Chapter 140 - Small Devil

Lucas saw her suppressing her anger, he knew she didn't like Natasha and even her name rages her. He gulped the lump in his throat and moved away from her.

'Why do I have a feeling that she is going to punch me?' he thought while watching how badly she crumbled the ice cream cup in her hand. 

Elena turn to look at him, don't know why but Natasha coming to meet him in her absence was not sounding great to her. After she tried her cheap stunt on Lucas, she wanted them to be conscious around her.

"Why did she come to meet you?" Elena flared her nose in anger turning her neck to watch Lucas.

Scared by her dangerous glare, Lucas stood from the bench and took a step away from her. He had this feeling that his wife was damn annoyed at the mention of Natasha's name but how will she react when she will hear him what else she said.

"Hehe sunshine.. don't worry I shoo her away" he pursed his lips looking at the murderous aura surrounding around her.

"You better keep distance from her Lucas or else be ready to sleep in the guest room" she got up and threw the cup in the bin near the bench before leaving the park in anger.

Elena didn't thought that the women would be so shameless that even after being slapped by her, she still come behind her husband. No this should be stopped, Natasha should know that she can't even touch single strand on Lucas skin and if she dare to come near him, she would pull her hand out from the shoulder.

Following his wife like an obedient pet, Lucas tried to talk to her. Elena was in no mood to listen what happen in the office because she clearly heard what Lucas said..

The only words that made her boil in anger was she still had the guts to say that she loved him all this while.

"How dare she" Elena opened the door of the passenger seat and got in shutting it with a loud bang. Lucas who was following her flinch watching how dangerous his wife look at the moment.

Quietly walking on the driver side, he hopped in the car and drove back to the mansion. Lucas kept looking at Elena every now and then listening her muttering something.

'I think she cursing someone' he said inwardly and drove the car. 

Reaching the entrance of the mansion, Elena got out and went to the other side. She opened the door and pulled Lucas out from the car dragging him by his hand inside the mansion.

Elena knew that Lucas would've handle Natasha by his own way but she still couldn't forget how she tried to touch him when he was high on drug. Silently following her, he walked along with her to the room grinning how his small devil was acting.

Lucas was smiling inside his heart looking how his wife easily get jealous. He wanted to thanks Natasha for letting him see his wife possessive side.

Reaching to their room, she opened the door and went inside dragging him in. She threw him on the bed and immediately hovered over him caging in her small frame. 

Lucas was surprise to see Elena being bold and he was liking it. He always felt on cloud nine whenever she initiated something.

"Lucas... you're mine and dare you let her around you.. I swear I will kill her"  she leaned in close to his face showing how persistent she was and would really do as she said.

Lucas smiled and cupped her face taking her into a kiss. He was happy to see even she was as crazy for him the way he was for her.

"I'm all yours wifey.. and about that women.. I don't mind if you kill her for laying a finger on your man" circling his arms around her waist he swift change their position.

Now Lucas was on top of her caging her in his large frame. Elena smiled listening his claim, she was getting too jealous by the mention of her name. She didn't knew she would be so possessive for him that she wouldn't even mind to pluck the eyes which will stare him. 

"You know I don't like her.. she is just to clingy around you" she said whatever she felt about her.

Elena still felt scare thinking that if she had not reached the hotel on time, Natasha would have been successful with her plan.

"I have shown her real place and after today I don't think she would dare to come close to me... but "he stopped contemplating to talk to her about what he doubt.

"But what?" she creased her brows when she saw him spacing out.

"I don't know why but by her previous action I feel the attack on you was done by her.. I don't know if I'm correct but her actions today made me doubt her"

Even she had the same thinking. The time when she was hospitalized that day she came to her and blurt words unknowingly and even Lucas thinks the same.

"I don't know but even I have this same feeling. Her earlier action made me think the same. If she tries to take advantage of you by spiking your drink then she would even dare to attack me just to have you" her words made sense now.

Lucas had seen how manic she was behaving in front of him earlier and how she blurt that she had been secretly loving him all this while. She even said him to leave Elena.... all this words of her were only making their doubt solid. 

"But the attack in the hotel.. we didn't see her" Elena said looking at Lucas.

Lucas pulled back and laid next to her. Even he didn't see her anywhere near the hotel...

"Maybe she have asked the stalker to attack you. Didn't you say that the staff women only lead you to the kitchen but the people who drag you to the freezer room where other men" she nodded her head in yes agreeing his words.

"All this is so confusing.. if she wanted you than why did she not confess her love for you even before we met and why now she is behind you and even trying to kill me" 

"August..." Lucas mutter.

"Huh.. why will he do that"

"August wants all the wealth that belongs to the Thomson and that would happen only when his daughter will marry me.. Plus his daughter will become the sole person who will have her name on the will" he now understood why August was trying to join his hands with him but he had mistaken that Lucas was two steps ahead and would not be easily fooled.

He had been keeping an eye on his every move and the papers they had signed as partners were fake.. Lucas was just using him to let him lead to his one and only enemy and then he would throw both this daughter and father on the streets without having a single penny with them.

"They are going to receive a big bomb on the launch" Lucas smirk thinking about what he had thought to do in the launch event.

Elena circled her arms around his torso resting her head on his chest. She knew he would handle everything and the only thing she had to do was to be with him like his support.

"You handle the father.. I will take care of the daughter" she smile lifting her head looking at him when they kissed sealing their lips.


Knight mansion

Natasha reached her home all drunk. After her confrontation with Lucas she left the place heading straight to the bar. She was furious on how the event turned, Lucas just threw her heart by telling her that her Love is only one sided and he never looked her in that way. 

August saw his daughter stumbling on her feet as she entered the living hall. He quickly walked to her before she fell on her face.

"What's wrong with you.. why are you drunk?" she was reeking of alcohol and that made August scrunch his nose.

"Dad I want Lucas... I can't lose him dad.. he said my love is just obsession and he didn't even look at me in that way" she slurred leaning her head on her fathers shoulder.

"I tried to do everything but my plan is always backfired... and you know who the reason is... Elena" she said making his eye wide in shock.

"Dad she slapped me.. here see" she showed him the bruise on her cheeks which she had hide with her makeup.

Watching his daughter in this devastated state, August felt his heart squeeze. He didn't like how Lucas threw her heart away just like apiece of thrash. He agreed her action were not right but can't he see that she loves him to the point where she even tried dirty trick.

Natasha passed out in the arms. Carrying her in the room August laid her on the bed and watching her cheeks that were slap by that girl. Tucking her in the duvet, he left the room and made a call," Arrange my meeting with Blake Thomson... I would like to have word with him"