was taken?" He asked trying to remember the person who helped Natasha to carry him.

She stopped caressing his face and frown, even she didn't knew why will the waiter willingly come and help her to reach where Lucas was taken.

"The waiter from the hotel helped me but Lucas... how did he knew me" her mind was thinking to recall how the man who himself came to her and took her to the room without even her asking anyone.

"I will look into this matter" he said and picked his phone texting Ron.


Henry as usual again came for his morning walk but today he didn't see Lan. Dishearten, he took a walk around the big park and left the place. He walked back to his house thinking where will he find the man again but unknowingly he bumped into someone making the bag in his hand fall down.

"Oh sorry..." he said and squat down helping the man with his fallen stuff.

"It's okay" he raised his head when Henry and the man said in unison," You.."

"We meet again" Lingaa said and got up holding his bag.

"I thought I would meet you in the park but you didn't came" Henry face again brightened watching the man. He so wanted to meet him and ask him to join him and Julian as she was too eager to meet him.

"I had to buy some stuff that's why I couldn't make it to the park" Lingaa was following Henry to the park but he didn't had the heart to go and talk to him like the other day. The fear to keep them safe was too strong in his mind and one step close to them would irk his enemy and it was the last thing he wanted. But he didn't thought that he would bump into Henry after watching him from afar,

"Oh so you live here?" Henry asked.

"Yes in the next lane, just came to buy something for breakfast" Lan shows him the bag which had some packets of chips and instant noodles.

Henry frowned when he saw him eating so unhealthy food. Lingaa who was watching him smile inwardly guessing what he was thinking," Fitness freak.." he thought and shook his head.

"You shouldn't eat this food"

'Finally he spoke' Lingaa laughed inwardly hearing his words.

"I don't have anyone who would cook for this is the only source to feed my stomach" his words made Henry sad.

The boy had no one with him and was alone living with no one to care. His fathers instinct strike and he spoke," Come to my place my wife makes delicious food" he said and took the bag from his hand and continued," Young men like you should not eat this unhealthy food" he said making him smile.

Lingaa thought that the man had not change even one percent, he was the same Henry who would keep pestering to make them eat healthy food.

"So you should really join me at my place for breakfast" he said and walked leaving him behind.

Lingaa shook his head and followed the man silently. Even though he said that he didn't wanted to get close to them, but his heart was yearning for their care and love.

After his father died, Henry and Julian where the one who took him under their care and loved him like their own blood, but his fury for revenge made him leave them breaking their hearts. He didn't know if they remember him or not or are they still angry on him.


PM Enterprise

Elena and Lucas were back in the office, she had asked him to take rest but her husband was too stubborn to listen to her. He didn't wanted to leave her side thinking about Natasha again trying to come close to him. He thought being next to Elena will make her fear and he will not have to face her.

Walking in their cabin, Elena turn to see Natasha's cabin. She had already understood that she would not show her face for sometime as she was caught red handed by her and she also knew that she was not going to give up soon. Elena was just waiting for the right time to make the girl fall on her knees and for that she had to be patient.

Taking her seat, she immersed herself in work ignoring a certain person who was watching her like a fool.

Lucas had remembered everything Elena had spoke to Natasha when she had tried to touch him. He was feeling like a proud husband who had such a fierce wife who wouldn't stop at anything if anyone lay a finger on him.

Like a love sick fool, Lucas rested his arm on the table and kept watching his wife with pure affection. This small frame women was like a volcano who would burn everyone who would harm her loved one.

"Sunshine.. I love you" he said making her stop her work and look up at him.

"Huh.." she gave him a confused look and saw him standing up from his chair and walking to her.

"I love you..." he again confessed and this time he bend down and kissed her.