Chapter 141 - The Weakest One

Making his way in the restaurant, Blake had agreed to meet August. When August's assistant had conveyed his message that his boss wanted to meet him, Blake just couldn't find any reason to reject it.

Reaching the restaurant where he was asked to come, Blake saw August was already present and was waiting for his arrival.

Watching Blake coming on time, August had this bright smile on his face. He never thought that Blake would agree to come and meet him but now that he was finally here, he would not hold back what he had in his mind.

"Hello Mr. Thomson" 

"I thought I would be the one to reach here first as everyone knows August Knight is a very busy man" Blake faked a smile and spoke in a professional tone.

"Its just a myth they have created about me" asking him to have a seat both settle on their respective chair.

"Why do you wanted to meet me, You know I'm not into business anymore" Blake said casually.

From the time he had got a call from his assistant, Blake knew there must be something different purpose he had to tell or else after knowing that he had left the position why would August still ask him to meet. Knowing how cunning August Knight was, Blake could only keep thinking why he wanted to meet him.

Clearing his throat August directly came to the point without beating around the bush," Blake as you know we are business partners now so don't you think that we should be partners as in laws too.. I mean how about we let our children's get married"

Blake had the same face from the time he had come. He was right the cunning man was again using his master card of business marriage. He should have understood it before coming here.

When August didn't get any reaction from him, he continued to make him understand," Don't you think marrying our kids will increased our business all over the world it will be win win situation for us"

August was not going to back off, he had already tried different thing but his daughter had failed to seduce Lucas. Yes he had learned everything what his daughter had done behind his back and he was really disappointed by the outcome.

"Plus my daughter like Lucas" and this was the bomb he explode on Blake.

'So this is the actual reason for him to let both get married' Blake thought and a smile formed on his lips.

How could he not forget both daughter and father were the same. When they set their eyes on anything they do every mean to grab what they desire. And now, his daughter wanted Lucas and father wanted all the Thomson assets.

Blake finally broke the ice between them and opened his mouth to speak," I think this decision should be of Lucas. As you know Lucas is the one who should decide and take decision of his life and I don't want to force him on anything" Blake was just playing along.

He knew Lucas had decided to announce his marriage, but before that Blake was not going to give any hint about Lucas being already hitched. He just wanted to play with this cunning man in his own game.

"I know you're right but don't you think I have a valid reason to give you this proposal. In that case we can merge our companies together and work as team" 

"Hmm... your words make sense" Blake nodded making the man smile inwardly.

"But still I prefer you to ask Lucas about it after all its his life and he is handling the business" Blake's words poured cold water on August and his smile faded in thin air.

Getting up from the chair, Blake gave a smile to August and was about to leave when he saw August face twitching in anger. Blake wanted to laugh on his face but he didn't wanted to make August look pathetic.

"By the way August, don't your daughter know Lucas already has Elena in his life. She is the one my son is crazy for and is really serious about being with her. I think Natasha should better stop liking him or else her unknown action will make my son piss on her" saying this he left the restaurant leaving August boil in anger.


Rosie mansion

Lucas was showering Elena with kisses making her giggle on his action. After their long night session Elena doze off to sleep and was woken up by her husbands kisses.

"Wakey... wakey sunshine" he kept saying in between the kiss waking her up.

"Lucas... I'm already awake stop kissing" she said opening her eyes.

Lucas was looking like a seducing king in his morning look. His fallen hair on his forehead and his twinkling morning eyes were making him look more handsome. Snaking his arms around her waist he pulled her close to him.

"I still can't believe we're already married it still feels like dream" he said kissing her lips.

Elena smiled on his words, even she felt the same. It was more than a weak they had registered their marriage but it still felt like a dream.

"Sunshine where should we go for our honeymoon" he asked.

'Were they not in their honeymoon phase already' Elena thought getting up from the bed.

"You still want to go for honeymoon when we still keep doing our deed in our room" she chucked and walked in their walk in wardrobe.

Lucas climbed down and followed her like a puppy," But still sunshine don't you think we should really go for honeymoon after all its our right" he asked standing behind her watching her remove the clothes.

"We should.. but not now lets think after sometime" she said pushing him aside and walking in the bathroom.

"Sunshine..." he whined following her at the door of the bathroom.

Elena was just teasing him, she knew how eager his was to take her for their honeymoon. He had been planning it for a long time and couldn't wait to travel with her.

Elena laughed watching him whine like a kid. 

"Lets do our honeymoon" she said and pulled him inside the bathroom before shutting the door.


Ethan's apartment

Daniel and Ethan were sitting on the couch throwing dagger on one another. They still couldn't believe their girls fooled them and let them spill every secret about them.

"Look at them, they're looking like bulls ready to throw each other away by their horns" said Samantha.

"Yes how fun it will be to see them fight" Maira flip the omelet on the pan and placed it on the plate after it was cook.

Samantha and Maira had finally made them talk like a robot and spill every secret about their other business. These boys were like a walking devil in human form. Even though they were merciless and ruthless they were doing the business legally helping the needy people.

They both couldn't remain angry on them as their business was purely based to help the people who were in need of money. They had even managed to stop the illegal business of human trafficking in other countries and have given them place to live and start a new life. 

"I didn't knew you would easily get swayed by Maira's words" Ethan folded his arms and shook his head in disbelief.

"I can ask you the same?" Daniel was not going to let him tease.

"Whatever.. now the only person left is Lucas. Do you think he will be able to keep it under wrap?" Ethan asked Daniel but the man scoff loudly.

"He is the most weakest among us. Do you think he can keep silent for long" Daniel knew his brother would act like a puppet and spill everything without even letting Elena ask him.

"No doubt he is the most weak out of us" both sigh deeply agreeing to each others words. 


Lucas dropped Elena to the venue where the launch was going to take place. She along with Ron were just taking a last view if everything was done according to their plan.

Walking to the main hall, she discussed some point with the organizer and left the place going back to the office. Getting out from the lift the first person she saw was Natasha discussing some work with the employees.

When she saw Elena, she just averted her gaze and treated her like an invisible person. Elena thought her behavior odd, but the fury in her eyes didn't went unnoticed.

Entering the cabin, she didn't see Lucas. Thinking him to be out for meeting she settled on her seat and continued to work.

After about an hour, she finally saw Lucas returning back. He was looking worn out as he had really rough time.

Walking to the couch he slumped on it closing his eyes when he felt two pair of soft hand placing on his eyes.

"Is my husband tired?" she asked as her palm left his eyes and went to massage his temples.

"Hmm.. little bit" he said and let her do whatever she was doing. He felt his tiredness slowly going as his body relax making him fall into sleep.

Elena let him have a nap and walked back to her table cancelling his meeting. She knew he have been working too hard and was not resting properly.. She just asked Ron to take his place and attend the meeting.